Look at that cow Smiling about her polluting deeds- done dirt cheap. Well it's time to name and shame these dirty pack of shits.... That's You - WYOMING, COLORADO, and the rest of you.. Arizona, New Mexico, California, Utah, Nevada, and your name pops up also Idaho. ( So where's the other 2 hiding then ?) Hows your SNOWIE project going these days? Silver iodide is Toxic to fish and other water creatures as your evil kind well know. I would hate to imagine what could happen if your shit ended up in the lakes or rivers. Perhaps we should just follow the smell of Dead fish for some possible ideas. (One different state reckoned "strong winds" killed all Their fish along with all the frogs. - that sad day happened in Minnesota I think. Wonder what the winds blew in to make Those Fish Die? - just a thought.)
"Destroying the New World Order"
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