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olde reb


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It would be the epitome of human folly to ignore the repetition of the same Wall Street financiers who have routinely inflicted financial chaos and abject poverty by debt upon the under-developed world for decades, who now have leading roles in enforcing national IOU’s which they created in Europe that is devastating each nation, who created and manage the $16 trillion debt on the United States, who also permeate the U.S. Treasury, who are also the largest campaign contributors for congressional and presidential candidates, and who are further the putative recipients of hidden profit from their Ponzi scheme that embezzles trillions of dollars from the United States government.


The above is the first paragraph of an article posted at among other places (but without the Rebel‘s graphic). *** Is it of interest ?? Copies (with updates) available upon request.

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  • mystery

    olde reb, come on in and stay awhile, have a look around if you need help moving around the site just let one of us know we will be glad to help you out.

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  • mystery

    Glad to have you here olde reb. What are you referring to that Hollywood sent me hun?

  • Chris of the family Masters

    Congrats on your elevation in standing mate!