It's Official Zio-Occupied White House and DHS Behind #OWS Thug Crackdowns Nationwide

It's Official Zio-Occupied White House and DHS Behind #OWS Thug Crackdowns Nationwide

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Admits 18 Cities Were Consulting on #Occupy Crackdowns

Rumors have been swirling around various Occupy camps that a series of major crackdowns in recent days -- spanning from New York to Denver to Oakland, with several others in between -- were being done on the orders of Washington. That's unlikely.
But in an interview with BBC News, Oakland Mayor casually admitted that she had participated in a conference call with officials from 18 cities to discuss the OWS movement, tactics for managing its camps, etc.
The interview is excerpted in this episode of The Takeaway -- at about 5:30. 
It's unclear whether they "coordinated" the recent raids, but it's an intriguing tidbit. I've reached out to a source and will update this if/when I get more.

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Comment by Billybob Cornfed on November 15, 2011 at 3:55pm

I just think we are finally beginning to see the manifestation of the police state that has been growing around us -

Comment by Metalchemist on November 15, 2011 at 3:54pm

This is the encroaching police state Americans are dealing with...

Becoming more apparent every day.

Living close to Oakland Ca, you come to realize that the Mayor of Oakland Jean Quan is playing both sides.

She knows the Oakland P.D. is going to break the Occupy camp, yet after the action takes place she denies any prior knowledge of the police action.

Oakland is in (to put it mildly) disarray after having Ron Dellums and Jerry Brown as past Mayor's.

Now to complicate matters enter Jean Quan.

This city has been undergoing creeping death for a long time.

The politicians care more about their football team than their community.

Both are in a shambles.

What surprises me is, all of Breserkley (Berkeley) isn't in Oakland showing their support of the movement.

Comment by npd1969 on November 15, 2011 at 3:49pm

There were arrests today at about 3:15 AM at the location in El Paso, Texas.  Six people were arrested by El Paso PD.

Comment by Billybob Cornfed on November 15, 2011 at 3:46pm

and anyone is surprised?

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