NO food shortage, NO Martial Law, No Dollar Crash, NO FEMA Camps

Several people have asked me why I don’t believe in certain rumors that appear almost everywhere that the NWO is discussed. This essay provides the answers to that question and although these opinions are based on the many facts outlined below they are still just my personal opinions developed from those facts.

I don’t believe we’ll have a food shortage.
I don’t believe Martial Law will be declared.
I don’t believe the dollar will crash.
I don’t believe we’ll be imprisoned in FEMA camps.
I don’t believe Rothschild runs the world.

Let me just start by saying that I do believe in conspiracy but I need hard evidence before I’ll believe in something. The one thing we all seem to forget about the internet is that anyone can post anything. The internet, unlike the mainstream media, has nobody watching for fraud, lies, rumors or innuendo. If you post it people will read it. That makes the internet dangerous, even more dangerous then the mainstream media and believe me, that’s saying a lot. If you’re reading at obscure web sites you’re probably reading trash.

Here’s why I don’t believe what many others have chosen to believe.

Food Shortages

The US produces roughly between 90-100% of the following foods:

Beef, Chicken, Rice, Wheat, Flour, Bread, Pasta, Potato’s, Tomato’s, Dried Peas, Beans, Lentils, Rice, Apples, Cold Cuts, Cheeses, Yogurt, Eggs, Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Corn & Soy, Corn & Soy Oils, Lettuce, Leafy Green Vegetables, Carrots and Eggs and several different kind of nuts. We actually produce 100% of most of these items. We produce ALL of the wheat consumed in the US and we’re also the largest wheat exporter on the planet.

Because we have stores literally everywhere these stores must remain stocked and so at any given time we have an enormous supply of food in the transmission pipeline. Warehouses, Silos, Grain Elevators, refrigerated storage, planes, trains and trucks are filled with a constantly moving supply of food. Even Hurricane Katrina did not produce a food shortage. Neither have California earthquakes. In the dead of winter when you can’t get out of your driveway the food shelves in stores still remain stocked. We are a net exporter of food and we are food efficient in this country.

We also throw away about 40-50% of the total food sold in the US.

But that’s not the primary reason behind my belief that there will not be a food shortage in the US for at least 50 years or more, if ever. What does a food shortage imply? Weak government. Not only is our government not weak, more importantly they don’t want to be perceived as weak. A food shortage would give every US citizen the absolute right to demand major changes in the government and they don’t want that, ever.

Imagine Obama or any president getting on the television and saying, “I realize your TV works and your internet is connected but, we’re out of rice!”

No food shortages in the USA.

FEMA Camps

FEMA camps are a precautionary measure implemented by our government in order to be well prepared should the criminal elements in the narco-state that borders the US where they have murdered 15,000 citizens in the past two years drive a large illegal immigration effort our way. If half a million Mexicans come crashing through the border in fear for their lives we have a place to house them as needed.

But that’s not the only reason. The primary reason is that I would ask, Why? Why would our government imprison you, me, my kids, and grandpa and grandma? They wouldn’t. We pay taxes that fund the US military which is the primary control arm of the NWO and we are responsible for commerce across the globe. Our combined work effort makes the world move each and every day. They have no plans to put average Americans in FEMA camps because that alone would destroy the economy.

Martial Law

Martial Law is not a method used to control populations. It’s a temporary method to restore order after major catastrophe and even in the event of a major catastrophe Martial Law is only relevant to a small area where that catastrophe occurs. Even during Katrina and California earthquakes Martial Law was never declared. Not only that, Martial Law impedes commerce, the flow of goods and the collection of receipts, money. It stops the flow of everything and also makes a government appear weak. The fear of Martial Law simply drove up gun prices and gun and ammunition sales. I laugh because if Martial Law were declared we’d all look pretty silly with AK-47s against a fully outfitted National Guard platoon. We’d be dead. You can’t fight the US government with guns. You can only protect yourself from looters and during Martial Law looters would be shot on sight by the National Guard troops. Or the army. But no president in his right mind would declare Martial Law. He’d look like a fool.

A Dollar Crash

Central banks around the world hold more U.S. dollars and dollar securities than they do assets denominated in any other individual foreign currency. China alone holds almost 2 trillion American dollars. Other countries hold a great deal also. Such reserves can be used to stabilize the value of the central banks' domestic currencies. They’re also used to purchase necessary commodities on the global market. Everyone’s heard that China has discussed divesting itself of dollars but few understand that China can’t spend 2 trillion US dollars without devastating its own economy. There may be a new basket of currencies developed over time to replace the dollar as the worlds standard, we’ll have to wait and see, but that’s a process that takes years and over the course of those years the dollar’s intrinsic value here in the US won’t change. The only people that expect the dollar to crash are the people that sell gold and just like anyone else, they’re selling something and the advertisement used to sell their product is the dollar crashing. Go ahead and buy gold but the way commodity prices are manipulated you might lose your butt and you’ll surely have a hard time grocery shopping.

