All you honest servants of the public that stand by the oath you taken to serve and protect, Fight for freedom, Provide healthcare, Seek justice, Help your fellow citizen, Pledge alligance to your country. It's time now to round up those corrupt, decieving, lying, manipulating, self serving fascists who's aim is to destroy legal rights, Destroy soverignty, destroy good will to man, Destroy the very land our forefathers fought for so we could be free and have a say in how we live. If you know of any corrupt people within your field of work that is keeping a strangle hold on the population for monetary gain alone and power, It is your obligation to bring those people to justice and serve them their Consequences. For no man shall be above the law not even his own laws. We the people are sick of being taxed to death, treated like aliens in our own country, Bowwing to our govt daily, Bailing out Big corporations that started this mess in the first place, Paying money to private Banks instead of putting money into our Own Bank Of Canada, Having to sell our homes because we can't pay the mortgage, Having Education cut, Having Healthcare cut, Spending more money on Roads and HST than Education or Healthcare. The list is endless! Please Help us take back our country now or we will take it back ourselves. Thankyou Vote BC Refed Vote yourself into power!
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