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No Confidence Party







No Confidence Party




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  • Freedomrox

    No Offense Mac, but that is a load of crap...literally. Mittney is doing the PRECISE thing that Obamy is doing to the Vets! There is NO DIFFERENCE between the two! I don't care if you were Mittney's first cousin's, sister's, pet terrier's Valet....he is still an elitist, and still ana enemy of freedom. I will not cast my vote to the four winds on a twisted argument such as you put forth Mr. Wade.

    This is not an angry retort and not personal, but an attempt to show the fallacy of the Two Party argument, when there is only ONE PARTY. The one they are having at the expense of every American family that is being and will be put out on the street, many of them veterans!

    Mitt Romney is trying to restrict voting rights for over 900,000 Ohio veterans

  • Nathan

    Thoreau? I would have thought Spooner skeptic is as good as another I suppose. Then again, Thoreau was an elequent writer. OH! What about Fisher Ames?! Am I reaching to far back in history? :)

    Thoreau is fine with me.

    Let it be so! So says the drunken Frog! :D

  • Freedomrox

    Yes, Troy...they repealed the 18th Amendment! Ooops, ummm, well that is...only after the People rose up in anger and forced them to repeal it...and after the Fed's noticed how much they were losing in TAXATION....and...


    What were we talking about again?

  • Don Cordell

    Two ancestral families of mine came on the Mayflower, George Soule, and Francis Cooke, and their spouses, and some of their children. You should have realized as a Mormon, Romney's ancestry is on

  • Freedomrox

    Hopefully Mike R. will forgive me, but I totally agree with him on this point. How do you know if any are with the NWO?

  • Nathan

    Aww...thats so cute. Very nearly as good as Obama-wan-kenobi's Nobel prize for accomplishing nothing. ;)


  • MAC

    I kinda think Romney isn't trying to win, OK so he is trying to disrupt vets in Ohio from voting as you said Freedomrox  wouldn't he be shooting himself in the foot, confirming what I just said, maybe the Builderburg's told him to take a dive for Obama.

    Do what ever you guys think is right, I think a big part of the problem we face today is because to many voters are not informed and to many of them sit out the elections as it is, if more of them were informed and involved we may have avoided the mess were now dealing with, But then on the other hand perhaps it's a good thing the dumbed down don't vote.

  • Nathan

    Too many voters not informed. Agreed.

    I would go further and say too many have no concept of what Liberty truly is. But then, it's not like the system encourages anyone to understand it. It's designed to discourage independent thought and action.

    The only thing I encourage anyone to do is follow their conscience.

  • Nathan

    “I believe in only one thing: liberty; but I do not believe in liberty enough to want to force it upon anyone.” H.L. Mencken

  • Tara

    “It makes no difference who you vote for - the two parties are really one party representing four percent of the people” Gore Vidal

    "If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it."
    Ken Livingstone

    "Why do the people humiliate themselves by voting? I didn't vote because I have dignity. If I had closed my nose and voted for one of them, I would spit on my own face."
    Oriana Fallaci

  • Freedomrox

    "All the World is a Stage, and we but poor Actors destined to play out our parts."


    If you honestly understood the heirarchy that was set forth by the CONstitution, then this issue of voting would not even be a bone of contention.

    See, the USA Inc. was set up as a Representative Republic. What this means is that Electors holding Trusts of Land/Grants were allowed to determine who would hold each office. The General Election was held for the People to transmit their will to the Electors, but the Electors were not bound to vote but his own conscience, no matter the Will of the People.

    To even vote, you had to at least be a landowner, an heir or assign, otherwise, you had not the standing to cast even your opinion vote. Is that a sweet inside job or what?

    Even better, there was never any type of Vote on a Referendum to reject or adopt the Constitution, so you are not even a party to that contract, and therefore cannot complain of "Constitutional Rights" in a Court of Law, as so many cases have explained in exhaustive detail.


    The even better Con Job was that in later years, after the New Deal, that the idea was implanted that the USA Inc. was a Democaracy..."One man, One Vote"...all sound and fury, signifying...nothing.


    This then , to me, is the greatest tragedy...and that is the one of ignorance. In USA Inc., and even before, you NEVER had a VOTE, and under the current SYSTEM...YOU NEVER WILL!


