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  • TheLasersShadow

  • TheLasersShadow

    P.S.  PPTP vpn has been broken do not use it unless you don't care about encryption or it's the only option (usually not true).

  • guest_blog

    Top 5 Free VPN Services

    Posted: 26 Feb 2013 01:49 AM PST

    List of the top five free VPN services around for circumventing censorship at home and at the workplace, and for protecting your identity and data from prying eyes; especially useful when for public Wi-Fi connections. So what is a VPN? A VPN is a private network with “virtual” encrypted connections routed through the Internet to remote servers. The data traveling between you and those servers is encrypted, and the IP address that will appear will surfing or downloading content from the Internet will be that of the server and not your own. Thus, a VPN provides a level of anonymity on the Internet that helps protect your data and identity from theieves, criminals, and the prying eyes of govt.