The Rothschild Family

The NWO uses the United States as it’s front man. NATO is the enforcer. The International Monetary Fund is the father and the World Bank is the mother. The UN is the old grandmother chattering in the background giving false hope where there is none. This is the family that makes up the NWO and nowhere does the Rothschild family fit into the scheme. The Rothschilds care about one thing, their own business endeavors.

The efforts to find value and truth in Food Shortages, Dollar Crashes, Martial Law, FEMA camps and tying it all together to the Rothschilds allows the NWO to move ahead without notice. You can’t possibly have the time to understand the totality of global politics and pursue these things also. If you don’t understand global politics you’re missing the boat on the NWO. That means learning at least the recent history of almost every country on the globe.

How many people know that Afghanistan has one of the largest untapped copper supplies on the planet? Do you think that might be an important fact to know? How many people understand the extraordinarily complicated relationship between Israel’s Mossad, India’s RAW, Pakistan’s ISI and our own CIA? Do you think that might be important to understand? How many people know that just a few short miles off of the coast of Gaza lies an enormous untapped supply of natural gas? Is that important? How many people know what Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hercegovina were called 20 years ago? How many people can find them on a map?

There is so much happening across the globe that requires our full attention to fully understand what the NWO is doing that complicating matters by pursuing fantasies makes you ineffective. You’re just missing the boat. Global politics is where the NWO plays chess, the map is the board and we’re the pieces.

If you don’t know what’s happening in Kosovo right now and if you don’t know what Kosovo was called before it was Kosovo, and why it’s now called Kosovo you won’t be able to see the next move.

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Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 22, 2010 at 4:17am
"We just had, in order, a 9/11 attack, a transfer of 12 trillion to banks, a flu pandemic scare, a loss of 10 million jobs, a loss of about 8 million homes to foreclosure and NOTHING happened." 9/11 nothing happened?? nothing like the patriot act and 2 wars? They got exactly what they wanted, the people went along with it all. Yes there was no rioting because the people believed that Bin Laden took out the towers, why would they break shit here at home. Tens of thousands joined the military and vented in Iraq and Afghanistan. 12 trillion to the banks... it was a lot more than that but the people believe it was just 700 billion most of them, go ask the bobble heads. Why would they riot? the idiots taxes did go up (excluding inflation as a tax) They think they're going to get paided back... the ones who get it didn't go out and break shit in a riot they formed the tea partys and there was no flu pandemic it was all propaganda rioting would be stupid. Martial law is already in effect in essence and has been since the civil war technically, thats why they ignore the constitution because it doesn't apply to them. Martial law was in effect in Manhattan on 9/11 the national guard was called out, during Katrina martial law was in effect, the gun confiscations and unlawful detentions in the superdome, the blocked bridges the "looters will be shot on sight" they propagandize you to believe there was no martial law. Jeff things are all color of law today whether is called restrictions, emergency powers or martial law makes no difference.

What we haven't seen is a depression level economy hit a crash in modern America yet... In the 1930's the majority of people were self sufficient and didn't bet their lives on the super markets. Today its the opposite the majority of people are in compact citys and if the stores close they might have at most 2 weeks of food and its not because we don't grow enough. Farmers and store owners rely on credit, and thus rely on truckers who rely on roads being safe to travel .... when hundreds of thousands of people go dead broke and are starving the shit is going to hit the fan. You have created this smokescreen for yourself thinking its going to be 15-20 years out and believing in people to be decent human being's when starving and broke. Modern society is extremely fragile and a chain reaction can throw the whole system out of whack. Just take for example this new war game study just Imagine how much trouble the already going bankrupt american industry would be in if freight charges more than tripped because the oil stopped flowing AND heres the kicker banks like Goldman Sacks places gigantic bets on oil going up after hearing the news... your looking at $15-$20 a gallon gasoline. The reason Gas dropped like it did was Goldman Sacks had to sell its commodity's Oil being one of their most speculated. In that situation an already going into depression economy with bubbles yet to come still waiting to burst gets slammed with a goods transport increase of 300%. That means food at the store doubles in price as it all rides on trucks to get to your store. Most people live paycheck to paycheck as it is, We haven't seen it get bad yet Jeff.
Comment by Jeff on February 22, 2010 at 3:04am
Yes, we are being robbed, but the robbery takes place in taxes, both federal, state, property, sales, city, county and many others as you know. The robbery takes place in simply prices, as they increase through the hidden tax of inflation. We, Americans, have been robbed for years and it's accepted. People voluntarily pay the income tax and even consider it their duty.