    What you have is Slavery, and as long as you refuse to understand your own political process..that is all you will ever have.

  • MAC

    you got me there Troy, uninformed voters that vote once a year then return to there TV are not very bright.

  • rjwiseguy

    We are in control of Marklar.

  • MAC

    Do yeah think we could get a vote of no confidence check box on the ballot ?

  • rjwiseguy

    If one really thinks about it. Romney has a hell of a lot more money than obuma. There for he won't be able to be kicked around as easy as the king in office. Thats why most of all the republican Presidents have been successful.  Lets face it. Money talks and bullshit walks and if you don't think that is true? You are in the wrong room.

  • Freedomrox

    Therein lies the control and conditioning.... You read the truth that our system isn't even set up for a "Popular" or Opinion" Vote....and act as if nothing even stated. Sad, so sad...

  • Freedomrox

    Sorry Troy, not here to entertain...just educate. Then horse around afterwards


  • Central Scrutinizer

  • truth


    * Paul Ryan chosen as Romney VP, just announced!

  • D.M. Simonds

    Another Bilderberg puppet jumps on stage to keep the slaves busy in their grand shell game. I say boycott the vote and if you have the spine to stand with me and say no of these lies then learn how to rescind your vote in your county and stop playing their game or, keep getting lied to. The choice is yours.

    Keep preppin' until the cows come home.

  • Ken Troxel

    Top ten reasons to vote in American presidential elections (sarcasm)

    10. You can pretend to help decide which CIA-groomed figurehead will front for the banksters during the next four years.

    9. If the rigged voting machines break down, your vote might actually be counted.

    8. With a bumpersticker like "Don't blame me, I voted for Cynthia McKinney" (or your favorite 3rd party candidate) you'll feel superior to the sheeple for the next four years.

    7. Poking little holes in computer cards is good exercise for the muscles in your hands and wrists - and since you only do it every four years, you won't get repetitive motion syndrome.

    6. Voting offers an opportunity to do your civic duty: While standing in line waiting to vote, you can hand out 9/11 truth DVDs and explain to the sheeple that if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.

    5. If each of the two major party candidates gets exactly fifty million votes not counting yours, your vote will determine which candidate can brag about getting the most votes. Unfortunately, due to the mysteries of the electoral college system, getting the most votes has nothing to do with being elected President.

    4. You'll get to play a minor role in an outrageous, over-the-top farce, without having to get yourself hired as an extra in a Mel Brooks movie.

    3. Since your vote has no effect whatsoever on the actual governance of the nation, you can go ahead and vote without feeling guilty about the mass murders and genocide that the government is guaranteed to keep right on perpetrating, regardless of the electoral outcome.

    2. You can cast a write-in vote for a relatively honest president of some relatively honest country, like Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and hope that your local newspaper will mention it along with the write-in votes for Donald Duck, Ted Nugent, Ted Kaczynski, OJ Simpson, and Mishka the Talking Dog.

    1. Casting a meaningless vote in a system rigged to victimize people like you is better than masturbation: It allows you to screw yourself, without requiring you to assume an anatomically impossible position and risk serious injury.

  • Tara

    LOVE this group, especially since the National Election Freakshow ho-down is just around the bend. We've got to keep the message of No Confidence alive now more than ever.

    I'm going out of town tomorrow and will be away for the week so... keep the flame alit for No Confidence my friends, but I think that is a give in because those of you that believe in true freedom (within and out) understand the mission :)

    Take care my friends and see you on the other side of the week ;)

    Vote No Confidence in 2012!


  • Nikki

    @Ken, love those Top 10 reasons to vote - LMAO!

  • Nathan

    “A national political campaign is better than the best circus ever heard of, with a mass baptism and a couple of hangings thrown in.” H.L. Mencken

  • Nathan

    LMAO!!! A whole 10?!?!

    YES FROG! They will save America ;)

    edit Troy

  • Ken Troxel

    Rigged USA Elections Exposed

  • Ken Troxel

    Stephen Spoonamore, Computer Security Guru, Election Theft with Voter Machines

  • Ken Troxel

    Hacking Democracy - Full Length

  • Ken Troxel

    American Democracy - Murder Spies And Voting Lies - Part 1 Of 2

    American Democracy - Murder Spies And Voting Lies - Part 2 Of 2

  • suzie

  • suzie

    OR ~~ 

  • suzie

    i am just so confused ~lol~ No Confidence Party

  • Ken Troxel

    If you only watch 2 of the 5 video's i posted below, watch Spoonamore and "Rigged USA Elections Exposed"


  • suzie

    Troxel~   'Rigged' is my favorite it is on the record before congress that the vote can be flipped ~Nuf said as far as i am concerned ~did they do anything NO! 

