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Comment by James Roberts on November 3, 2019 at 4:15pm

rlionhearted - I am in no way trying to say that your relatives, or that you are evil. 90 some % of masons go no higher than the 3rd degree (the first three degrees are called "blue degrees"). However, the top 1% are very evil. They manifest dark goals by way of their influence in society. One of the top ranks is Knights Templar. The originals admitted to defiling images of Christ and Bibles, and engaging in anal sex with other members as part of an occult ritual. When the Pope had them rounded up, rooms on their properties were found with hundreds of "baphomets", the heads of young boys that were prepared ritualistically to deliver information from demonic beings. They were found stored in small silver coffins. Once in France, a masonic temple was raided and found to contain various satanic imagery and ritual tools. But, no, this type of thing is not for the laity. It's for the higher-ups.

Here's an eye-opening video on a masonic ritual in Turkey. It's an early cell phone video, and is low quality, unfortunately. I don't enjoy telling you these things, but I would want someone to tell me if I was involved, and I have studied the subject very much in depth. I'm sure I'm right about the upper echelons. I am sorry, but you should leave and never look back. I'm sure the initiation ritual, walking around the alter twice, etc., is an occult ritual, and probably involves taking some life energy from the initiate to further the group's goals in amassing temporal power.

Comment by rlionhearted_3 on November 3, 2019 at 1:47pm

 Well,  whatever, I’ve been in the “Temple” many times. Though the last time was over 40 years ago. My mother was an Eastern Star, had friends were DeMolay. I grew up around this secret organization. Hell, I wonder why an Invitation was never extended to me? I guess I didn’t care about taking over the world?

Comment by James Roberts on November 3, 2019 at 10:52am

rlionhearted - My Dad was a mason, and I finally talked him out of it. Look at any masonic temple or book - plenty of pagan symbology, no Christian, though. Albert Pike said in one of his books that the masonic god is Lucifer, and I think that was the last straw for Dad.

By the way, murderous officers probably also go free because the jurors know that the cops know who they are, and where they live. And if they just murdered someone, might you be moved to acquit for the sake of the safety of your loved ones?

Comment by rlionhearted_3 on November 3, 2019 at 9:15am

My father was a Mason, my grandfather a Mason and Shriner. Total Bullshit. The Masons aren’t taking over the world. I still have some books and paperwork of theirs Masonry Stuff. Can’t find that list of Freemasonry obligations anywhere and never heard of it.  Yale’s Skull And Bones on the other hand........

Comment by James Roberts on October 24, 2019 at 12:56pm

"Dirty cops.. do they make any other kind?" - Mel Gibson in Payback

"Destroying the New World Order"



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