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Georgia Law OKs Guns In Schools, Churches...

Georgians will now be able to carry firearms in such places as schools, bars, churches and government buildings under a sweeping new law signed by the governor on Wednesday.

The , also known to critics as the "Guns Everywhere Bill," was signed by Gov. Nathan Deal, who said it will allow "people who follow the rules [to] protect themselves and their families from people who don't follow the rules.

"The Second Amendment should never be an afterthought. It should reside at the forefronts of our minds," Deal said.

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    Nice, they passed it. Shouldn't have to, but sends a reaffirming message. Guns aren't the problem, criminals are, and guns are a rightful means of defense against criminals.

    Guarantee every gun-hating noob-tard out there would be thanking the heavens for an upstanding armed citizen, when they are in the process of being victimized, hurt, or murdered.

    "Guns Everywhere Bill", as critics put it, is the perfect title. Wish I thought of it myself. Thx 2nd amendment haters.

    "the most comprehensive pro-gun bill in recent state history" didn't quite have the ring to it.

    Coulda gone with "2nd Amendment Reaffirmation Bill"

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      Its worth noting that Georgia has the busiest airport in the world, for the last 14+ years standing.

      This new bill affirms your right to carry up and until the security checkpoint.

      I would allow people to be armed on planes myself, but thats a really touchy, national, global subject, ya know? Boundaries and shit.

      This measure allows people to drop off and pick up their amigos without being defenseless against random actions of violence.

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        Woot, Geogia!