Cliven Bundy Press Release! 4-25-2014 #bundyranch

"We are trading one form of slavery for another.

What I am saying is that all we Americans are trading one form of slavery for another. All of us are in some measure slaves of the federal government. Through their oppressive tactics of telling the ranchers how many cows they can have on their land, and making that number too low to support a ranch, the BLM has driven every rancher in Clark County off the land, except me. The IRS keeps the people of America in fear, and makes us all work about a third or a half of the year before we have earned enough to pay their taxes. This is nothing but slavery from January through May. The NSA spies on us and collects our private phone calls and emails. And the government dole which many people in America are on, and have been for much of their lives, is dehumanizing and degrading. It takes away incentive to work and self respect. Eventually a person on the dole becomes a ward of the government, because his only source of income is a dole from the government. Once the government has you in that position, you are its slave.

I am trying to keep Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream alive. He was praying for the day when he and his people would be free, and he could say I’m free, free at last, thank God I’m free at last! But all of us here America, no matter our race, are having our freedom eroded and destroyed by the federal government because of its heavy handed tactics. The BLM, the IRS, the NSA--all of the federal agencies are destroying our freedom. I am standing up against their bad and unconstitutional laws, just like Rosa Parks did when she refused to sit in the back of the bus. She started a revolution in America, the civil rights movement, which freed the black people from much of the oppression they were suffering. I'm saying Martin Luther King's dream was not that Rosa could take her rightful seat in the front of the bus, but his dream was that she could take any seat on the bus and I would be honored to sit beside her. I am doing the same thing Rosa Parks did--I am standing up against bad laws which dehumanize us and destroy our freedom. Just like the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord, we are saying no to an oppressive government which considers us to be slaves rather than free men.

I invite all people in America to join in our peaceful revolution to regain our freedom. That is how America was started, and we need to keep that tradition alive."

Cliven D. Bundy

Bundy Ranch Blogspot


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Comment by glenn logan on April 27, 2014 at 9:57am


As to your last reply...I don't see where I "suggested" you were not thinking big enough. Maybe you can wear your "intellectual hat" and re-read my post. I specifically referred to the problem being bigger than the Dem's vs Repub's. Of course, we do have player's like Harry Reid and others who have vested interests in the form of personal and/or political gain, but bigger than that, it is the UN, One-World Gov/NWO, and how land has been/is being taken by various methods. A-21 is behind that movement.

Defiance...its ok that we disagree but, please could you use the same-size font in your messages. I find some of your thought processes broken and, well....all over the place. To you they must make sense.

Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 26, 2014 at 8:33pm

Glenn Logan

Thanks too for being more polite, and allegedly putting on the "intellectual" hat.


'An example I'd consider "equitable" would be the case of a midwest farmer who grows 8,000 acres of corn.....'

Contradicts your later suggestion that I'm not thinking 'big enough'.

"Remember....I'am not talking about Dem vs Repub here. This is way bigger. "

Here's a dictionary extract on Equitable [parred-down to fit].


NOPE! Too long! Here's the link.


impartial, proper, unbiased.


unfair, unjust, unequitable, biased, prejudiced.


"Impartiality" is way bigger than all of us, in terms of thinking, and about 'politics', etc.  It's also not often realized, by most people, because of it's 'impartial' qualities.

Applying it to our stupid national, social, cultural systems requires completely unloading, or, 'deleting' all of them, in the ways they influence how we perceive, every thing, tangible and not.

Requires a very astute and scientific mind, and the Wise, Philosophical Tutelage to guide us and it, our ever-discursive and wandering, mind, out of the mire, and away, 'free' to see things, life, etc, without our personal existence 'getting in the way'.

One big reason why fooling oneself about ever seeing "Intelligent Equitable Land Distribution", is pointless.

Look outside.  Go downtown.  Drive down Sunset Boulevard, hollywood. 'Fly over' Detroit's slums.

Ask yourself, "Possible?"

Hyuk!  Sad, aye?

But, for those moments of clearheaded imagining, 'tis better to dream the scientifically Proper Dream, than about another FASSCAR, or that blonde actress.