I doubt whether 1 million people would show up for a fight. But the question is, what are they fighting? Martial Law? I don't believe we'll have Martial Law nationally. We might have a terrorist attack by Mossad and the CIA disguised as Muslim extremists but we've had that already, Martial Law wasn't declared on 9/11. We might have a storm, like Katrina but Martial Law wasn't declared and Blackwater was deployed which is very similar to foreign troops and I didn't see any Patriots protecting the people of New Orleans and by some accounts 1000s of poor blacks were killed.

It's all subterfuge to scare people. There's no armed militia capable of defending against armored Humvee's and drone planes. We have a 1 million man army that's deployed overseas and a 1 million man army of veterans here at home that have PTSD and other disabilities that prevent them from even working. 100,000 of them are homeless. Very few people in this country are going to rise up against the government. Joe A. Stack flew a plane into an IRS building and killed one IRS employee. How many people are willing to put their lives on the line like Joe? Very, very, very, very few, almost none.

Life will go on much as it has, that's my belief. And you're right, nothing that happens will effect me much, me and Ann, because we survive on Social Security and Food Stamps. Just made our last house payment last month. Will stay in the house until they foreclose and then move to a nice apartment. No more snow shoveling and lawn cutting. And not because we can't afford the house, but because it isn't worth keeping and an apartment is cheaper. But really, I just don't believe we'll have any serious problems in the US. There may be food shortages in other countries, there may be Martial Law even. But in Europe, Greece, Italy, France and many other countries people protest and they do so militantly. Not here. Everyone's too fat and happy. Television, beer and weekends off on the couch is hard to beat. You said it yourself, not in these exact words, but Americans are dumb as rocks.

We just had, in order, a 9/11 attack, a transfer of 12 trillion to banks, a flu pandemic scare, a loss of 10 million jobs, a loss of about 8 million homes to foreclosure and NOTHING happened. We even sent 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. NOTHING happened, no one did a thing. No major protests, nothing. The foods poisoned, the banks take all the money, the Democrats and Republicans are the same party, the media gives us half truths and NOTHING happens. The Fed is a criminal enterprise, big oil raises petroleum prices to $5 and then drops them to $2.50 and NOTHING happens.

It's mind boggling, but NOTHING happens. I don't believe anything will, at least not while I'm alive which should be another 15 or 20 years if I get lucky.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 22, 2010 at 2:32am
Jeff your right 5-10 million is an unreal count of how many would fight in the first week of a conflict, 1 million would be an accurate number. If and when foreign troops began to fight the number would swell faster than you can imagine. Historically 3% fought the British ... being British subjects might i add. So lets say the modern propaganda and disinformation warfare takes 1% off and then lets say modern convenience takes another 1% off due to domestication and learned complacency. 1% of 300 million is 3 million and I'll bet my life at least 1 million show up and fight in the first week of a conflict. The other 2 million will show after the first wave starts taking losses and it motivates them to avenge and right their neighbor, brother, father or uncle's death. We don't need any countrys to join us we're armed and nothing like Iraqi farmers or Afghani goat herders, we manufacture their nightvision, thermal devices, drones and have access to all the tech they do and know how to operate it. The people that make up the body of the militia are former US military and train their skills to their unit, I'm talking Navy SEALS, Spec Ops, Rangers and Marines, Generals to Private's. A large percent of men are still in uniform, we're up to date with the latest tactics and tech. Just as many people in the service are waking up as outside the service. They're only option is to bring in foreign troops and thats going to as i said swell the numbers to our side and you may see 5 million combat militia men out fighting with another 10 million supporting them logistically. Jeff I'm telling ya the Feds are going to have to reach deep into they're rear to pull out something that will beat whats already formed up so far.

