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No Confidence Party







No Confidence Party




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  • Nathan

    It Is Time For The Ron Paul Revolution To Move Beyond Politics

  • guest_blog

    A Message to The Revolution

    Friday, August 31, 2012 6:10 PM | For many Ron Paul supporters, the first major shock this year was Rand’s endorsement of Mitt Romney.
  • Nathan

    @ ADMINS


  • truth

  • Nathan

    Harry Browne's book How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World


  • suzie

  • Nathan

  • Libby Bell

    I welcome your welcome, Troy!  I'm stuck on cyanide/arsenic choice.  How about the tried and true slit the wrist scenario...yeah, too messy.  I agree with Tara--puppets Rummy and OH!bumma have short strings and until that curtain is pulled down and the puppeteers are exposed, the insanity persists.   

  • suzie


  • suzie

  • suzie

  • suzie

    Just in case we missed this one~ the irony is killin me~ Embedded image permalink

  • Libby Bell

    Romney's picture spells out his greatest love...not irony, truth.

  • Central Scrutinizer


    Don Cordell 2012

    "I can't smile until I've saved America for YOU"


  • Central Scrutinizer

    because it was a photo-op mishap...paparazzi was all over it, so it was bound to get put out ;)

    I'm sure mittens didnt want this one to show up

  • Tara

    I think the next TSR radio show I do is going dedicated to this group, the No Confidence Party. If anybody has any suggestions of songs that would fit into the context of the show, please feel free to add them either here or my profile page, thanks :)

    BTW... great job with this group Troy and all. It is definetely one of my fav's on 12160!!!

  • Tara interesting ;)

  • suzie

  • suzie

    I just had to post this one again i love it Lawrence ~ that's the party i want to be a part of the hug your kitty and kid party~ 

  • truth

    The American Corporate Party and the Derailing of Revolution

    Thursday, September 13, 2012 1:59 PM

    Brandon Turbeville
    Activist Post

    As the Presidential campaigns begin to heat up, it is thoroughly apparent that the vast majority of Americans will once again fall into the trap of political bickering, party affiliation, and personality cults.

    One only needs to talk with their friends and family, watch social media sites, or listen to the callers of talk radio to understand that 2012 will be yet one more year where the populace is further divided and conquered by a force that spans both political parties...

  • truth

    Gerald Celente: QE3, It's All Exploding in Front of Us:

  • truth

    More than 180 protesters arrested on #OWS anniversary in Lower Manhattan:

  • Ken Troxel

    I am voting this November. Will write in NO CONFIDENCE for federal positions. I must vote for my local and state government spots. Will also set up an exit polling booth with sign up sheet to manually hand count the ballots after the polls close. Will also have a sign up sheet for people who can film and repost to youtube the manual count. Thats my plans for this November election.  FYI: I am registered "No Party"

  • Tara

    I hear ya CH... "the rigged system just like Vegas folks". It sure is. I never did like throwing money away to a casino, where your literally playing a game of chance and the odds are you won't win, so my solution is... I don't gamble. It is just the same as in voting. The odds are stacked against us winning.

  • Tara

    Federal Election time is approaching and the peanuty gallery is growing and becoming more raucous and spirited than in the last circus ho-down.

    The left/right paradigm is broken so all we need is a few good nuts or should I say... a plethora of nuts to pelt the very political system that is set up for only the top 1%. We are the change we seek and not some God Damn man in a fancy suit, talking fancy words and living a life so fancy free. F that! Destroy the Machine!!! 

    It's time to take back control, not only outside ourselves... but most importantly, inside too. Look in the mirror because the reflection staring back at you is the change you are seeking. Power lies in everyone of us, if you so choose to seek it :) 

  • honeygirl

  • Central Scrutinizer

    Found a gawdamn Barry Sign stuck in the front yard this morning....I found it about 7am, wasnt there last night, so exposure was minimum I'm sure. Well anyways, this has prompted me to make my heres whats replacing that usurper's sign....

  • truth

    Secessionist Movements Grow Across U.S.

    “There is no moral justification for this country to exist any longer,” said Naylor. “The U.S. has lost its moral authority. It’s corrupt to the core. Today, the U.S. is owned, operated and controlled by corporations, the military-industrial complex and the Israeli lobby. Ultimately, I’m calling for Vermont to become an independent entity and for the dissolution of this empire.”