If I had a 'life', I probably would not bother too much, on these types of sites, going as hard as I do to putting the cases for a more "Equitable" Just and Balanced world.

Like ol' Henry wrote, [paraphrased], "I ask no man to accept what I say. I ask them to think for themselves."

Again, not a real hope, all religious things considered, aye?

Changes 'Reactionary', though Honorable Vigie's and Militia, like those backing Cliven Bundy want, and are ready to Fight for, are 'best case scenario' in that they don't really know the full potential of the species, in regards to Proper and True Law, corrupted as they are, nor that we ALL have a lot to learn about the underlying issues which steer us up and down the highways of life.  But as many probably are aware of the heights of our true selves and of True Laws, but are realistic too, and know that most of that is unattainable, so something, is better than the real-case future, if they don't act.  Etc...

Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 26, 2014 at 7:57pm

Amaterasu Solar Thanks for your non-aggressive comment/reply and Q's.

I don't agree with your basic point against money, and "easy freedom".

"I disagree that "'Freedom'TRUE "Freedom" only comes through long hard, grueling DISCIPLINE!"

Freedom is an easy thing when We throw off the power tool of the useless eliters:  money. "

You miss something rather HUGE there!

1st is that money is the most convenient medium of exchange.  Saves us carrying lumps of gold or whichever other raw material was most valued, in our carts or pockets.  Yep!  Money has become 'debt' more than credits, thanks to some sneaky dudes back - then.  Templars, perhaps?  How many here concede, that the Templars, after the Crusades, grew and wandered back to Scotland/Britain, unwittingly hypnotized, as puppets, of the very very sneaky and conniving 'hebrews' of the 'holy land', whom the crusaders thought they were rescuing from the Muslims?

catholicism, protestantism and the masons are all but 'branch offices' of the clever little jews, who knew well how to plan for the VERY long term.

2nd, you miss your own conclusion's flaw!  

"Freedom is an easy thing when We throw off the power tool of the useless eliters:  money."

DERRR!?!?!  YEAH!  EASEEE!  Right?

I agree with the rest of that paragraph, regards working, etc., for an income.

All wages and salaries, in the current system of employment and earnings, are bribes, to give away 'freedom', to 'qualify' for a house and food and 'a [shallow, false, corrupt, half-lived] life', and to stay mute about the roaring evils of 'the system'.

Our ''Work' aside from making 'capital' ie., 'labor-saving devices', and the artifice which improve our quality of life, as opposed to the Walmart junk which reduces our 'quality of life', would properly be as agrarian socialists, ie., growing our own foods, etc, and from the earth under our equitably gained and shared patch of land, make the bricks and mortar for the Mob's 'castle', etc., without the turrets for defense [because everyone'd be fed, clothed, housed, and playing some delightful musical instrument to while away the evening hours, instead of having to be criminals to eat. [a bit of poetic license there.... hohoho]  So, no wars.

But let's be clear!  This is not gonna happen!  We're screwed, and all the nasty scenarios are most likely everyone's - below the top say, 20% of survivors - future.

"Idiots rule KO!"

But it's a nice change to have your Optimism, if unrealistic [like my expositions], as opposed to the usual mockery, ignorant criticism, etc.  ;) 

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 26, 2014 at 7:18pm

JUST DEFIANCE,  though You discuss the surface issues of the scarcity paradigm solution(s) such as capitalism, corporatism, Madison Avenueism, the foundational issue is a system of money to account for Our meaningful energy expended.  All those isms emerge from this system.  And since ALL money systems promote the most ruthless (psychopathic), They create slaves of Us and not an uplifting free society.

I disagree that "'Freedom'TRUE "Freedom" only comes through long hard, grueling DISCIPLINE!"

Freedom is an easy thing when We throw off the power tool of the useless eliters:  money.  It makes Us all responsible for Our own behaviors personally without the institutions of control to hide behind.  After all, freedom that One HAS to do anything for (like work a job to get enough money to afford a wee bit of freedom) is NOT freedom.  One is enslaved to the discipline.

Thus I do all I can to spread a solution to the NWO useless eliters.

