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Bertrand Sun-Tzu




Comment Wall:

  • illuminated-dj

    Hello and welcome to 12.160 from ireland.dttnwo
  • truth

    Hello and Welcome to 12.160 !!!

  • Burbia

  • illuminated-dj

    thanks man
  • maria guimil

    I raed everything that friends post but i have no time to comment... :-( hugs hugs
  • Tara

    Thanks for the request! Welcome to the network
  • Tara

    Thanks Bertrand! All we hear is lies, lies, lies spewed out of the mouth of those that are our supposed leaders and it's hard to actually find truth in most history books nowadays. The only way to find truth is to seek it for yourself. There's a quote from Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas(a book left out of the bible)that I love. "Seek and do not stop seeking until you find. When you find, you will be troubled. When you are troubled, you will marvel and rule over all."

    By the way, you're doing great with english!
  • Rivkah Cohen

    Glad to have you as a friend.
  • Rivkah Cohen

    Nice to hear from you. Pesach was excellent. Hope your day was excellent.
  • Rivkah Cohen

    Thank you so much and grateful to you wanting to keep the real Jewish Spirit. Please let me know more what you do with French Union for Peace.
  • Jeff

  • Jeff

    I hope you too have a wonderful day. I love the fact that we can be friends and that we live 1000s of miles apart, you in France and me in the United States. The internet is GREAT!!
  • L'Enfoiré

    Hi Sun Tzu,
    In fact the best translattion for "enfoiré" is "dumb".
    It's, of course, more accurate in Frensh. But...
  • truth

    He llo Bertrand. Stopping by to see how you are doing.I trust well. Please do not be a stranger.
  • truth

    Your other blog is fantastic. I see we share many similar passions. Keep up the fight friend !
  • Rivkah Cohen

    Shabbat Shalom my friend. Hope all is well.