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Comment by Parrhesia on January 25, 2023 at 10:34am

The BR rumor seemed a natural progression, but it sounds like they don't want her either.  She should be worried; The Cabal knows how to eliminate the "no longer needed".  

Comment by cheeki kea on January 25, 2023 at 6:18am

As for the Evil wicked witch of the west If the Black Rock takes her in it will be a sheer act of charity as she's become a worldwide expensive liability ( for security reasons ) according to both lame stream and alternative media and even comments from ex employees of BR have emerged. I can't think where she could run to for a peaceful life. Everyone Knows she tried to censor the entire World from their free speech and couldn't even demonstrate censorship actions in her own country. She has Lost her own war.

Comment by cheeki kea on January 23, 2023 at 7:49am

Thanks for your interest Parrhesia. Everyones taken a break from the keyboards it seems as the world watches the comments in Lamestream media of Jabcindas sudden departure and indeed we see from those that ones rubbing in  dirt of failure in her very face are the ones who loved her the most. ( inadvertently confirming that keyboarders in clown world put her out of business ) The woman's also got a mental condition known in CW and the Real world as 'Imposter syndrome' and this can be a huge issue for successful outcomes in Anything. Suffers Know in themselves they use trickery and charm to get want they want and that is of cause their own admiration but know in theirselves they are unworthy and Fear what others Think. They see themselves as underserving victims of success in their own misery of on-going guilt. Those higher up the scale in high and mighty jobs will rub her weekness in for sure. Everyone else parties on. comments... first example and more coming by the looks of it. Here's what Condescending means......  

Comment by Parrhesia on January 20, 2023 at 1:28pm

Poor tyrant got feelings hurt.  Looks like she'll make a recovery by joining Blackrock, where the meanies can't get to her.

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