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No Confidence Party







No Confidence Party




  • Nathan

  • Nancy Oakley

  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Nancy Oakley

  • Patriot Pete

    "Should we exercise our passion by pretending lever 1 or 2 is really the object of our desire?"


    Pretend at your peril

  • Nathan

  • Nathan

    :) I don't recall making a blue or red choice but if I did, and was given a chance to make it again,....I would make the same choice.

  • Nathan

    OMG....just realized who Rand reminds me of.......Mr. Rogers!

  • suzie

  • suzie

    i love your new group  :)

  • Nathan


  • suzie

  • suzie

  • Tara

    I love this group! The no confidence party... I certainly have no faith in any of the above. All we get from these great pretenders in the ring of political theatre is a cock fighting, pissing match and of course a game of who's got the biggest weenie of them all. And the whole time they were really crossing swords to begin with... who's screwing who is what I'd like to know? ;) No... I will not vote for the biggest dickhead. I'd rather vote for an inaminate object right about now, lol.

    I love all the pics, discussions, comments in this group. Laughter is the key to sanity for sure these days :)

  • Tara

    Here's a little blog that I posted some time ago about WHY NOT TO VOTE. You can all make up your own minds as I will do the same, but I think it is a great argument none the less.

  • Tara

    I think I shall Troy :) With my own spin on things as well!

  • Central Scrutinizer

    Here's what they think of your votes...yard sale....$2.00.....full of voted ballots from Sacro..What a Bargain!!


  • raymond _______

    I fully agree,voting is no addition.

    At this stage it is only prolonging the agony.

    More people need to be politically motivated,it is hard work trying to convince people.

  • raymond _______

    When 51 people can overrule 49 people,thats not fair.we need a lot more of communities speaking together as one voice,individuals can be silenced,but you cant silence 50000 people.We have the tools to take FREEDOM back but we need to do it through the courts legally.We need those people on our side,and it is happening in small ways,but we need more legal minds to help.

  • Anthony Furciniti

    The race is not always to the swiftest nor the battle to the strong but it's almost always a good bet... Our God is an awesome God he reigns forever and ever!

    Without end amen... Jesus Lives!

  • T Stirhen

    How about instead of letting those who are behind the scenes decide for us (Election Fraud) we CHANGE the way we vote back to LOW TECH.

    Not voting is a "vote" for whoever those behind the scene wants put into office. Taking back our vote means we do NOT have to vote for the "lesser of two evils". That we do not even let them run.

    Right now there has been election fraud in all the states (GOP) that have voted. The first election Bush was literally put into office. Obama and H. Clinton were put at the head of the DNC by fraud.

    This is OUR country. Just because illegal laws are now being implemented does not mean we have to allow this to go on. Call for the arrest and prosecution of EVERY single domestic enemy of the USA in all three branches (not all are, about 97% are tho.

  • T Stirhen

    America is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. It is similar to a democracy because it uses the democratic process to elect representatives, etc. The critical difference is that it has a Constitution that defines and limits the powers assigned to the government. They have way overstepped that limit. But WE allowed them to.

  • T Stirhen

    The Constitution grants our government limited specified powers, and only those powers – no one serving within our government can legally take more powers. It clearly defines government limitations to protect the liberties of the people. The preamble to the Bill of Rights clarifies that purpose, while the Bill of Rights directly sets limits on the federal government. It makes clear that the federal government has no power to infringe on rights we already naturally possess, or to limit traditionally held privileges - such as trial by jury

  • T Stirhen

    The amendments of the Constitution are not to be subect to vote. This means Congress does not have the power to pass laws concerning these rights.

    What they are doing is illegal in OUR country under our legitimate government.

  • T Stirhen

    Executive orders are using the executive branch to write law.

    According to our constitution Congress is the ONLY government body that has legislative power. Article one states, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress...”

    Notice the word “All”. There is NO room for interpretation. It does not mean most legislation and it does not mean all legislation except what the President may wish to pass, it means ALL.

  • T Stirhen

    A government may have the ‘power’ to do something though not have the legal backing to do so. If Congress passes a law, or the President passes an executive order (automatically illegal), that is in conflict with/or is against the Constitution, the act creates ‘law’ but does not make it legal because it HAS to be constitutionally lawful. However it may be enforced by police action and be unconstitutional and illegal, yet carry the appearance of law. It gets enforced because law enforcement agencies and/or the military does not keep their Oath to “Support and Defend the US Constitution” BEFORE the duties of their position, and instead blindly follows orders, even illegal ones.

  • T Stirhen

    This is an attack on the USA from inside - domestic enemies and traitors.

    Dumping our legitimate government should not be the issue. DEFENDING it is the issue.

  • T Stirhen

    Take the UN Agenda 21. It takes away our right to own property. It takes away property we may already own. It all gets taken for the "community" good. Before you all give up, states are banning this. If you did not know, states and the people have more power then those in the federal government (except we, our parents, let them take more illegally for themselves) - under our legitimate government.

    Have any of you read "Opening Statement" by Justice Robert H. Jackson, Chief of Counsel for the United States (Nuremberg Trial)?

    Does this sound familiar? (con't)

  • T Stirhen

    (con't) A presidential decree was created suspending the extensive guarantees of individual liberty contained in the constitution of the Weimar Republic.

