Uninformed? No, Complete and Utter Morons!

When we talk about sheeple, people that are asleep at the wheel, what comes to mind? Because that's something that many of us here on 12.160Mhz discuss passionately and with fair frequency. All of us seem to recognize that Americans are just ill-informed, many are simply ignorant (not the same as stupid, just uninformed), and of course some really are just your garden variety stupid.

There are uninformed or ill-informed Obama supporters and there were, equally, uninformed and ill-informed McCain supporters.

ALL candidates have uninformed and ill-informed supporters.

For that matter, all candidates have stupid supporters or we wouldn't be in the messes we're in, would we?

I mean, how could anyone actually have voted for Obama, or McCain? Or Bush? Or Clinton?

Let's face it folks, the choices we actually get for electable officials suck, don't they?

Truthfully though, I've never heard uninformed Ron Paul supporters. Have you? I've never heard uninformed or stupid Dennis Kucinich supporters. Have you? It seems like the candidates that really deserve our collective support require one to be informed to provide that same support.

So, I have been wondering, what do uninformed, ill-informed and stupid American look like? I wondered that because most of you here on 12.160Mhz don't appear stupid, ill-informed or uninformed to me. You all appear to have a desperate need, as I do, for the truth. We all seem to prefer reality as opposed to fantasy and what's more, we actually know the difference.

I wondered, what does someone who gets their news from Fox actually look like? What do people who just HAVE NO CLUE about this country, the place where they live and raise children (one might wish they didn't) actually look like? Do they look different?

Well, they look like you and me, sadly.

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Comment by Jeff on December 6, 2009 at 12:06am
Steve, precisely.

Yahya, you NEVER cease to amaze me with your brilliant assessments. If you were an attractive female Atheist I might very well fall in love with you my friend.

Comment by Steve Lee on December 5, 2009 at 7:44pm

Actually, it doesn't matter how well-informed the potential voters are because what the candidates are presenting as their positions on the issues are subject to change after they get elected by the legislative process as they try to round-up enough votes to get the laws passed.

If Dennis Kucinich would have been elected, he would have had his "Health Care Reform" proposal altered even more by the legislators because his would have been a straight "single-payer" system, which would have not garnered support from enough Democrats to be approved by the Congress. So, any great amount of time spent analyzing the differences between his positions and the rest of the Democratic Presidential Primary candidates would have been wasted as the system will only accept a certain amount of variability.

There were a lot of myths created, About The Voters In The Presidential Election
Comment by Jeff on December 5, 2009 at 5:43pm
These people have NO RIGHT TO VOTE.
Comment by Jeff on December 5, 2009 at 5:41pm
That's Morons with a capital M, capital O, capital R, capital O, capital N, capital S, ALL CAPS thank you.

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