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Verdell Duhart Jr


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I found you a long time ago while surfing the net in my extensive research studies, and your conceptual principle of "overunity" (free energy) is something I've known about and promoted for a long time. I've quietly watched your blog and monitor your forum for years, and now want to join. I'm in the process of writing a book called Teloeconomic, and it's along the same lines of the things you discuss about his current world-form. Thanks. Verdell
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Yes on both accounts, when feasible.

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  • Tara

    Hello and welcome Verdell, glad you're here.

  • Less Prone


    It's good to have you with us. We have lot's of information on the site continuously building up. I'm curious to know what do you think about the freedom index. I posted the following blog to hi-lite its principles and shed light on the quality of governance today.

    This is the situation in the US and regretfully the situation is much worse in many countries around the world. US still has its heritage of 1776 and to me it's the only country that can start to dismantle the web of control and abuse the criminal high cabal has spun around us.

    At the moment it is of utmost importance that the exposure of the 911 terrorist acts and deception gets exposed and investigated. It will be difficult but it seems to be the best chance to start. See the links to ->

    This is an opportunity we cannot let expire

    Once again, a warm welcome to 12160

    Less Prone

  • Dee

    Hi Verdell! Welcome to 12160!