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Guns and Tactics

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On January 15, Second Amendment supporters gathered in Olympia, Washington, in a show of opposition to Bloomberg-funded I-594. State Representative Matt Shea (R-4th Dist.) said, “We will not comply.”

I-594 outlaws private gun sales in the state by requiring “universal background checks.” Under the new law, it is not legal to even lend a gun to a friend without going through a background check, except in cases where the friend needs the gun because of an imminent threat against his or her life.

According to, those gathered then marched to the State House and exchanged guns in the House Gallery “to make a show of violating I-594.”

Besides announcing that he and his fellow Second Amendment supporters would not comply with I-594, Shea said he “will ask … sheriffs and prosecutors not to comply as well.”

While the Second Amendment supporters traded guns inside the State House, state Senator Pam Roach (R-Auburn) gave a speech outside, in which she stated, “Hey, don’t tread on us.” She said that she and her fellow pro-Second Amendment legislators have six to ten different bills in the works, all targeting I-594.

State Representative Liz Pike (R-Camas) warned that I-594 is simply the “tip of the iceberg” concerning gun control, that the initiative is part of a larger push from people who want to “control and confiscate” guns.

On September 11, Breitbart News warned that I-594 would lead to handgun registration throughout the state.