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kurt steiner


Knoxville, TN

United States

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I am interested in group survival, foraging, alternative fuels, saving money on food and military tactics, operational art and strategy.
I would like to talk with veterans, survivalists, preppers, people interested in the Organizational Weapon and Entryism, right wingers, man-tracking, ghost walking, Mensa, published authors, conversationalists, anti-communists and adventure.
I am not a supporter of social intrusion (like Facebook) or invasions of privacy but I love to make new friends. I also like curvy women who also have interests and read a lot.
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Would you be willing to donate a few hours or a few dollars to 12160 site projects each week?
I am available for speeches, appearances in videos, debates with Marxist-Capitalists, afrocentrics, Moslem assassins and obama-zombies, as well as participation in imaginative money-making schemes.
I am not available for any dangerous experimentation on my physical or mental body or any Martin Luther King celebrations.

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