Seriously, if We all are contemplating these ideas...We WILL create better on this planet.

Comment by glenn logan on April 26, 2014 at 10:15am

One other thing I will add to my last post is that a major cornerstone of UN A-21 is to remove rural landowners. One way is to remove private property owners has been used already. Lets say you own land between two large stands of forrest which is used for various wildlife. This wildlife could be bear, cougar, elk, or in the case of Cliven Bundy..... the Desert Tortoise. Your land gets re-designated as a "wildlife corrider". This falls under the Wildlands designation. I can't possibly write about all the tricks which the UN/NWO/Globalist elites have covered in Agenda 21. You have to get some books and read.

I would suggest Trevor Loudon's "The Enemie's Within" for info on the shenanigan's related to the UN plan. Another specifically describing Agenda 21 is Rosa Koire's "Behind the Green Mask'. Rosa is from Santa Rosa, Cal. She describes in detail how in every city, state, county, and municipality in the US there are facilitator's working to create the world of bike paths to replace your current freedom to travel by car, your right to recreate freely wherever you want, to grow your own garden, to have your own roadside food-stand, etc. Believe me when I say that I have seen the volumes on UN Agenda-21. They are real.

GHW Bush signed on to the RIO Conference in 1992....Clinton started emplementing those plans during his administration, GW continuted, and now we have Obama as the current puppet.

Remember....I'am not talking about Dem vs Repub here. This is way bigger. Perhaps you are old enough to remember Dwight Eisenhower's "beware of the military industrial complex" statement. Kennedy was taken out because he gave a "Secret Society" speech weeks before Dallas. John Birch Society founder John Welch gave a similar speech warning us about the secret societies working to undermind our country.

I would suggest the website "News With Views" or maybe getting out a $30, 6-mo subscription to Coast to Coast AM. On that site, you can listen to archived shows. I will also strongly suggest only listening to the shows hosted by J B Wells. Fascinating and verifiable stuff on his shows. The Dec 7, 2013 show alone is worth the entire $30, especially hours 3-4. If you haven heard Wells, you are in for a treat.

Comment by glenn logan on April 26, 2014 at 9:30am


Maybe you could explain your definition of "Intelligent Equitable Land Distribution". You haven't done that yet. What would be "equitable" to you?

An example I'd consider "equitable" would be the case of a midwest farmer who grows 8,000 acres of corn (the type used for FOOD, not Ethanol). Can we agree those 8,000 acres of corn will feed many people, possibly millions. I would consider that to be an example of "equitable" land distribution. ONE farmer..8,000 acres...millions fed. Now, I grew up on a farm, and there is risk and uncertainty in bringing that corn to market. Modern machinery makes growing that acerage possible. That machinery is VERY expensive, however.  

As to your comment about "fk-headed" repub's and t-bagger' shows me you may be a Socialist-Democrat.That's ok with me. Though I haven't voted for a S-Dem since Carter, I equally distrust the Repub's. The Tea Party is constantly denigrated by people who have no clue as to what the movement is about. I have been to many meetings. The "bagger's" are very patriotic, and genuinely want the Gov out of area's of our lives in which thry have no business. IMO...Cliven Bundy's land is one of those area's.

As I've said before, all the Wilderness and now, the Wildlands designated area's have been confiscated by the US Gov in an underhanded and illegal manner. If you are unaware, the guidelines for a landmass to become designated "Wilderness" was very narrow. Now, we see US Presidents regularly sign off on millions of acres for one of the above-mentioned.

Let me say, in closing, that I believe there should be area's left to nature, but not the millions of acres which have been taken from US citizens. If you read about UN Agenda 21, the 'plan' is to eventually create region's of "population center's" served by rail. You will live in "transit" cities, and will inhabit small apartments. You will have designated area's for recreation. Wildlands and Wilderness will not be on the recreational menu. As well, in the plan, there will be an area of generally 100 miles radius around those population center's where food for the center will be grown. That food will be determined not by you, on your own land, and in your own garden.




Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 26, 2014 at 6:06am

Sorry?  "Publicly-owned COOPerative", I think, is what I meant?

Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 26, 2014 at 6:05am

"'Freedom'TRUE "Freedom" only comes through long hard, grueling SELF-DISCIPLINE!"

So does Happiness.

And 'the corporation', DOES NOT WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!!!

IF..., you, aka America, HAVE got 'the smarts' as much as your smartasses tell the rest of the world, then, you'd see the logical fact from that about corporations not wanting you to be Happy.


DROP personal property.

["Now kiddies, I want to you all join hands in a circle, and sing....."]

I wouldn't expect Cliven Bundy.., well?  I do reckon he'd understand my drift.  But I don't think he, or any of his supporters, are near savvy to those truths, to lead America out of the pending cull-or-whatever-shit's-comin'-down-the-PIPE?

But, that's the only way forward for America, which WILL call on every one of you to be 'The Brave', to not get STOMPED into soup.

Off the top of my head...., Bundy and coy, may be more effective, by muscling their ways into the boardroom of Walmart, getting themselves voted onto it, and turning it into a publicly-owned company?

That'd rattle the cages in Wall Street!


Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 26, 2014 at 5:46am


"I can't believe what I am reading...... not one word about the Zionist international khazar bankers and ....."

OK..., TWO words!

FUCK 'EM!  [One and a half then]

You're correct and probably extremely right too.

If all the world's military are readying for that which you scare me about, about being about to go door knocking for weapons, and such, then, it's as good as over, for mainstream, and others, in the USA.

How would you suggest, or lead the counter assault to STOP the world's NWO military from taking your arms?

I agree, that everyone should have a better deal and that the governments are the bad guys, etc.

But I'm also sold on the reality that your American "Freedom!" has been long warped and commercialized until, with the willing help of the NWO religions, you're all totally NOT free, and were never gonna be, while so many of you were unable to see the perils of consumerism, and that warped version of capitalism, which turned out to be CRAPitalism.

As I wrote somewhere above, 

"'Freedom'TRUE "Freedom" only comes through long hard, grueling DISCIPLINE!"

NOT, by being paid slaves, 'free' to wander down to Corporate-Pollutants Inc., and buy whatever thrills your legend.

THAT, is the key problem in and with the USA, for the massive divisions it causes all communities, families and nations, backed up in the most disssssgusting ways, by the likes of hollywod, and the A&M industry.

All those are products of your "Freedom!" CULTURE.

As that has been let off the leash for about ummm? since the fall from Eden!  and every scammer and priest and college grad, almost, has jumped on the bandwagon, loosing MORE of any ethics, any restraint in their own mind thus any or all disciplines in lifestyle, and so "Freedom!" to PARTY PARTY PARTY, conscience-free, making babies like rabbits [but same-same allover, since we got clever and made labor-saving devices, etc] has built up a problem, history records, only soluble by something fucking horrible, called 'a cull'.

How you, Peshroobee, gonna wake up 330 million wasted pharma addicts to either CORRECT their errant ways, or mount a counter assault against some millions of highly trained and most heavily armed Warriors?

Put Bundy in the White House?

Sure, if others here interpret Cliven's meaning right, about you're all slaves now, and if he has the intellectual assets of a top FSB spy, like one bloke called "Putin", or such, and a FULLY Intelligent support tram, er 'team', of, say, about 200 million Americans, WHO ALSO know they gotto change and be about NINETY PERCENT less consumptive, mainly of food, fashion real estate, water and energy, and can live like 'Indigenies', go for it!

You in with a chance!

But HELLow!  Have fun with that!

THAT's why Global Military, NWO or no, HAVE TO cull some insatiable and terminal corporate SLAVES.


THAT's why you gotto drop your cultural habits, darlingsss, and get serious about Truer Freedom, of the bodiless kind.  FASSCARS ain't gonna get ya there quicker.  They'se the slooowww lane way.

Oblackman knows this, as do lots of 'lefties'.

As do the ILO, the UN, and..., the various Communist Commissars.