About the Dollar crash, the dollar by definition is worthless and only becomes valuable because you believe its money and the person you hand it to believes its money. The dollar is backed by nothing but the "good will and faith of the American people and that its used as money in the USA" Literally, and when that faith globally wains the dollar is going to devalue, the other currency's will follow as well... your thinking ok that's alright ... so lets say you have $100 in the bank and the dollar devalues by 50% along with the other currency's + or - a few percent. You would lose half of whats in your bank account, in your situation from what I read Jeff it's not going to be all that bad, but for 70% of Americans their life saving's is going to be stolen or rather taxed out of existence with inflation as inflation is a tax by the powers that be. The Fed has almost doubled the amount of FRN's and by exact definition the dollar has already been devalued by half. Just the guy at the store doesn't know yet and still believes the dollar is the same as 3-4 years ago. Believing is key its all based on belief, example: if i printed purple dollars and everyone i handed them to thought they were worth something It is 100% parallel with the fiction of the dollar. The Inflation has already occurred the people just haven't been instructed to modify their beliefs by the programming machines (TV). Whether its called a crash or a flop matters not the truth is the same we're being robbed.
Comment by Jeff on February 22, 2010 at 12:23am
I'd also like to address the second comment by coastnsea

5-10 MILLION? Are you kidding me. We don't have 5-10 million people in this country that agree on ANYTHING let alone to be willing to stand together against an armed federal government. That is PURE FANTASY and wishful thinking of the most extraordinary kind.

If a fight began other countries would come to our aid? Like who, name them, because right now I can name 125+ that will come to the aid of the federal government through their NATO partnership but they certainly won't come to the aid of American citizens.

Dollar crash is imminent. No, it isn't. A devaluation may occur but it will be quietly ushered in and will have little effect on the average American since prices will level to compensate. We are going to see inflation. It's necessary to pay down the debt in cheaper dollars, but even that inflation won't effect us, not least so we feel it dramatically. This is America, not Argentina, Germany or Zimbabwe. In order for financial disaster to occur you need social, economic and political instability COMBINED with financial instability. We don't and won't have that. We're headed for tough times, no doubt, but nothing even very poor people such as myself won't get through safely and I'm on the bottom of the financial ladder, just below Sanford and Son.
Comment by Jeff on February 22, 2010 at 12:11am
While I agree with portions of WRHs premise I disagree with others. I'm willing to admit, while others may not be, that I can't ALWAYS tell the difference between subterfuge, lies, planted text and misinformation, nor do I believe anyone else can. I understand the difference and the fact that the internet has no rules makes it even more dangerous, especially to the novice reader whose skill at separating facts from opinions may not be honed to perfection and even more so to the young reader who may not even consider that non-truths exist here. The internet and the mainstream both present the inquisitive mind with inherent difficulties. Astute researchers will overcome them and those not so, won't.

There are posts here frequently, on 12.160 that prove that point. Josh Templeton posted a piece about Facebook. I haven't got the details clear but I've read enough to know it's been sufficiently debunked in the mainstream, but Josh nevertheless chose to believe the internet post. Something to do with typing a name somewhere on your Facebook page and checking a number of random names that then appear and that those random names are in fact people that have access to your Facebook account and can spy on you.

Bunk of course, and proven to be bunk, but Josh believed it.

That's my point.

Besides, anyone that claims they can tell the difference at all times between disinformation and the truth underestimates the enemy substantially and is also only fooling themselves. This is especially so with foreign sites which I spend a great deal of time on. Pakistani, Afghan and Indian sites because my interest is in global politics. One can often never be certain what is accurate and what isn't without further researching each subject and even then doubt may often remain. Therefore, the internet is as dangerous as the mainstream and sometimes even more so.

I would also suggest that if WRH believes that (hint: telling the truth is not part of the agenda) he's completely incorrect. The mainstream omits information but much, not all, but much of what they produce that we call information, is true. It's the omission that kills the story. The lies are generally less important then the omissions and of course they do lie but the lies are far more rare then the omissions.

Naturally anyone stuck with one mainstream source is a prisoner. So too is someone stuck with one internet source. The internet is the wild west of information. If I were only able to choose one source at random from each, one from the internet and one from the mainstream, both at random, the mainstream would still provide the better picture. Now I'm not supporting the mainstream since I don't have cable and don't watch TV but the truth, the absolute truth is found at the CDC web site regarding the Swine Flu vaccine. Buried in their 1000s of pages resides the truth. It is omitted in the media but it is still there for the researcher. The internet, regarding the flu vaccine, sprouted wings and claimed on numerous web sites that it was a depopulation tactic and millions would die from the vaccine. MANY people believed that. Same as the WHO claiming millions would die from the flu. MANY people believed that too.
Comment by truth on February 21, 2010 at 11:47pm
Comment from WRH


The writer of this piece simply does not get the most important difference between the MSM and the internet. Jeff claims the internet is more dangerous than the MSM because anybody can post anything with no gatekeepers. But the important difference is that the MSM DOES have gatekeepers with a certain agenda (hint: telling the truth is not part of the agenda). The bloggers/researchers write what they do on spare change, purely in the name of truth (unless they are paid shills, which can be spotted). Also, on the internet I can bounce around between blogs and alternative news from all over the world to make up my mind what the truth is. But someone who is stuck with one MSM newspaper or a few MSM cable tv sources is a prisoner to whatever viewpoint they are spoon-feeding the sheeple.
Comment by Jeff on February 21, 2010 at 5:49pm
These questions always fascinate me LasersShadow so I truly appreciate your comment.

