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Mesmerizing Photographs Of Soldiers' Faces Before And After A War

While the emotional repercussions of war aren't easy to measure, the before, during, and after pictures of soldiers who have seen combat tell a pretty unsettling story.

ORIGINAL: By Lalage Snow.

Found on My Modern Met and ABC News.

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    sharon k neuhaus

    I was just looking at a pic of my brother when he was first in the marines.  He looked so handsome and full of potential.  He's dead now.  All gone. 

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      Folks who have been 'down range' are best in making a statement. 9 out of 11 show no signs of problems other than 'reality'... people need to butcher their own critter and eat it then get back to the pictures, the grocery store has made many out of touch with reality, as with many other things in this 'I want it now' mentality that has been psyop'd on us to keep many weak, distracted and dependant, reality clears up your mind... humanity has been bad since the beginning, human nature does not change, technology does, USA is burning like Rome did, Rome was a republic that turned into a big government control everything and distract people so as most to not comprehend the destruction around them, many of the wars were for reasons we were never told of and lied to for cover from the truth. Folks should get familular with reality so they can deal with situations on a clear mind. AND the light conditions controlling the pupils..stop dreaming

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        incredible, very telling pics....sorry to say that these days the military keep the warriors druged on pharma, keep them going and focused in battle...numb and shut down their minds upon discharge. So, pupil size could have other causations. 
