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No Confidence Party







No Confidence Party




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  • Ken Troxel

    Know Your Rights Law Student Put Cops In His Place

  • Nikki

    @Ken, that video was great and really made me smile. ;)

  • MAC

    Are you celebrating Dependence Day!

  • MAC

    you are a true patriot

  • Issachar

    Yeah so this whole Group is basically saying what God has shown me in his word and in research. America we are screwed!!! We need to look on to Jesus Christ. These 2 candidates ant going to do nothing for us, except destroy America and are way of life. 

  • Issachar

    Like my Pastor says, with Obama we have Liberal Socialism and with Mitt Romney we have Conservative Socialism. 

  • Issachar

    That Obamney says it like it does in the Bible and how Esoteric Theosophy works. Just like Satan ant it. Obama is like the sons of God, the fallen Angels and Mitt Romney is like the daughters of men, Like Isis was! Its like Aliester Crawelys hands resting to his face, like the Ying Yang, opposing forces but working for the same Evil!!!

    Genesis 6:4

    Genesis 6:4

    King James Version (KJV)

    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

  • Issachar

    Yeah look at it like this, its a Obamney---Obamnation---Abamnation---Abomination see the Evolution here people :D

  • MrEthiopian

    My 2 centz

    I voted for Dr.Paul in the last election when he did not get the nod, i shamelessly voted for Obama. Regardless of Dr.Paul getting picked or not by the GOP scumbags, I will be voting (Write-In)  DR.Ron Paul.


  • Tara

    Ok... I've thought about it and have decided that I'm going to come up with a No Confidence 2012/None of the Above anthem. I think I have enough to draw on from this group, you think??? ;) As soon as I'm finished with the lyrics, I'll post them in a discussion here. And eventually, put it to music or vice versa, whatever comes first. 

    I'm going to have fun with this project !!! ;) Rock on ~

  • honeygirl

  • honeygirl

    Im just going Lolo pupule Troy

  • Nathan

    Obama’s not the problem. Romney’s not the solution.

  • Tara

    I'm still waiting on the Tee's, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, ectera... The Tees would make a great gig shirt ;)

  • Dianne Stallark

    If you had to eat 1 foot of shit or 2 feet of shit....which one would you choose? seems like after 1 foot, you'd be accustomed to eating shit. That's what our grubberment is trying to shove down our throats!

  • apeman2502

      There are many thousands of innocent people being murdered in the middle east with our tax dollars and military at the president's service. Mittens is a cracker crook and Obama is half out of his mind 24/7 on scopolamine or a lobotomy. Out of respect for the constitution and citizens living in countries being bombed these days, i will forgo the whining and vote Dr. Ron Paul for president, help dump the Fed, bring the troops home, help criminalize Monsanto and confiscate their lands and facilities, etc..

      Hit your thumb with a hammer if you wish to whine and bail out. What that hammer does to your thumb is being done in over 12 different nations by the crazy man in the White House and his punks to children and adults who never attacked the U.S.. Guantanamo prison like wise is full of innocents being tortured and killed by OUR government and I curse the fool who thinks that is O.K..

      That's 'mahalo'.

  • Tula

    Bravo Apeman- 100%

  • Nathan

    @ Troy


  • Nathan

    Welcome, CH! Good to see you here

  • D.M. Simonds

    Do we have a party like this here in the US?

  • Vida Smith Compton

    Age those look aid pills? WoW ,wonder who O got to think that one up? Lol....he he he he ....

  • Dianne Stallark

    we have 2 choices in the upcoming Selection... 1 CAN'Tidate and 1 CONidate

  • D.M. Simonds

    Au contraire, for you did not understand my question.                       Please remember, I am a researcher of the Illuminati.

    As de Editor of the ScribeCave, I do not partake into of any your political party nonsense, nor hold adoration for your politicos. I have long ago taken the blue pill and learned to follow their dirty trail and have found just who their true allegiance belongs to, and in my disgust of the corruption and greed plaguing our country thanks to the cheats, liars, con-men, and don't forget the tax cheats of D.C., I have learned more about your useless voting facade then you could fathom. 

    With that pretty much said: I was curious as to your interest in a group from New Zealand.

  • D.M. Simonds

    You also have another choice--boycott the vote.

  • Nathan

     I do not partake into of any your political party nonsense, nor hold adoration for your politicos.


