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Please indicate why you want to join 12160? (N.B - Your application will be automatically rejected if you answer with less than 12 words and / or provide a noncoherent answer)
I would like to revise this space. The truth is a necessity. I hope to give as much or more than I receive. I am striving for an education as well as wanting to give what I know to people that desire to acquire knowledge.

I found this site by reading different sites with links, that I knew held importance.

Please indulge me and my desire to learn and pass knowledge.
Do you agree with our rules ? (copy and paste link to read)
Would you be willing to donate a few hours or a few dollars to 12160 site projects each week?
A few hours I can give, dollars are for turning into survival supplies, I will be more than happy to give of my time and my knowledge though.

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  • truth

    hi pls ck ——

  • Tara

    Mystery, here is the direct link to our page to register/vote :)

    Erie Water register/vote

    Thanks bunches, the band appreciates it!

  • Tara

    Hello Mystery... been missing ya friend. I hope everything is going well for you and yours :)