Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their own Plate

With a sad twist of irony, corporate and government elite dine on safe, organic food while the masses, those very people who are supposedly represented and protected by their governments, are poisoned by hidden genetically modified organisms, pesticides and dangerous contaminants.

The presidential family demands organic food in their kitchen, yet behind closed doors, shake hands with the biotech industry. China’s top brass is fed by an exclusive, gated organic garden while the rest of the population consumes GM food, steroid contaminated meat and dairy laced with melamine. Even Monsanto’s own employee’s command non-genetically modified food in their canteen. Access to clean, organic and healthy food is not a given right anymore — it has become a political battleground with the average citizen suffering the loss.

White House double-take


While First Lady Michelle Obama digs up the White House lawn to plant an organic garden, her husband promotes a GMO agenda within his administration. “You know, in my household, over the last year we have just shifted to organic,” she said in a New Yorker interview during Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Organic produce from the garden feeds the Obama family and visiting dignitaries alike. Seems okay so far. But then take a look at Obama’s laundry-list of presidential appointed positions with biotech ties: USDA head Roger Beachy, a former director at Monsanto, FDA food safety czar Michael Taylor, one-time vice president for public policy at Monsanto, Commissioner of the USDA Tom Vilsack who created the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership. Under President Obama, 10 new GM crops have been approved for ‘safe consumption.’

Spiked fences protect organic gardens from the people

The political elite in China enjoy the safest of food — organic produce, grass-fed beef from Inner Mongolia, rice free of pesticides, chemicals or genetically modified organisms. Compare this with the food supply of ordinary citizens that is laden with pesticides, industrial chemicals and GMOs. Children have become sick and died from tainted baby formula and milk products. Blindness and death have resulted from adults consuming fake liquor. Yet Chinese leaders have their own protected food sources of the highest quality. In Beijing, an organic farm is surrounded by a six-foot spiked fence while security personnel guard the entrance. The garden produces food for top-notch officials only. Beidaihe Sanitorium, a seaside haven for retired party cadres, exclusively uses a specialty rice that is organic and free of GMOs. As for the public, they can purchase the small remaining surplus of the grain at 15 times the cost of regular rice. All the while, the government continues to approve GMOs and harmful chemicals for general consumption.

GMO-free meals at Monsanto


Remember the notice at a Monsanto staff canteen stating the decision “to remove, as far as practicable, GM soya and maize from all food products served in our restaurant. We have taken the above steps to ensure that you, the customer, can feel confident in the food we serve.” According to Tony Coombes, the company’s spokesperson, “Yes, this is the case, and it is because we believe in choice.”

More Here:  http://worldtruth.tv/political-and-corporate-elite-shun-gm-food-on-...

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Comment by Sweettina2 on October 25, 2012 at 11:26pm

@ arisuta2  Oh, I see what you mean.  Hmmm, it is possible, would love to run across it.  As I nurse I can tell you that the cleanses and detoxes can really work...especially in heavy metals.  In medicine it is called chelation.

Comment by arisuta2 on October 19, 2012 at 9:11am

@Sweettina, I'm not saying that it is something that WE, the general population would know about but something, like an antidote, that was developed in tandem with the toxins in order to allow the elite to side step the effects of all the crap in the environment. If you believe in homeopathy, (which many people don't), it is supposed to have treatments to cleanse the body of heavy metals. It is rumoured to work in the case of autistic children who are victims of the mercury in vaccines.

Comment by Sweettina2 on October 19, 2012 at 1:07am

@ arisuta  I have seen a little here and there as far as flushes and such. Nothing thats really tested and confirmed that I know of.  The best thing to do is avoid it as much as possible, vitamins, minerals and nutrients will build a good immunity to fight off some things.

I truly believe in hemp oil, talked with lots of folks it has helped/cured.

Comment by arisuta2 on October 18, 2012 at 7:49pm

Re the chem trails. I was thinking the same thing but then I wondered whether they know of a means to flush such toxins from their bodies, same as when they inadvertently eat GMO muck or some pesticide. Whether it's some supplement that they know to take or some other procedure, I'm pretty sure the elite are not worried about chem trails. (Maybe hemp oil helps that too, it seems to cure everything else).

Comment by Sweettina2 on October 17, 2012 at 3:59am

The commies have a term, "Eat their young"...and they do.  Their kids and families end up suffering the same evils they put out for others. Thats what that term means.  GMO food is a good example. As well as chemtrails.  Every time I see chemtrails over Dallas I am hoping they are flying over Bush's house.

Comment by Jim Braun on October 14, 2012 at 11:25pm

Where I live,and what I eat,I simply can't afford the same diet in the US. You not allowed to grow your own food at home in some places.

Comment by mountain19 on October 14, 2012 at 6:36pm

gee i hope there wasn't anyone who thought they would eat this poison...like hey come on get w/the program.  makes me think i am wasting my time. 

Comment by countyguard on October 14, 2012 at 6:13pm


Comment by raymond _______ on October 14, 2012 at 5:58pm

Too fucking right they dont.Sick twisted backwards uneducated evil fucks.

Comment by Marley Jones on October 14, 2012 at 5:50pm
Did I just see Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of Our Lives, and did it show that rats will shun the GMOs and choose real food, every time.

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