Robert UnitedWeStand's Blog (45)

Superbowl First lady babylon whore.

They talked about the Constitution and Declaration of Independence besides Liberty before the Superbowl, how dare they! Then that white house first lady Babylon Whore dare speaks the word of Constitution and Declaration of Independence and use the words Liberty! We will show them Liberty Unit 1 and Unit 2.. We will show them what creating Liberty is really like and anyone who stands in our path like any cop. Will be SHOWN EXTREME prejudice. We will bring them…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on February 2, 2014 at 11:55pm — No Comments

I’ve been watching CNBC on and off today. You can hear the fear in their voices.

Dear Steve,

I’ve been watching CNBC on and off today. You can hear the fear in

their voices. As I type these words the Dow is down 244.

Our nation is reaping the direct consequence of the genocide of 56

million innocent human beings. Did anyone seriously believe that America could skate away scot-free from this horrendous crime against humanity and God? God will not be mocked. What we are now witnessing is the beginning of the end. As I…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on January 28, 2014 at 12:13am — 8 Comments

Join me on Facebook Roberts Liberty, Houston Texas and

Join me on Facebook Roberts Liberty, Houston Texas and like my community page full of news.

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on January 26, 2014 at 9:00am — No Comments


The militias across the United States are responding and mobilizing to the call to protect our Republic. Operation American Spring is underway.  Militia Commanders and Sargent  of Arms have called me from all over the United States.  Rules of Engagement (ROE's) are now being requested.…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on January 21, 2014 at 10:22pm — No Comments

Obama and his agenda....Remember it is HIS, NOT OURS!!!

Well we wondered when it would start and this is what we have been waiting on the first move the State of the Union will be something we need to watch and listen to closely, then the big one what will his next EOs be he is bringing up Childern as the main issue again. We are going to have a long and damaging 2014. Its Time to put a stop to this PREPARE for a real AMERICAN SPRING those that are patriots and ex-militay along with…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on January 20, 2014 at 7:41pm — 2 Comments

Reported sexual assaults in US military jumped by 50% in 2013

And you woman are so fucking gullible, KEEP JOINING! Think it won't happen to you..This is why its best not to date woman from the Military this will cause some serious psychosis issues and baggage.

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on December 28, 2013 at 5:46pm — No Comments

Something is unraveling.... Is it starting to crash down on their heads as Carver had said?

Something is unraveling.... Is it starting to crash down on their heads as Carver had said?

The Parker's are now leaving Newtown. And I am willing to bet we never hear from them again.

The Head of the Police Commission has resigned. Carver has quit. Other families have left town. Susan Hicks has demanded that her famous photo of the children being led out in single file be scrubbed from the internet.

With the release of the…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on December 28, 2013 at 12:20am — No Comments

Inside source, keep your money out of the banks!

Inside source and they are claiming its not far away, plan on the BANKING CARTEL TAKING MONEY OUT OF YOUR ACCOUNTS just like CYPRESS did in Europe. This is you final warning. Keep only what you need to pay your bills...keep all money in a fire proof box in your house.

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on October 31, 2013 at 8:23pm — No Comments

The economy is worsen as the jobs continue to get worse.

Inside source mega corporations are laying off like crazy.JP morgan. is about to lay off another 19,000 people. This is all under ground and research work. The economy is getting worse. IBM 9,400, jc penny ,5000, well fargo 4,500, met life, 5,500. dish network and a few others cut 3000 jobs. they are big investment companies. Totals out 73,000 and it won't be in the labor report people.

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on October 19, 2013 at 2:31am — 1 Comment



Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations global gun control treaty today without submitting it to the US Senate for ratification. Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker immediately sent a strongly worded letter to the White House warning President Obama not to use presidential directives to implement the treaty without submitting the treaty to the Senate for a vote. Mr. Corker said the treaty violates the Second Amendment of the US…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on September 25, 2013 at 11:36pm — No Comments


Muslim Brotherhood is the most Evil creature and organization on this planet. Proof that Obama backs them up and they are trying to take over America from within and implant their Sheral law in slowly.

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on September 2, 2013 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Freemason Warns of BioChem Attack on US City.

Freemason Warns of BioChem Attack on US City. We know its coming, I'm think Texas since DHS has all the war heads at their HQ here. Or possible LA since those people are worthless sheep. Quite frankly I don't give a f*** if half city got nuked.…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 29, 2013 at 2:03am — No Comments



Financial Calamity Is Coming, They’re Going to Take Our Bank & Retirement Accounts!

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 29, 2013 at 1:35am — 1 Comment

FLORIDA ISSUE + Florida: Mosque to broadcast Islamic call to prayer, Councilman says potential noise 'nuisance'

And some of you 3% claim these people have Constitutional protection? the f*** they do.

FLORIDA ISSUE + Florida: Mosque to broadcast Islamic call to prayer, Councilman says potential noise 'nuisance'



Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 28, 2013 at 1:38pm — No Comments

Colorado's Grassroots Revolt Against Gun-Grabbers

COLORADO SPRINGS — While most Americans will be chillin' out, maxin' and relaxin' this Labor Day weekend, dedicated patriots in Colorado are hard at work preparing for a groundbreaking special election day with nationwide repercussions. George Washington would be proud.…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 28, 2013 at 1:38pm — No Comments

The Ruby Ridge Massacre – (And Bill Maher Laughs At It) (Full Version)

The Ruby Ridge Massacre – (And Bill Maher Laughs At It) (Full Version)

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 22, 2013 at 12:41am — No Comments

Whats in ObamaCare? Worse then you thought..

Whats in ObamaCare, as I stated many times and people are already talking about it. Sounds just as bad as the Immigration and Amesity bill.

tax credits for hiring Mexicans over American?

1. the owner wont have to pay any health care tax

2. the owner wont be penalized if they go over 49 employees then have to buy them health care

3. there is a 5000.00 rebate or tax credit…

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 18, 2013 at 11:31pm — 2 Comments

We will March on DC,Monday, September 9th, 2013, at 8 am.10am

We, as a People of good conscience, hereby demand OUR Constitutional Right to a Redress of Grievances to be heard by Congress. This ‘redress’ is

a demand for action by Congress to right the wrongs done against us. This is OUR government and those are OUR seats they sit in! It’s time Congress represents US!

On Monday, September 9th, 2013, at 8 am for elderly / handicap, and 10 am for everyone else. We will March on DC, and surround Capitol Hill…


Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 18, 2013 at 12:56pm — No Comments

Putin puts all Russian military facilities at “Egyptian military’s disposal”

If this is true it gives even further proof that Obama is an Islam General because Obama will always support the Murderous Muslim Brotherhood over America's interests.

Added by Robert UnitedWeStand on August 17, 2013 at 1:15am — 3 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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