Comment by Citizen Quasar on April 26, 2014 at 5:44am

Marley Jones: “Oh, and Citizen Quasar - wtf are you talking about there, bias and racism politically correct gobbledegook bs handed down by your masters.“

There is NOTHING politically correct in what I dais and I have NO masters. What I say is grammatically correct and uses basic English dictionary definitions so there is nothing gobbledegooky in it. It something is scrambled then it is in your brain, Marley Jones...which is obvious.

 “u someone mentions Black today and the first word out of some idiot's mouth is racism.”

The reason I called racism is because Honest Lee intentionally insulted every white man’s manhood with his remark and Honest Lee intentionally denigrated every white man’s manhood to every black man by his wording in that same remark and that fits the very definition of racism.

“And you are mixing apples and oranges (racism and bias)”

Racism is a category of bias so my conceptual taxonomy is correct here. A is A.

Your statement, Marley Jones, is deception according to Oklahoma law and is a form of tort against me. As such, your statement qualifies as racist too.

“out of some idiot's mouth is“

Please explain what makes me an idiot here; what you are referring to.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 26, 2014 at 2:52am

Very frustrating.  I went to the Bundy Blog and tried to offer words of support - was told that "only members" were allowed to comment.  I could not find any way to become a member.  What's up with that?

Comment by Just Bill on April 26, 2014 at 1:20am

Petunia, If Russians deploy in this country, a lot of them won't be going home except in a rubber bag. I'm not issuing a challenge but it's hard for me to imagine our sons and daughters in uniform "standing down" while that happened and impossible to imagine the rest of us taking it lying down.

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on April 26, 2014 at 12:21am

fORGOT TO MENTION, the USA is the designated loser of WW III,   that is why we were training Russian troops on our soil so they could prepare to defeat us with this advanced knowledge.   Same with chinese troops.   and now we have a crisis that they have every intentions of turning into a globalwar where we and our allies are the losers.    Wake up and smell the treason big time. 

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on April 26, 2014 at 12:18am

I can't believe what I am reading...... not one word about the Zionist international khazar bankers and they are behind this entire mess we are in.   Did you know that Germany and the USA  have trained with Russian troops on our soil on how to be going door to door to collect our guns?   We have treason here big time.     Russians are given our strategies and tactics and Israel stole our most advanced fighter and sold the plans to China, who is a staunch ally of Russia??  And now we know our foreign occupied government did a black ops in the Eukraine so the colluders of Russia, the USA, and now Germany could all start WW III.   Watch and see if the banker owned leaders of Russia and the USA don't try to get us to start WW III.   They need that war or the Fiat currency system globally will crash and leave all those elite broke.     Does anybody know what is going on out there???   It does not appear to be the case.  Blaming the vatican is a joke.   How many vaticans were involved in the killing of  38 sailors on the USS liberty?  NONE, IT WAS ISRAEL THAT ATTACKED US FOR A POLITICAL AGENDA, AND IT WAS JOHNSON THAT COLLUDED WITH iSRAEL TO DO SO HE COULD SEND AIRCRAFT TO BOMB EGYPT FOR ISRAEL.    DAMN WE ARE IN A LOT OF TROUBLE IF PEOPLE DON'T FIGGEN WAKE UP.

Comment by Marley Jones on April 25, 2014 at 10:17pm

What Bundy's message is, to me, is that Blacks/Negros - those dark people - actually were better off on the old plantations - perhaps what we are dished and expected to believe, that every slave owner mistreated his property (which would have been dumb), slaves were owned, and from my research yes, they were better off.  They had work which they could take pride in, just working gives a man dignity. and I shudder to think of hte flack and blow back i'll get, but let me step out on a limb here.  they had food, shelter, medicine, all their wants were taken care of.  basic, but yes, taken care of.  '(not many can say that they're taken care of).  The 13th and 14th Amendments made them free, and it had a profound impact on every one of us. And from there, at that point, the status of each one of us changed.  We all became US citizens with civil rights, which are privileges, which can be taken away.  We all became slaves.    We lost our Sovereign status.   What Bundy is saying to me, is we're all slaves, we're all on the plantation now.  Isn't it so?   Just don't payu  taxes and won't you end up being warehoused?   Can the agents of government not break down your door and haul your ass off to - anywhere really - without a trial?   Bet your ass they can.   So, are you free or are yuu a slave?   And you best know the answer.  Bundy knows the answer.   You pay your taxes, provide your own home (morgage,bankers, taxes) buy or grow (now that's a sensitive area@!) your food, clothing medicine, if you can afford it, and clothing and everything else.  And there are a trillion rules and regulations and if you break any, whoops, hoosgaw for you. And you must learn to fight other mother's sons and kill, and if you don't like it, you can have some nice pharmaceuticals.   So, are you a slave?  