    I believe that's the reason Troy came up with the idea of a NO Confidence 'party'. Is it a political party in the formal sense? No. Could become one I suppose but then again, that might be redundant ;)


    “I believe in only one thing: liberty; but I do not believe in liberty enough to want to force it upon anyone.” H.L. Mencken

  • Tula


  • D.M. Simonds

    At least you know where I stand on the issue. I do not condone their crime by participating in the lie.

  • Nathan

    Your in good company, D.M. I believe most here do not condone nor participate in it either.

    I've gone Galt meself.


    ‘It is not a man's duty, as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradication of any, even the most enormous wrong;...but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and,....not to give it practically his support. If I devote myself to other pursuits and contemplations, I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man's shoulders.’ Henry David Thoreau

  • D.M. Simonds

    Ah then we are of the same mindset. I have to go and get some work done on the second book and for now will leave you with this:

    If we do not learn to stand as one and therefore stave off the Illuminati plans for all of humanity . . . then we have done nothing more than create our own reservation.

    In Russell Means message to the white race: "Welcome to the reservation."

    Cindy Sheehan: "I have given my son, I will give no more."

    And still, there is another person who will tell you, "Voting is a crime."
    He is L.B. Bork who wrote: "The Red Amendment."

  • Dianne Stallark

    @D.M.... I believe that you are in good company here, with like-minded souls who despise the politiCON system!

  • suzie

  • D.M. Simonds

    You got it suzie!

    We know the problem, now what's the solution?

    And, when your awakening has begun and you have disconnected from the Matrix enough to know you are being lied to, will you then stand for what is the truth?

    I for one, don't like the political choices being played out to us on the puppet stage. This is nothing more than the same old spin when McCain and Obama were running before, just pick the lesser of two evils and all is well.

    Well my solution is simple:

    If you can't give us nothing more than a couple of establishment puppets--then it's time to boycott the vote. That's right, stand up and just say: "No!" Until you can give honest politicians who can and will take America and its people first-second and third, we will stand and keep on standing to say there is something terribly wrong and we will have no more of it.

    Furthermore on the solution:

    An awakening must occur, not only for the Web, but for a nation and this entire planet because what we are dealing with is an encroaching 1984 Orwellian society with a eugenics focus. 

    Enough said for now. If you need anymore elaboration on the solution let me know and I'll send you a smoke signal from the ScribeCave.

    Take care and God bless.

    Your power is the truth you hold in your mind, heart and soul and dare to share with your fellow man. 

  • raymond _______

    Who is John Galt?

  • D.M. Simonds

    I agree. Now how do you do that with an IRS who has hired 6,700 agents and don't forget all the weapons and ammo purchases just to enforce Obamacare?

  • Dianne Stallark

    our grubberment =



  • Dianne Stallark

    @raymond quinlan.... John Galt is a fictional character in the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. A book that pertains to what is going on in our society, today, although written in 1957 "

    As the plot unfolds, Galt is acknowledged to be a creator, philosopher, and inventor who symbolizes the power and glory of the human mind. He serves as a principled counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel. The depiction portrays a society based on oppressive bureaucratic functionaries and a culture that embraces stifling mediocrity and egalitarianism, which the novel associates with socialistic idealism. Wikipedia.

  • suzie

    my solution is even simpler ..300million ppl file exempt all at the same time   we all say stop feeding the machine but we still do it .. were all afraid to lose some kind of comfort. if you want to stop the machine TURN IT OFF! that should answer the question of 67 thousand armed agents and staving the Parasite.  FREEDOM is an EXEMPTION AWAY .. now who will give me a BULL HORN and a stage .. it is so simple and i would die happy if i could move all people to do it .. I DO!  all i hear is to stop feeding the machine STAND UP and be the solution .. my solution hits the elite where it hurts and takes away ALL there power and control and puts it back in our hands and FYI it is constitutional and legal we have the right to keep our own money its real in our hands. . when i left the MATRIX it was the first thing i figured out .. now i just have to get 300million others to WAKE THE HELL UP!  & JUST DO IT!!

  • suzie



  • Dianne Stallark

    our grubberment =



  • Dianne Stallark


  • D.M. Simonds

    Two things here:

    1) You're still stating a problem. How are your going to stop feeding the beast? Do you actually know as to where the beast is connected. You have to not only talk the talk but walk the walk here people.

    Example: (Or a test of how awake your are.) Do your know the difference between a real church who serves our Lord and Savior from a 501c3 corporate church who is beholding to Big Brother? If not, the corporate church is known as the Whore Who Rides the Beast.

    I could name more items for you, but instead say, here lay more of your truth trail that awaits you.

