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  • cheeki kea

    Hi Thia I'm back with news.... gvmnt will not protect you from Tick Tock, at this point it appears that tick Tok does not bow down to your govt. Moving to Russia Will protect you from tick tock but very not much as it seems they don't ask for much. I guess there's other places or platforms you could migrate to if it's all getting a bit much though. Here's a list for you consideration. 

  • Burbia

    Is that the narrative now? Its more like Tik Tok influenced the younger generation to not be sympathetic to the actions of Israel. Not to mention the application's ability to harvest information from the phones camera, microphone and users location. 

  • cheeki kea

    Burbia is correct. The Tik of the litter is successful in gorging itself at the information/media war front table. They gain ground with the younger generation who like what it serves up and give keen approval that would indicate they are not going to leave in a hurray. Clearly this is a big problem in the censorship realm that wasn't there before and  turning into a right mess for them brought on by themselves for the censorship of the very places the young Use to park up but now blatantly and stupidly controlled. Bring out the popcorn bowl.