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Harry Monell


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Please indicate why you want to join 12160? (N.B - Your application will be automatically rejected if you answer with less than 12 words and / or provide a noncoherent answer)
I'm concerned about the growing invasiveness and overreach by those taking control of our society and economy and I’ve determined long ago that the main stream media outlets are no longer a trusted source of truthful information. I’m not interested in propaganda, nor anyone’s biased agenda. I’m trying to wake up to the truth of our desperate situation, as our right to privacy, personal freedom and liberties as citizens continue to fade away. I don’t know that your site is the answer, but its one more step in my journey to try and understand the existential threats that we all now face both here and abroad.

I heard about the change at Coast to Coast through several sources. Dave Hodges and Doug Hagmann immediately come to mind. They are not afraid to discuss any topic and are a great source of reliable information. They care about this country and don’t hesitate to expose the threats that we need to be aware of. Their agenda is purely one of helping us prepare for what’s coming over the ridge. I never had that warm and fuzzy feeling about George Norey. There always seemed to be something missing leaving me with an empty feeling.

John B.Wells, I wish you well. You seem sincere in your efforts to do the right thing as you try to bring us the information that will help us put the spotlight on the cockroaches that are threatening our very survival.

My membership demonstrates my eagerness to learn, as well as my appreciation for your efforts.
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Would you be willing to donate a few hours or a few dollars to 12160 site projects each week?
John, I wish I could.
I'm a retired senior who at present is worried about having enough money to make it to the end of this month.
Maybe later if thing improve for the better.

Comment Wall:

  • Less Prone

    Welcome to a revolutionary concept in public communication, the truth. Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message