Human remains found on the Sandringham Estate – Duke of Edinburgh has the safest alibi out of all the Royal’s...

It's now beginning to be widely reported as from; 3rd January 2012 - that a walker found human remains in woodlands on the Royal Family's Sandringham estate.  Yet unlike normal murders, or following the discovery of such ghastly remains, the discovery was kept secret for more than 24 hours or so, - allegedly the delay is due to detectives trying to establish how the remains were found to be located so close to the Royal residence, in Anmer, a small village near King’s Lynn, Cambridgeshire.  A large area of the woodland had been cordoned off.  

Questions are being asked as to; ‘Why wasn’t the media contacted earlier?’ - We understand that some cases of ‘national security’, or when the leaking of such news could hamper an investigation, - that the press are asked to adopt a ‘press blackout’, - though surely in a case such as this, one that is clearly ‘in the public interest’, as someone could quite have easily come forward to say whom they might think the remains belong to, i.e.; “My wife, husband, daughter or son etc. - didn’t come home last night”.    

One resident, who did not want to be named, said: “There is a heavy police presence even 24 hours after the discovery; ....You couldn't get very close to the site.  - ...It is just a stone's throw from the Stud and the Royals' house. It is very close." - Villagers are quite rightly worried, though out of all the royals, then it has to be the 90 year old Duke of Edinburgh, who has the most convincing alibi, as we all know he was taken ill on the 23rd December 2011, as he was airlifted to hospital from Sandringham and kept under observation for four nights after undergoing the “minimally invasive procedure” of coronary stenting, which was declared a success, the very same thing happened to my father, he waited 2 hours for the ambulance to arrived, they did the stent operation, and he was sent home the next day, and had to pay for a taxi himself, as else he wouldn't have got back home.  - Though due to the police not yet establishing how long the remains had been on the grounds of the Palace, the police of course can’t 100% rule the Duke completely out of the equation.  The area was sealed off by police before they started a detailed search.  No indication of the age or gender of the remains was released. It is not known how long the remains have been there, and Buckingham Palace have said; " had no comment to make, as it was a matter for the Norfolk police".

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Comment by Cryptocurrency on January 8, 2012 at 9:29pm

Lol at TLS

Comment by Exposure on January 4, 2012 at 2:27pm

@DTOM, - It's true, many a Brit does like being a 'subject', which in itself, is a subject of concern, - as you'll find as bigger following among the working classes, and shows you how much they've been successfully instead of questioning, why are we still living in hovels and sink estates, with excess of 3 million people in the UK, on housing lists, and as many people or more with no jobs etc. - they are as appy as a sand-boy waving ye olde Union Jack at the first given opportunity...not only am I trapped in a Masonic world, I've also got my own people to contend with, as I was born working class and known as a Cockney, whose pearly Kings and Queens reflect how loyal and devoted they are to the 'real thing' in Buck Palace; - yet I'm glad to say, I am not one of these, as I'll always be working does'nt change your roots, nor class, - all else is in your head. 

Comment by DTOM on January 4, 2012 at 6:21am

Nothing will happen in the UK, the sad truth is that most Brits are happy being subjects...and they'll no doubt welcome the neo-feudal society over which King William will soon hold court.

Comment by Exposure on January 4, 2012 at 6:09am

Maria De Wind, - I've often said, we got a corrupt 'Hung Parilament' here in the UK, - yet funny enough, I ain't seen no one swinging yet!!

Comment by Maria De Wind on January 3, 2012 at 7:35pm

Comment by apeman2502 on January 3, 2012 at 3:19pm

  If they jailed the Duke of Edinburgh, I am sure they could think of SOMETHING to book him on.

Comment by TommyD on January 3, 2012 at 9:39am

The story of Adam and Eve is symbolic of the reptilians trying to deceive humanity into screwing this, gaining knowledge is better than eternal it eat it...and give some to that wimp of a mate too....

Comment by Maria De Wind on January 3, 2012 at 9:29am


Comment by TommyD on January 3, 2012 at 8:38am

its the royal blood that makes me a royal pain,lol...SOMEONE was going to say it...

Comment by TommyD on January 3, 2012 at 8:37am

the scary part of about this is the factt hat I know from genealogy records that I do possess a small amount of royal blood....ewwwwww!!!!!!!   I'm part reptilian!!!!!!!

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