  • Nathan

    Mythperceptions and a vision of freedom

    Urge people to free themselves, or even offer a little good news about freedom, and somebody is bound to retort with some anti-freedom myth. Two big ones that have made appearances in recent comment sections here at Ye Olde Blog are:

    Government is so powerful it’ll stop us. (It’ll disarm us, cut off our ‘Net access, round us all up and put us in camps, etc.)

    Yes, but there will still be people who … (Want to take our guns, support government programs, can’t handle freedom, etc.)

    That second one doesn’t look like a myth on its face. There will always be people who want to use power to oppress others. There will always be people who don’t hold our values (in fact, from year-to-year we may not even hold our own values). But the statement expresses a myth: We can’t be free until everyone agrees with us.

    And you know what? Those statements are just a big lazy pair of excuses.


  • mystery

    Gracious troy, mi casa su casa.

  • Nathan

  • Nathan

  • Nathan

    :D Couldn't say, Troy. Not following the reindeer games. I just googled Paul delegates and the link below is what I came up with.

    Politics, for the man who is not engaged in it, is a little like the odor of garlic for one who hasn't eaten any. (apologies to J. Rostand)

  • Nathan

  • Tara

    Talk about striking a deal with the devil hey? Ron Paul, Jesse Benton and company just a "tip toeing through the tulips" by playing nice. It's politics as usual yet again.

  • Nathan

    Shrink YOUR Government

    The debate about shrinking government is mostly wishful thinking ... With the selection of Paul Ryan as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, it is clear both political parties agree that the central issue in the coming presidential election will be the scale and scope of government involvement in the U.S. economy. There will be disagreement over what constituted "normal" levels of spending in the past and indeed over what constitutes "spending." But there is a widespread view in both parties that it is feasible and desirable that in the future the federal government will be no larger as a share of the overall economy than it has been historically. Unfortunately, this aspiration is unlikely to be achieved. Even preserving the amount of government functions the U.S. had before the financial crisis will require substantial increases in the share of the economy devoted to the public sector. This is the case for several structural reasons. – Reuters/Lawrence H. Summers

    Dominant Social Theme: The path we are on toward larger government and more federal expenditures in the US (and the West) is an inevitable one. We have no choice other than to live this way and discuss what (helpful) services we will disallow.

    Free-Market Analysis: Here comes Lawrence H. Summers to tell us that shrinking the US federal Leviathan is at least improbable. Summers is very good at this kind of thing. After Milton Friedman passed away, he wrote an article entitled, "We're all Friedmanites Now."

    Of course, who really would want to be a "Friedmanite," the man most responsible for the US graduated income tax, who believed in steady state monopoly central banking, who campaigned against the draft but ended up giving the US its all-volunteer army?

    With this statement as in so many other ways, Summers provides us a head-fake in one direction – toward free markets – while listing evermore leftward. This is, of course, the ambit of his career. He's very good at it.


  • Dianne Stallark

    Barry had a million sheep, their skin were white as snow

    and everywhere that Barry went, the sheep were sure to go.

    They followed him to school one day, which was again his rule

    It made the Bleeders laugh and play to see the sheep get fooled!


  • Don Cordell

    When will you check and see there is a sensible choice to Restore not Change America. WE do not have to chose lever 1 or 2 it's time to stand up and prove you have another choice, if you have the guts to ReVote.

  • Nathan A. Bauer

    Bravo, Lawrence.

  • JED

    Troy, thank you for the welcome.  My comment...  IF I choose to vote in this election it will not be for either of the establishment parties, as the lesser of 2 evils is still evil.

  • truth

  • Dianne Stallark

    The father, son and holy-ghost. A triple-crown moment, James. A tri-infecta!!


    Its like I always say, "2 versions of the same crap sandwich!"

    Right wing, Left wing, what happened to the brain in the middle?

  • Nathan