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Russ Hallberg Jr


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9/11 truther since 9/11. Member of Portland 9/11 Truth Alliance. My story:
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  • suzie

    looks like a welcome is in order ~~Fairy Glitter Graphics

  • Ezra Pound's Ghost

    Russ Hallberg has been paying a bit too much attention Eric John Phelps. These people who blame the Vatican for everything (and I used to be one) are being mislead. If the Vatican and Christianity are the source of the New World Order, why has the NWO sought to stamp out the Catholic Church at every turn? Russ is fixated one an issue that blinds him to historical reality. There's no doubt these groups are involved at some level, but to ignore the massive evidence that 9/11 was an Israeli operation is dangerous. Russ needs to start looking into other sources than Eric John Phelps and other conspiracy gurus who are out there to mislead people. Russ, you bring your evidence that the Jesuits, Vatican and Knights of Malta did 9/11 and i'll bring the evidence that it was a JEWISH, Israeli operation and we will see who has the better evidence. My feeling is that you have none other than the ravings of the Catholic-hating Eric John Phelps. The Church is what BUILT Western Civilization, the same Western Civilization that the "NWO" is out to DESTROY, so with all due respect, Russ, your's and Phelps' theory of the Vatican being "behind" everything doens't even pass the smell-test of logic, let alone stand up to the historical facts. Peddle your Calvinist - or Jewish - paranoia about Catholicism somewhere else because you're trying to lead people astray.

  • truth

    Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays !