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May 1, 2015 US Rep Frederica Wilson Introduced Florida Bill For Mandatory Vaccinations

US Rep Frederica Wilson Introduced Florida Bill For Mandatory Vaccinations

Big Pharma Link:   Florida Rep Frederica Wilson, Forced Vaccines.

On May 1, 2015  U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson introduced a Bill that would eliminate all personal and religious vaccine exemptions making Vaccinations MANDATORY.

In other words, it’d rip the heart and soul out of our civil liberties First Amendment without blinking an eye.

The Bill means FORCED VACCINATIONS in all Public Schools recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Policy, which is conveniently seated with "Big Pharma Personnel. 

No conflict of interest here right?  Or are they getting paid bonuses to promote Vaccinations?  Is Frederica Wilson getting paid bonuses to create Florida Bill for FORCED VACCINATIONS?


> HPV,

>Hepatitis A,

>Hepatitis B,

> Paul Offit’s Rota Virus Vaccine,

>annual Flu shots.

Again, that’s just for starters.

But why on earth is this so pressing to Wilson?

Wilson is notable for fighting some good fights against chemicals proven to be toxic.  It would likely do Wilson some good to have a read below.

CDC Whistle Blower’s statement


However, digging deeper, let’s have a look at her staffer, Ms. Keenan Austin’s, work resume.

Her Last Job:  Senior Pharmaceutical Sales representative, for GlaxoSmithKline  (BIG PHARMA REP.)

Legislative specialty: Foreign affairs, civil rights, human rights and healthcare

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    Medical Violence:  Anyone coming at you with a syringe of unknown substances is ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON.