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Lewis Eckard


Toledo, OH

United States

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I found you through a link that was sent to me. I viewed the EXTREMELY DISTURBING video about the gouillotines and the 775,000 targeted Americans. I want to see more and inform others while there is yet time.
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  • ShieldBreaker

    Hi Lewis,you know the person on the video was saying that anyone could get in,but I am not sure.You can try it? NASA jet propulsion labs.Hope that helps
  • ShieldBreaker

    Hey Lewis,I will see if i can figure out whats going on ok? I'm not trying to freak everyone out by these videos,i find them and post them,but i will see what i can do
  • Cryptocurrency

    here is the first posting:


    If you want to find something a member posted go to their profile, and see their blogs section. ;)