    Those decree’s were restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion - including freedom of the press, on the right of peaceful assembly, the right of association, and violations of the privacy: postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications; and no need for warrants for house-searches, orders for, confiscations as well as restrictions on property, etc all taken away under the guise of “keeping the people safe”. {much like what is happening within the USA today, as all of the “restrictions” on our freedoms are “for our own safety”}.

    Many were arrested as “belligerents” – no real crime committed, just disagreeing with the destruction of their legitimate government.

  • T Stirhen

    (con't) Secret arrest and indefinite detention; without charges, without evidence, without hearing, without counsel, and no court could issue an injunction, or writ of habeas corpus, or certiorari. The German people were in the hands of the police, the police were in the hands of the Nazi Party, and the Party was in the hands of a ring of evil men who wanted to rule the world.

    The concept then was to control the world; the concept now is to make a one-world “government”. Tell me, what is the difference?

  • T Stirhen


    “Uncontrolled search and seizure is one of the first and most effective weapons in the arsenal of every arbitrary government. Among deprivations of rights, none is so effective in cowing a population, crushing the spirit of the individual and putting terror in every heart.”

    Justice Robert Jackson, Chief U.S. Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials

  • T Stirhen

    This is far bigger then the candidates. If mass media is backing them it is because they were told to do so. This is OUR country. This is (not what is operating now) OUR legitimate government and it requires our defense. It requires that we call out for the arrest and prosecution of those who have been, are currently working against us from within the three brancehs of OUR government..

  • T Stirhen

    Sorry, went off. i'll go

    Enjoy your night.

  • Amaterasu Solar

    Ok, so even though I am not a member of Your party, I joined. I am a member of the Ethical Planetarian Party. To learn more about the party, see:

    I do, however, agree that I want neither the left hand puppet (Obama) or the right hand puppet (Romney) of the beast that puts on puppet shows to keep Us enthralled, divided and conquered, while stealing Our planet from Us, killing and enslaving Us.

  • Don Cordell

    Complain all you want, yet every last one of you will vote for Obama, or Romney, because you don't have the guts to vote for Don Cordell, to Restore not Change America. So 4 more years of destruction, and on to the New World Order. It will take guts, to stand up and prove you really care about the future of our nation, One Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for some. Until we break from the two party voting block, we will continue the financial destruction happening in almost ever state. The Federal Government only owns Washington DC no land in any other state. District of Criminals is enough for them to control. Lets show these creeps that WE the People do have some rights, and retake control of our nation, this November.

  • raymond _______

    The System that we have is far from perfect and the problems we have can be changed but we need the will of the people.

    Advertising agencies.shut the pricks down.

    Split big companies up.

    Get all the lobbyists onto a space ship and just shoot it into space.(in any direction).

    Sack all Bureacrats as they are an incurable disease.

    Nationalise all financial institutions,the love of money is the root of all evil,so take it away from individuals and they re minions.

    The system we have took a long time to put in place so why scrap it.It would take less time to sort the system out than to set up a new one,and it can be done with the will of the people.

    Courts are no problem if you know who you really are,then you have the power.

    At the end of the day the law is the law,we the people need to exercise our rights as the powers that be are breaking the law every day and they need to be STOPPED.


  • Sheila survivor

    Make your NON-vote count!  Don't comply.  If you're fighting the system, you're still in it.  The best revenge is living a good life, your way, dependent on no one else -- even "your government".

  • Ken Troxel

    Need to start a campaign that states that "NO CONFIDENCE" is a viable write in vote.  To bad voting in elections no longer matter. Electronic election fraud has stolen the peoples singular roll in government, our vote.

  • karen arsenault

    Troy been having a problen with my pc have some virus in it trying to get rid of it with my pc matic may have to take it to be fixed

  • Nathan



    and Advanced System Care 5 Free:

    Might save you some cash.

  • Unemployed Storm trooper TK420

    Love the Rotbama Sticker ! LOL !

  • The Jackel

    A vote for lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil

  • Ken Troxel

    Every law passed is a liberty lost

    “The singular role of any government is to secure the rights of the people, any law that does not hold this basic tenant is unconstitutional.” – kdtroxel (corporations are not people, people are not corporations)


    “Our government is designed to initiate and sustain violence, the people are born into the sense of insecurity, and thus government feeds into this insecurity with the fictions of strong military, a military that gets used far too often.” – KDT


    “One plutocrat is the same as any other, until we remove the money requirement to run for office, this will not change.”  -- KDT



  • The Jackel

    Melissa yes you can the statement was said in many forms and no one knows who really said the quote.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    yes yes Malware Malbytes for sure Karen, Nathan is 100% right, best thing to eliminate the nasty's that the super "A/V" products don't catch. Use it on all my clients and works great.

    Mixed Blessings today....The (not)Federal Rsrv getting a full blown audit, Benny shittin in he drawers....but then also today, that illegal SCOTUS snuck in a sneaky snack and passed the DeathCare Tax. Big shit-covered thanks and communicable diseases to Chief Justice John Roberts for throwing this one.

  • karen arsenault

    sorry i haven't been here lately still having a computer problem i have ant virus l i stil need someone to look at it i think its in the hard drive. even my key board is skippig letters now i'll be back:)  

  • Dee

    Thanks Troy! :)

  • suzie

    uh hu!!

  • MAC

  • MAC