    2) As for the voting: Unless you rescind your vote officially, your vote will automatically be registered for the ruling party. I'm sure I'll get flamed on this one also, but I don't get upset over criticism, I'll just pray for your awakening to continue.

    How do I know this?

    I have learned this from those who take disconnecting from the matrix very serious, and this is one of the steps I have been able to achieve. You have to go into your county voter's clerk and do this officially or make the call. There is a form you fill out, or some groups use a form type letter. You have enough time before the election to do this. Just saying No Confidence will not work. This is how corrupt your system is, meaning, you have to disconnect from your voting privilege by playing their game, or, it's not official. 

    Each county or state may have their own procedure.

    If your serious, look this up on the Web, call or go by your county clerk who handles voter's registration.

    Remember: The congregation votes with their feet.

    Now get out there and rock their world.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    Romney, Republican Party raise $101.3 million in July

    U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney makes a point at a campaign event in Golden, Colorado August 2, 2012. REUTERS/Rick Wilking

    (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee raised $101.3 million in July, turning in another big month of financial strength for their battle to defeat President Barack Obama on November 6.

    In addition to the July numbers, the Romney campaign also planned to announce on Monday that Romney, the Republican National Committee and state party participants have $185.9 million cash on hand.

    Romney has been outpacing the Democratic incumbent in fund-raising, and his July total of $101.3 million is another sign that Romney and his allies are on course to wash away any cash advantage that Obama, as an incumbent president, typically would enjoy in a bid for re-election.

    Romney brought in $106 million in June, $35 million more than Obama raised that month, and the Democrats have warned they are in danger of being outspent in the run-up to the election.

    Romney finance chief Spencer Zwick said donations have come from a broad spectrum of people including Republicans, independents and Democrats.

  • MAC

    so far we know Romney has a lot of the same backers as Obama and there are rumors he attended the Builderburg meeting, did I miss anything.

    he was not the GOPs no 1 choice, we all exposed them all, we bumped all the obvious shills out of the running and the GOP wound up backing Romney only because he was there only choice that was left in the running.

    All the others were 100% NWO shills, we know that, with the exception of Ron Paul and Romney, we really don't know much about Romney do we, I think he is with the NWO program but I can't say that with 100% certainty, On the other hand I know Obama is one of the most despicable people walking the planet, if he gets another term were for sure going to be toast, we can't survive 4 more years of Obama, theres no way in hell that Romney is as bad as Obama.

    If you don't vote, in effect your voting for Obama, Why! because this group is targeting conservatives not to vote, this message is not going out to leftest, there going to vote for Obama in masses and if conservatives don't vote for Romney guess who were stuck with.

    were all discussed with the system, we all want to restore our Republic, but this is not the right coarse to take, I was a Ron Paul supporter, but I will vote for Romney, we really don't know what he will do, but we know dam well what Obama will do if he remains.

    I know your hearts in the right place Bro but not taking part is not the answer.

    Theres a good chance there wont be an election, Obama is not going to going away easily.

  • MAC

    Troy I feel partly responsible for getting you on this track, this was not my intension, I consider you a friend were on the same side, I just don't think this is the right way to go, this might work if all Americans were opting out, but thats just not the case.

    just saying

  • Nikki

    I just had this conversation with a relative this weekend.  He knows Romney is a globalist shill and that nothing will change but he wants Obama out no matter what. I told him, dude do what you feel you have to do but my heart is no longer in it to continue playing the game.

  • Ken Troxel

    World Banker Makes Stunning Confession

  • wade

  • Dianne Stallark

    LOL @wade!

    @Troy.......great minds think alike.....does wade's post bring back memories?

  • MAC

    I agree from all indications Romney is a NWO leftest shill, were going to wind up with one or the other, so we have to consider to what extent is one or the other willing to sell us out.

    Shitty choice! but no choice is a choice, no way around that, if conservatives opt out, I would think Obama would love that, hes trying to screw our military voting, it wont take much for him to win if it's as tight as they say, do we really think theres no difference between Obama & Romney, I see a lot of differences, for one Romney is a natural born citizen, I used to deliver his parents news paper when his dad was Mayor of Detroit, no his family is not as American as my family, hes like 2nd generation American, my Family came hear on the Mayflower.

  • Nathan

    Mac, if you think the lesser of two evils is the way to call it more power to ya' Bro.

    I do appreciate the Natural Born point; and while you and I care deeply about the Rule of Law unfortunately fedgov doesn't give a sh*t.

    I do not see change coming from the top.

    But we are working toward the same goal...perhaps burning the candle from both ends? :)



    Tis the reindeer game season ;)