An Empty Shell 


Every time I thought I had it made

On my way to the shade

Just more rain on my parade

Experiencing orbital decay,

Image result for fentanyl poisoning 

They live off their Kool-Aid

As they build their blockades

Not enough fentanyl drug raids

All in all 50 different gray shades,

 Image result for encircled by shark fins

Just as I thought, my ship was sailing in

Encircled by Tiger Shark fins

Sick and tired of sleeping on needles and pins

Its 3 AM baby, where have you been?


The unsuspecting and naïve fools

They’ve become the leftist’s tools

Trying to destroy their fossil fuels

Oh, how easily the blood pools,

 Image result for Doom's day

They are quickly bringing about Doom’s day

From their daylight tombs where they lay

Too delusional to see they only cause disarray

No, it’s not okay no, it’s not okay,

 Image result for under surveillance

Whenever I’ve fallen this I know

Poison seeds of deception never grow

It’s all simply evil don’t you know?

You’re under surveillance wherever you go,

 Image result for police state

Welcome to the police state of today

If you want your freedom, you had better pray

The fools at the top all like to say

That it’s your fault anyway,

Image result for Biden's frown 

Who is this charlatan wearing a crown

As he conveys his demented frown

We now have an Oval office clown

No virgins left in lily-white gowns,

 Image result for virgins in lily-white gowns deviant art

They’ve all forgotten about the Liberty Bell

Made life in America a living hell

What happened to my country? I can no longer tell

A rogue regime only an empty shell.

 Image result for Biden posing like Hitler





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Comment by Doc Vega on May 18, 2024 at 1:36pm

Cheeki Kea Thanks! Your messages are always positive and encouraging! Have a blessed day.

Comment by cheeki kea on May 15, 2024 at 11:32am

Thats a good poem right over target Doc V.  (We are told in the last chapters of clown word that there will be philosopher kings rise from ashes scattered by the war on words fought by poets, writers and bloggers who will in the end rise above others armed with their keyboards, paper, and pens.)  

"Destroying the New World Order"



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