  Yes, there probably were bad men running the plantation and they probably had their way with the women and they probably shot and whipped and god knows what to a "bad" slave.   Just like today, BOYS, just like today.  And most when it comes down to it, go along. 

Oh, and Citizen Quasar - wtf are you talking about there, bias and racism politically correct gobbledegook bs handed down by your masters. u someone mentions Black today and the first word out of some idiot's mouth is racism.   Hey, not sure, but I think a lot of Blacks get a lotta stuff, that I for one pay for, and don't say thank you.  So I'm calling bad manners on them!  lol  The government is WE you idiots.    And you are mixing apples and oranges (racism and bias) but I did have to say, after a head slap, that I understand what's wrong with things today.  Words have meaning.  I'm glad for one that Mr. Bundy has the intelligence not to fall for "politically correct" speech (pun intended), and is fed up with the Federal Agents and the US Corporate BS.  It's because men put their lives on the line for liberty that we won it in the first place.   A lot of blood was spilt, a lot of people suffered mightily, right down to the children.  I'm not sure many  understand or feel that.  they'd rather pick on Bundy's "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS"  than look at the bigger picture here.  Because it's easier to debate the BS.   And the real issue here IS slavery.   get it?      

Bundy has just proven a good point:  We the people are the government, after all.  I'm so proud of those men that stood by him, armed to the teeth, and ready and willing to put their lives on the line for liberty.  So you can shove that  

Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 25, 2014 at 9:48pm

Cheers Opt*, but I don't watch many vids, or open links I'm unsure of....?

None of it matters anyhows!

It's ALL an illusion....

Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 25, 2014 at 9:34pm

As for Bundy's statement about 'the Negro'...

It shows me that he too, has a very small understanding of WHY 'the Negro' has to live in the abject conditions they do, today.

It seems he's being 'groomed' by fuckheaded [Republican Party, or Tea Baggers'] fans, to posture himself to make a run for the fucking presidency?

[Cliven!  Not a sound move, ol Chum!  If you're not already sucked right into the bullshit of US corporate, false politics [which you probably are] you might get all the false wealth, fun and notoriety by the marketing machinery, but you'll be drowned until soulless [if you're not already?], and be seen by the Intelligent Folks, Down-Home Folks and college grads alike, Thinking Workers and Cowboys alike, as but a dupe, and, short or long term, as another enemy of The People.  
I'd hazard a guess and suggest you might be Good for the local County or state politics, if you can take with you some Wise, Intelligent EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION Policies and the Courage to Reform the utterly corrupt land laws to that end.  
But you may be too 'aged' to absorb and survive the bullshit anywhere realty has it's claws.]

AS I WAS saying....., People who so quickly shit on the likes of Obama, [whom I have reservations about, ONLY for his being forced to acquiesce to quite unpatriotic forces in Washington and beyond (Israel?)], and who bitch against most all 'government' in the USA, yet who fail totally to accept and acknowledge that it has not been 'government' in the truer sense of the word, for probably a few centuries, and that those forces they stupidly back - the corporation's warped and corrupted form of capitalism - are idiots, complete verbose, unintelligent idiots.

They jump and shout against this and that any 'leftie' or 'Communist' Advocate or Government suggests, tries, or imposes.

BUT, how many of THEM, those 'keyboards nobodies', would have the first CLUE, about running the [disgustingly] complex machinery of any government, in Washingmachinetown, or in their own state, or even their local County???

Not fucking one of them!

