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Comment by Vida Smith Compton on April 8, 2012 at 9:33pm
I am so sick ansd tired of the MSM, they make me want to puke....If anyone is further from the ROTHSCHILDS ZIONISM , IT IS RON PAUL! He does not hate ISREAL nor the JEWISH people! He is just tired just as I am of supporting the world with foreign aid, humanitarian supplies that don= get to the ones that need it, that is Ron Paul's opinion on all foreign aid to any nation! Somebody at the negoiating table is not using their noggins at all! I think the whole wide world needs to start paying the US back in oil reserve at ZERO cost to our Nation! We need to get out of the United Nations, andcollect on all parking fines for all their parking ticket in NYC. If we had of Audited the Fed when Ron Paul suggested it in the 80's ,we'd know where all the money was going and what US dept of whatever was using it! The zionist Jews are the George Soros' ,Rothschilds, all those that attend the BILDERBURG GROUP MEETING YEARLY! The money that moves the world lies with those Rich evil devils.....That's your NWO ,since the beginning of the Republic, all the money and gold in the world will never keep any of us from the final judgement of God Almighty......They are so rich and ignorant ,they think they can buy a place in OD's Heavenly KINGDOM......God will use their GOLD to make the streets of Heaven, the walls will be made of the 2 precious stones of the earth ,Oh ,all of this is in the last Chapter of the Revelation in the Holy Bible......I think Dr.Ron Paul will make it to Heaven before any of the Zionist MSM ,George Soros' do.......
Comment by WTRH-AM-AE on April 8, 2012 at 5:53pm

This is what the mainstream media has been doing since 2008.  Bleeping and blurring Ron Paul.   When he gives out a good speech they block it out with a commercial.

Comment by Edwin on November 22, 2011 at 12:46pm

Is'nt this the way it is. Msm continues chirping about these puppet candidates, yet makes no mention of Dr. Paul unless to tell us that he's un-electable.

Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on November 21, 2011 at 6:39pm

Easy Choice

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