Iowa GOP moving vote-count to 'undisclosed location': to prevent a Ron Paul victory.

Threats to disrupt the Iowa Republican caucuses next week have prompted state GOP officials to move the vote tabulation to an "undisclosed location," POLITICO has learned. 

The state party has not yet told the campaigns exactly where the returns will be added up, only that it will be off-site from the Iowa GOP's Des Moines headquarters.  The 2008 caucus results were tabulated at the state party offices, which sit just a few blocks from the state capitol.

Activist groups including the Occupy movement have indicated that they'll attempt to interrupt rallies in the closing days before next Tuesday's caucuses. MORE

(TLS)- None of the counting is done by networked PC's they ARE DONE BY HAND AND CALCULATOR!! Totally a good reason to move the vote count to a secret location to avoid internet hackers...WTF?! do they think we are small children that they can just fool? Looks like they are planning to steal the vote guys.

Joseph Stalin said "He who votes decides nothing; he who counts the votes decides everything." How true.

Ron Paul Says Watch The Vote

Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus

We need people at the 1000+ sites with cameras documenting everything. It would be good to hear the campaign has an office of people on Caucasus night working on this with lawyers ready.

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Comment by Victor R. Taylor on December 28, 2011 at 10:57am

I see the "Occupy" movement being mentioned, here.  What I don't understand is why? What role does the Occupy movement want to play during all of this?  Does anyone know if this is official, in any way?  Or is it possible that someone (or a group of folk) are planning to co-opt the Occupy name and discredit the movement through some form of ill behavior?

Personally, the MainStream Media (and I never liked Chuck Todd...although I never personally disliked him, until reading a recent article on-line where he allegedly states that if Ron Paul comes in first, then only thing that matters is who's in second) is vile.  And this hidden behavior, within the election committee, is reminiscent of how things developed in 2000 when He-Whom-Shall-Not-Be Named was illegally selected to the Presidency.  


Comment by Billy Mills on December 28, 2011 at 7:58am

I guess George Soros has  Invaded the GOP and is not Allowing Ron Paul a Victory in Iowa because He and the Democrats are that  Scared out of their Minds the Ron Paul has already WON !!!!  As for the Occupiers,if they are from other states, Fine them $ 1,000 each and 10 days in Jail for Trespassing and Inciting Riots, Public Intoxication, Loitering and Anything else that would Stick. I'm a Korean Vet and Want a Fair Count in the State Designated Office for Counting. Is this some of Newts Tricks, Hoping to win, throw him  in Jail for Voter Tampering !!!            Billy Mills "Straight" from Texas

Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on December 28, 2011 at 7:36am

IT seems all elections, at this juncture, are an exercise in fraud.

Comment by DTOM on December 28, 2011 at 6:43am

You know, comrades," says Stalin, "that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.  - From Chapter 5 of Boris Bazhanov's 'Vospominaniia Byvshego Sekretaria Stalina' [Memoirs of the former secretary of Stalin]

Comment by Exposure on December 28, 2011 at 4:22am

***This is to continue on from my last comment underneath, as it didn't go as one.*** - It has emerged that the Diebold Gems software and optical scan voting machines used in counting a high proportion of the votes are ‘not tamper-proof’ from hacking, and particularly via remote modems.  Two US computer security experts, in their recently published book Black Box Voting, state that; “…by entering a two-digit code in a hidden location, a second set of votes is created; and this set of votes can be changed in a matter of seconds, so that it no longer matches the correct votes”. [2]

Now if the 2000 US elections wasn’t a good enough case of “vote rigging” for you, then what followed in the 2004 election was just incredible, remember we’re talking about “America” here not, Iraq or Afghanistan.   Free Press reported that in the 2004 election in the USA, ‘Bones-man’, John Kerry [a member of Skull & Bones secret society], conceded too soon, and that spoiled ballots, a provisional ballot, e-voting glitches and partisan manipulation by Republican election officials, which deprived Kerry of the victory projected in Zogby and CNN polls.  Bob Fitrakis is the editor of the Free Press, a political science professor, an attorney, and co-author with Harvey Wasserman of George W. Bush vs. the Superpower of Peace.  He served as an international observer for the national elections in El Salvador. [3] Since then many others have accused Kerry as being “in on the ploy”, so as to make sure ‘fellow Bones-man, G. W. Bush won the 2004 election.  I have personally seen the film footage on YouTube, where a young man stood up in front of an audience Kerry was addressing in an answers and questions debate, and when he was asked; “Why did he concede to Bush in the 2004 election before even the results had been returned”.  And mentions the fact the he and Bush where indeed self confessed members of the Skull and Bones secret fraternity.

The young man was quoting from a book: Was the 2004 Election Stolen?, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the son of the murdered Bob Kennedy, and where he says: “Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted – enough to have put John Kerry in the White House” [4] . Kerry wouldn’t answer the young man’s question, when he was then surrounded by the police, who ended up flooring him, dragging him out of the hall and Taser gunning him!  That’s “freedom of speech” alright, and good old de-mock-racy for ya folks!

