Very Damning Evidence against that Crook Bill Clinton!


The Clinton Chronicles


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Comment by Charles Magus on April 20, 2012 at 2:56pm

Thanks Suzie and Patty!  These people are all connected to the Illuminati and the Rothschild Dynasty!   The zionists have taken centuries to get the set up right for infiltration of every country and ever political group.   Take a look at the 112 year old document called The protocols of the elders of zion.  It is sickening what they spell out for the Askenazis and the Khazarians Jews exactly what to do to dominate the world and destroy every nationality on the Earth.


I deeply wish we did have outside help to defeat these vile parasites.  In this matter it is down to us to save ourselves.

Only if the whole of humanity work together can we ever stop these bastards once and for all.


They will be held accountable Suzie!  We just have to overwhelm them by our numbers!




Comment by Patty Volies on April 18, 2012 at 9:12pm
TY Charles Magus. These men of great power never seem to be able to handle it. It's a definate Major Flaw in their Characters. I am hanging on my seat to see help coming in.
Comment by suzie on April 18, 2012 at 7:25pm

Clinton opened my eyes for the first time about our government and the pulse of Americans ... I am glad.. because when we take back our freedom all these traitors will be held accountable and history will be revised for sure.. All wrongs must be corrected! They murdered so many innocent people! and we just changed the channel and went shopping as if nothing happened or WORSE thought maybe they deserved it! 

Comment by Charles Magus on April 11, 2012 at 5:48pm

Yes! Clinton was Connected to the Wacho Attack, this was done to see public reaction to the killings by the police!  As there was not much backlash, it gave them the mandate to do far more atrocities!  The Police involved in Wako and the Oklahoma City Bombings should have all been hanged, along with any politicians connected to them! 


I totally agree with you Unemployed Stormtrooper!  None of them were ever worthy to be in charge of a paper bag, let alone the country!  They all need to be Guillotined!! That is a fitting punishment for these retarded bastards!!!

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 11, 2012 at 4:15pm

and what about the Oklahoma city bombing??..that was a false flag what happen in Waco Texas...I remember , I saw a documentary about it that say that the FEDS did the fire that got all those children killed and not Koresh ... There is a lot they don't tell you...Mainstream media been hiding the truth from everyone since September 11 of 1991 after the Persian Gulf war was over and Bush Father went that day on national TV to talk about the new world Order...I seen the Videos...and then Clinton got elected and a lot of strange things start to happen, a lot of people got kill during the Clinton years and went he left The US had 3 trillion dollars on it national coffers and no debt, that was the only good thing that came out of the Clinton years ....then came That Retard Walmart Mumbling drooling idiot of Bush Jr and that Perverted Evil bastard of Cheney and behind them the 911 attacks exactly 10 years after his father speech in front of Congress on 9/11/ of 1991 (COINCIDENCE???)   and the whole world went to hell ....and since them we been loosing our rights day after day...Our national debt is above 16 trillions... and we have now an Invisible enemy that never rest and that we will have to fight forever till God Knows went.....Like or not That is what it is ...And the Bush family as the Clintons and the Obamas...all are guilty, Republicans and Democrats alike of the terrible reality that America have become to it's citizens so to the rest of the world.

Comment by Charles Magus on April 11, 2012 at 3:48pm

Yeah!  I was shocked and disgusted with Bill Clinton and Hilary when I found out!  I can't believe that he was partly responsible for the deaths of those two Children who got too close to the plane filled with Drugs that Clinton and his cronies helped to smuggle into the country!    He is also a massive predator of women and treats them like dirt!  He needs a good kick in the Goolies!

Comment by Patty Volies on April 10, 2012 at 3:08pm
OMG!!!! I never knew any of this. I should. I won't any longer.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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