They shout rubbish about the 'evil' Communist Chinese government, [but more of their shrouded racism, aka "the fear of the unknown psychology"], but how would THEY, these O-so-Wise mouthes, manage 1-point-5-point-6-point-7.... BILLION People, themselves???

"Argh!  Give them FREEDOM!!"


Chew on this, 'freedom junkies!'

"'Freedom', TRUE "Freedom" only comes through long hard, grueling DISCIPLINE!"

Well beyond your Walmart People's mental abilities to consider, no doubt.

"Thank you for Shopping at Wall-morte!
Have a nice day!"


Comment by JUST DEFIANCE on April 25, 2014 at 9:02pm

Well. I only bother replying to 'Glenn', and 'Robert', and 'Honest', to show I'm not a coward, even while seeing further onslaughts coming against my, or what I've learned, from far Wiser People than any of us, Political Science.

But let me say I see politics in the US and around the western world perhaps most of all here in 'Astrayliar' [which I expect one of you will accuse me of being], as completely corrupt, so far off the track of honesty and scientific 'equitable' economics, as to be not 'politics' at all.  Unless we assume it now to mean "how to talk shit to the masses, and then con them into voting for us"?

I leaped to Bundy's defense when I 1st read the articles on 12160, and followed the reports afterwards, gaining new knowledge about the fed BLM, and the Washington DC/City of London/Vatican city cabal who as I read, stole your Democracy in 1871.

Shitful stuff, for Americans, and everyone else effected by the 1871 take-over, which certainly includes Australians.

Now, I choose to 'retreat' from supporting Bundy.  BUT, I know the feds, aka the US admin, NOT as your mob so readily aim for, Pres Obama alone, nor even the 'Obama administration' for those being far too 'targeted' at the small presidential circle of 'lefties', and ignores that the whole 'left-right' political publicity affair is one huge scam, no matter Republican or Democrat.

So, shoot your shit my way, but know it bounces off, because I've found it pointless trying to get to the bottomline issues, of "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION", I say "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION", and once more "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION" with people so deeply steeped in the shallow, absolutely corrupt and quite insane muddy pool of mainstream whiteguy politics, as per the right wingers of the US Republican party.

The "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION" issue, is not 'speculation' nor mere 'theory', beliefs, nor opinion, but it is a well established, and proven Economic Science, with references and inquiries and testimonies dating back thousands of years.

The laughable irony of your, Glenn's and Robert's, and I guess Honest's assault against me, is that the "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION" issue, has been found to be THE Issue, most of the world's Intelligent, Wisest and Bravest Freedom Fighters, across history, have seen as the crux of People, ALL People, being able to live peaceable and honest lives, against malicious, corrupt and insane monarchies, land barons, real estate moguls, cults and industries.

So, distrusting of anything coming out of say, the Washington DC admin, or, London, aka Westminster, or the Vatican [ESPECIALLY THE VATICAN!!!] and seeing the popular, if not entirely egoistic and thus stupid, politics of selfishness predominant in many outlets from the USA, shouting violent and ignorant responses to "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION", I rewrite "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION", that is "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION",I remain True to "EQUITABLE LAND DISTRIBUTION", as THE underlying Issue, humanity has to address, as the way forward [if we have any space, and time left to move forward?], out of this global quagmire of utterly corrupt religion, culture, economics, personal, national, and cultural psychology.

As well, since I went online, merely to keep my mind exercised, in the last years or two, to join chat rooms etc, the offensive, untrue, delusional and clearly insane commentaries, and posts and replies from some Americans, proves my 'not-so-long-held' conclusions, that Americans, some percentage of them, of 'you', are really fucking sick, psychologically.  Ask The Terminator's Arnie'?

Comment by Citizen Quasar on April 25, 2014 at 8:51pm

"the average young black man..."

"the average young white boy..."

"So am I a racist?"

Yes. You show your racism in that you call black males men and white males boys. Your bias stands out like the nose on your face.

Comment by Robert David Hummel on April 25, 2014 at 8:01pm

Thank You, Sir, ....If Obamaghazi had any reading skills , He might try to reason with your TRUTH. ....PERIOD.

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