It was also reported the voting machine used in Republican Gahanna, Ohio report 4,258 votes for George W. Bush when only 638 people actually voted at the New Life Church polling site!  The Columbus Dispatch reported that the computerised e-voting machine recorded 0 votes in a race between Arlene Shoemaker and Paula Brooks.  Franklin County Board of Elections Director Matt Damschroder told the Columbus Dispatch that the voting machine glitches were “why the results on election night are unofficial.”

Investigative reporter Gregory Palast pointed out that there were more than 92,000 “spoiled” ballots in Ohio, mostly in Democratic wards that could easily be hand counted, 155,000 uncounted provisional ballots, uncounted overseas military ballots and some uncounted absentee ballots, had not even been looked into before John Kerry conceded [1].  It also reported there were far fewer voting machines in predominantly black Democratic inner-city voting wards.  One Republican Central Committee member told the Free Press that Damschroder held back up to 2000 machines and dispersed many of the other machines to affluent suburbs in Franklin County.

Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World

[1] a href="

Comment by Exposure on December 28, 2011 at 4:13am

This problem is getting more widespread each and every election, - and all around the globe; - There can only ever be one safe way of doing this, counting votes the 'old way', which is in a big hall, manually counted in front of independent witnesses, and whilst being filmed, though saying that, - what we presently have on offer, is debatable whether it's worth voting at all.

It's just happened again in Russia and in Africa, and as your article points out, is destine to happen again in the USA, - and another reason this "Vote Rigging" matter needs to be highlighted and addressed by such groups; as the "Occupy Camps", as we can't keep letting this blantant fraud to continuously go on and on - unchallenged!  Like that in the US, Russia and almost every other country, the so called main political parties, are as different from each other as that of identical triplets, [twins in the US, and other likewise places], whereas you couldn’t put a Rizla paper in between the lot of them if you tried.  The true reason for this is because their all serving the same interest, which is the overall agenda of the Illuminati, – this is nothing new, as it’s always been that way.  How can you “all belong” to the same fraternity, that within itself, has its own set of goals and agenda’s based on a global plan, - and then be in opposition of it?

You simply can’t, so that’s why there is not any real difference between any of our present political parties, we have been lied to and tricked into believing a ‘hung parliament’ came about, when thousands were even denied a right to vote in the 2010 General Election, and turned away from many polling stations up and down the country, in Chester, where Labour’s Toby Perkins scraped in with a 549 majority, hundreds of people were turned away “because polling lists had not been updated”,[1] what a load of bollocks.   Even overseas workers were denied the vote, and apart from that, postal votes have long been a scam in the UK with thousands of voters being duplicated as living in places they no longer do or never have.  It wasn’t until years later I found out that I was still registered on the electoral role at an old address, and had been for over 8 years.  Therefore ‘someone’ else was voting on my behalf via the post, in local and general elections, despite being able to actually vote again by myself whilst living at the place I really lived at.

In my opinion the 2010 General Election was rigged and a deliberate act so as to push the country towards a ‘coalition government’, and what suggests this, is that despite ‘outraged’ MP’s giving it the big-en and demanding an investigation into this ‘scandal’, and that the likes of Harriet Harman, Labour’s then deputy leader, saying; " was likely that several constituency results would be open to legal challenge", – when all of a sudden, it went all quite, and sweet fuck-all, has been done to address the major problem, so why all the silence? 

     Yet we have the audacity to send out ‘over-lookers’, into other countries to make sure vote rigging isn’t taking place, despite it going on over here on our own doorstep, and particularly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Europe, Russia and USA.

A blatant example of vote rigging is when after the Republican G. W. Bush v Democrat Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election, it was to later emerge that under the governorship of Bush’s own brother, Jeb Bush in Florida, that around 30,000 black voters [the majority Democratic], had been ‘illegally’ excluded from the voting rolls.  When a stop was put to the recounts in the state, Bush was declared the winner by less than 540 votes.  It has emerged that the Diebold Gems software and optical scan voting machines used in counting a high proportion of the votes are ‘not tamper-proof’ from hacking, and particularly via remote modems.  Two US computer security experts, in their recentl

Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on December 28, 2011 at 3:54am

and you are probably spot on

Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on December 28, 2011 at 3:53am

rots of ruck made me smile, you rule dude

Comment by Friday Woodlans-Sprite on December 27, 2011 at 11:17pm

Criminals will always find a work around the rule of law

Comment by apeman2502 on December 27, 2011 at 10:56pm

  Cheaters never learn how to play cards very well. how anybody could behave in such a shameless manner performing a treasonous act not expecting 20-30 years in prison is beyond me. i suggest trapping as many of the liittle rats as we can until they wise up and run the Iowa primary with due integrity and accuracy.

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