090122 Obama retakes oath of office -NO BIBLE? '

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Comment by Marklar on April 5, 2011 at 7:22am

Whether he is a Christian or not I really can't say. I do know however that even the NWO couldn't have gotten him elected unless he claimed to be one with the level of christian exceptionalism that exists in this country.


We will certainly have a quadraplegic midget gay Eskimo ninja president before an openly atheist president is ever elected. It's a bit like a parol board hearing where failing to be "saved" is an automatic kiss of death and a guarantee that you will be serving out your full sentence.


A president needing to retake the oath because of a screw up in it's execution is an oddity in itself. I don't see how the absence of a bible is any odder than other aspects of pomp and circumstance that normally surround the ceremony which are also completely unnecessary but are actually traditional in nature.

Comment by truth on April 4, 2011 at 11:52pm
My thinking at the time of posting this was, Obama claims to be a Christian, just seemed slightly odd. I am not saying he is a muslim, for I belive the only God this man prays to is ego.
Comment by Marklar on April 4, 2011 at 9:54pm

Greg, if you really believe in the bible one would think you would be more careful about bearing false witness. The bible is not translated into every language known to humanity as not every language known to humanity can even be deciphered leaving such translation impossible. For instance, please show me the bible written in Pictish.


In the end, those who would require a religious test for office thereby denying the religious freedom of others will neither get nor deserve any.

Comment by Andy Anduer on April 3, 2011 at 10:49am
He's just showing his "true colors" of his heart. Anti Christ!
Comment by Marklar on April 3, 2011 at 4:36am

No bible is required for the oath as the oath is entirely secular in nature with no mention of God at all and since there is specifically no religious test for office. The president could take the oath on the Yellow Pages if he so chooses.


Neither congressmen nor senators are sworn in on the Bible either. They tend to be sworn in en masse in both cases and may or may not choose to carry a religious text with them as they do so.


Keith Ellison D-Minn, the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress carried Thomas Jefferson's personal copy of the Koran when taking his oath of office. But he no more swore his oath "upon it" than he could have been considered to have taken his oath upon a Harry Potter book simply because he had been carrying it at the time.

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