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Russian Server Company: “If the FBI asks, we are ready to supply the IP addresses, the logs.

“If the FBI asks, we are ready to supply the IP addresses, the logs.” However, he says, “Nobody is asking… It’s like nobody wants to sort this out.”

Fomenko tells RT he was as surprised to learn from US media that his company was somehow implicated. He also believes that the only connection to Russia the Americans really have is the servers being from there.

“Thinking that the criminals must likewise also be from Russia is just absurd,” he says. “No one blames Mark Zuckerberg when criminals use Facebook for their own ends? … As soon as we learnt our servers were involved, we disconnected the perpetrators from our equipment. And conducted our own investigation. We have learnt certain things and are ready to share it with special services at their first call.”

Asked why the FBI still has not taken advantage of this opportunity, Fomenko said he had “no idea; you’d better ask them.”

“I'm Kind Of Far Removed” From The Struggles Of The Middle Class “Because The Life I've Lived


The Podesta Emails, Part 1: John Podesta and The Uranium One Story

*Hillary Clinton: “When I Got To The State Department, It Was Still Against The Rules To Let Most -- Or Let All Foreign Service Officers Have Access To A Blackberry.”

Evidence that David Letterman (Who made headlines today for calling Trump "damaged human" is colluding with the Clinton Campaign.

BREAKING: Excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs Finally Leaked

Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook coordinated with Bloomberg News reporter on story to smear Bernie Sanders !!!!!!!

PODESTA EMAILS: how we just changed an entire Governor's race in 48 hours--without any fingerprints

The name and pay of every Hillary’s paid troll publicly listed on FEC website

full blog list

[Guciffer 2.0] In Fourth quarter of 2015 Clinton Foundation had 1,2 million income, spent almost 1 million on their staff, and only 100 hundred thousand was from fundraising