Evelyn Rothschild gave up banking 5 years ago and divested himself of any connection to global banking and surely he does little to control, for instance, Venezuela, the Congo, the US, China, Russia and other countries. The world is just too damned big today but that's a discussion that's hard to have. I have Googled and read everything written about Rothschild and a great deal is speculation without the hard facts to support it. That he's probably the wealthiest man, or one of them, on the planet I won't argue but control? I don't think so. He has interests in mining, agriculture, oil and transport of goods but I hardly think he 'controls' the world.

As for the dollar crash, one needs to define crash and by most definitions if you study economic policy we won't experience a crash as people predict. The dollar may lose it's place as the global currency of choice, that's predictable and probably inevitable and we may experience inflation, also predictable and likely inevitable based on recent monetary policy. But a crash, like money losing value dramatically in America and Martial Law as a result, not likely and actually very, very unlikely.

Food as a weapon? That's a done deal. It's all poisoned. Drink soda? Eat ice cream? You're eating and drinking poison and Americans, even aware and awake Americans consume these things every day because they're unable to think 40 or 50 years ahead. No need for a food shortage, in fact that would prevent us from consuming the poisons. That won't happen. You need to Google "sugar," "salt," "HFCS," "white bread," "processed food" and many other terms with the words "dangers of" preceding them. ALL food is poisoned. Even organic foods, which have been determined to have, leafy greens and tubers especially, high content of Bovine Growth Hormone and animal antibiotics as well as human pharmaceuticals from the manure and water used to grow them organically. All of our food is poisoned. There's no need for a shortage and if they could get us to eat more they would. That's why they invent new delicious microwaveable foods every day, new boxed processed delicacies and new frozen and bagged items. They aren't going to starve us out, not us here in the USA, it's all disinformation. We are needed. We are the herd that provides for commerce. They might kill millions of Arab Muslims, millions of Chinese and Russians, but America is the breadbasket of the US, providing cannon fodder for their armies. Without American soldiers NATO becomes unworkable as an army and NATO is the military arm of the NWO. WE supply a million US soldiers and Namibia supplies 1,000. We supply a million and France supplies 4,000. And so it goes.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 21, 2010 at 3:19pm
I agree with one part "I don’t believe we’ll be imprisoned in FEMA camps." too many armed half way intelligent people in this country ... you only need to be semi conscious with a few brain cells working to know going to an American(who are the torturers of the world) "camp" of any sort is a dumb idea... Thus they are not for putting the entire population into them but rioters and protesters for indefinite stays until they think they are in control again. The ones who fight back with guns will be shot and or interrogated / tortured and then executed.

"I don’t believe Rothschild runs the world." The Rothschild's don't run the world but they are one of the ruling family's for sure. Google, bank of england rothschild ... large share holders in the Federal Reserve, royalty by blood etc.

Dollar crash is coming no matter how thick the pillow you hide under Jeff xD
when that happens people are going to go ape and Martial law will go into effect
food shortages follow and will already be tight as its not availability thats the issue but the currency and flow of it that stops trade dead. Most stores fully rely on credit to stock the shelves each week, no credit no buying and the plan "to use food as a weapon" is a big game plan. Starve us out and bankrupt us they go for the kill. No sense in arguing it your set in your ways, just wait and see this year will see heavy inflation and the slide into an undeniable depression.
Comment by Jeff on January 21, 2010 at 6:38pm
Yeah, I did say that but it wasn't actually a serious remark, and Kissinger wrote that piece 36 years ago and he was a little off. Yes, there are people starving in LDCs but not in developed countries like ours and believe me, the US government will always insure food safety here at home even if it means using war to secure food, we won't go hungry. Others will. Just like we won't be without oil, others will. And we won't be without electricity, others will. The one thing our fucked up government will do is provide for the American lifestyle no matter what. Middle America is where the soldiers come from. That's where they get them from, the middle class and the poor. They might be cannon fodder but they need them desperately and until we have robot soldiers we'll have food, oil and electricity. Of course robot soldiers and robo-wars might not be too far off.
Comment by fireguy on January 21, 2010 at 5:19pm
Jeff, you need to keep your stories straight did you not say Americans were going to be eating mud coolies like Haiti?????

Kissinger's 1974 Plan for
Food Control Genocide
by Joseph Brewda

On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, "National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests."

"Destroying the New World Order"



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