    “There’s no real difference between Obama and Romney,” he said. “When I think of our current president, the defining image of this so-called prince of peace is drone aircrafts, Navy SEALs, Delta Force death squads and a White House kill list. Who wants to be ruled by a maniac? Whether Obama or Romney wins in November, whenever Bibi [Netanyahu] says go to war, the U.S. will go for it.”

  • suzie

    If there was one reason to vote ~ it might be to say NO to Obama care ~ there is no reason to believe Romney will get rid of it accept he said he would! I feel like we are between a rock and a hard place ~ If Obama is re~elected FORWARD MARCH  toward his vision of taking America down the european path to disfunction and he is in my opinion taking us quicker to the new world order ~ I cannot remember any one who divided us so much ~ if Romney is elected my greatest fear is the neo con types will stop even listening to alternative opinion and the brainwashing of Americans will dig in even stronger and war is peace will be even stronger and the bastard will find a loop hole of some kind to keep obama care in a back door kinda way ~ Is it better to just let this SHTF  with american republican types worried about a freedom they do not have any way or stop obama and just see what happens ? I no loonger have a dog in there race ~ let it fall in my opinion why hold up / prop up something rotting from the inside out just because it will hold back the inevitable a little while longer ~ MOLON LABE ~M@TH@ F#AK@R'S 

    Between Scylla and CharybdisFile:GillrayBritannia.jpg

  • truth

  • glen michael sutphin

    Everyone keeps saying there is only two choices but have we forgotten that Gary Johnson is still in the running as well as some others. Get out of the left-right paradigm and vote for Gary Johnson. Let's give someone who isn't part of the same bird a chance. If Ron Paul were still in the running I would say if you're voting vote for him, but he's no longer there. So vote Gary Johnson or do as I have always done and don't vote at all. I think voting in a rigged election is a fraud and everyone who does has nothing to complain about. I exercise my freedom of choice and don't vote. And no my not voting is not a vote for anyone it's a vote for no one. I don't need a government to give me permission to be free, I am free, unless I give that right up.. GET IT.. Vote for no one this election or vote for Gary Johnson, otherwise enjoy your enslavement.. Thanks for letting me comment. 

  • Libby Bell

    Sadly, the author is spot on.
  • Libby Bell

    So, the peeps wake up. Then what?
  • Libby Bell

    naive, aloha man, but snaps for the optimism!
  • honeygirl

  • Libby Bell

    Great point Raz
  • Central Scrutinizer

  • Tara a No Confidence kind of show ;)

  • truth

  • Central Scrutinizer

    All-American Big Bird
    Hostage Rescue Team

    Have previously secret plans for the arbitrary detention, interrogation, extraordinary rendition, and summary execution of Big Bird been kept from America's Voters and members of the General Public ??

    Join the All-American Big Bird Hostage Rescue Team to achieve liberation and justice for one of the U.S.A.'s most outstanding  !!

    Let's help our fellow citizens and elected representatives become aware of this despicable conspiracy, and work to make sure that the American People receive the benefit of an honest and thorough, investigation to expose the perpetrators and hold them to account.

    Pass this information along to your friends and neighbors, as well as your U.S. House and Senate Members.

    We can help to raise the level of public awareness by bringing recently revealed evidence to the attention of radio talk-shows, local newspapers, e-mail groups, blogs, and other communication channels.

    Consider setting up your own local  All-American Big Bird Hostage Rescue Team Coffee Club or E-Mail Group.

    Join and participate !! Normal standards of mutual respect and professional courtesy must be observed in all message traffic.



  • Nikki

    Hmmm...the day after the debates and the price of gas is going through the roof in my area...up to $6 at some stations and lines in others and media is claiming a 'shortage'.

  • Nikki

    Gas prices were manipulated so that Carter would lose the election. You think this is a repeat?

  • Nikki

    It might be the October Surprise.

  • Central Scrutinizer

    refine station in Cali burnt up....hence 6$ a G

    msm supposedly alleges that it will only affect the west coast

  • Nikki

    Yes, refinery fire was months ago so why just before the election? And how long has it been since a new refinery was built anywhere in the US? Usually, a shortage in one part of the country spreads to the rest of it.

  • suzie

  • truth

  • truth

  • truth

  • truth

    Do voters really have a choice?

    by RussiaToday

    What are Romney and Obama's points of agreement in the ongoing US presidential contest? Do voters really have a choice? Is there any difference any more between the Democrats and the Republicans? And why are many major issues being completely avoided in this campaign? CrossTalking with Nicholas Caroll, Bruce Fein and Christoph von Marschall.