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Diana van der Westhuizen


South Africa

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Please indicate why you want to join 12160? (N.B - Your application will be automatically rejected if you answer with less than 12 words and / or provide a noncoherent answer)
Connected from Earth Changes and Polar Shift site. Want to know more about preparation for the time ahead of us.
I want to be 'in' on th pulse of other people who know and care, and aren't fooled by fabrication.
Do you agree with our rules ? (copy and paste link to read)
Would you be willing to donate a few hours or a few dollars to 12160 site projects each week?
I would like to become more involved. Especially now that the puppets are dancing! We need solidarity and focus. We are the Aegis Ptah - the Protectors of this World. (May 2011)

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