April 19, 2020

"An international corporate criminal syndicate has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain."
Thanks to researcher David Livingstone for this tip! His new book is online.
Swine Flu Outbreak Or Bioterrorism And Intent To Commit Mass Murder? July 12, 2009
by Bill Lindner
(abridged by henrymakow.com)
Jane Burgermeister, an Austrian Investigative journalist, reportedly filed charges with the FBI in Austria on June 10, 2009 against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking members of the U.S. Federal government, including President Obama and corporate officials, concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder, just in time for the anticipated July release of Baxter's A/H1N1 flu vaccine -- though it remains to be seen whether the FBI will conduct an investigation or reveal more complicity in keeping heinous crimes covered up.
Burgermeister prepared an injunction against forced vaccination that is being filed in America. In April, she filed charges against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, with allegations that this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a worldwide pandemic.
Burgermeister has presented evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law, committed by a group that is operating in the U.S. under the direction of International bankers who control the Federal Reserve, WHO, the UN and NATO for the purpose of carrying out mass genocide against the U.S. population by using a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intention of causing a massive amount of deaths.
Unsurprisingly, this group involves officials holding high U.S. government offices. Leaders in the Center for Disease Control (CDC) also allegedly know that the vaccine is not safe.
Once again, the U.S. state-sponsored major media has made no mention of this, which isn't surprising when you look at the way they have purposely and repeatedly misled this country -- look at the attacks of 9/11 and all that has happened since the U.S. began the fraudulent 'War on Terror' under the Bush cabal. Illegal propaganda is a powerful -- and dangerous -- weapon the Federal Government has utilized for decades.
Members of this criminal syndicate allegedly include: U.S. President Barack Obama, UN System Coordinator for Influenza David Nabarro, Director-General of WHO Margaret Chan, U.S. Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sibelius, U.S. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, bankers David de Rotschild, David Rockefeller and George Soros, Chancellor of Austria Werner Faymann and Austrian Health Minister Alois Stoger among others.
The charges filed by Burgermeister contend that the defendants mentioned above conspired with each other and others to develop, fund and participate in the final phase of implementing a covert international bioweapons program that also involves Pharmaceutical giants Baxter and Novartis.

By bioengineering and releasing lethal biological agents -- the 'bird flu' virus and the 'swine flu virus' -- as a pretext for implementing a forced mass vaccination program, the syndicate would be able to administer a toxic biological agent that causes death and injury to the people of the U.S. in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.
...Burgermeister's dossier reportedly reveals that the release of the virus was supposed to be an essential step for triggering a pandemic that would allow the WHO to declare a Level 6 Pandemic. She lists the laws and decrees that would allow the Un and WHO to take over the U.S. should a pandemic occur and the legislation that would require compliance with mandatory vaccinations in the U.S. once a pandemic was declared.
She presented evidence revealing that the bird flu and the swine flu viruses were in fact bioengineered in laboratories using funding that was supplied by WHO and other government agencies among others, charges that the entire 'swine flu' pandemic business is a massive lie and that there is no natural virus that poses a threat to the population. According to many experts, the 'swine flu' is part swine flu, part human flu and part bird flu, a hybrid that can only come from laboratories.
Claims from WHO that this 'swine flu' is a pandemic are intentionally misleading, probably because the viruses that were released were created and released with the help of WHO, making them responsible for the 'pandemic' in the first place. Also noted by Burgermeister is the fact that the death figures reported as 'swine flu' are inconsistent and there is no clarity as to how the number of 'deaths' are documented.
A pandemic could occur if mass vaccinations of the tainted vaccine are carried out under the guise of protecting populations since there is evidence showing that mandatory vaccines have been intentionally contaminated to cause death.
Novartis bird flu vaccine killed 21 homeless people in Poland during the summer of 2008. The same International Pharmaceutical companies and International Government agencies who developed the contaminated vaccines are set to profit greatly from contracts to supply the contaminated vaccines while state-sponsored media purposely spreads misinformation designed to entice people of the U.S. into getting the contaminated vaccine.
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, the National Emergency Act, National Security Presidential Directive 51, Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20 and the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza were designed in part to require vaccinations in the event of 'National Emergencies' or 'pandemics.'
Burgermeister charges that those named in her allegations (mentioned above) implemented and/or accelerated implementation of 'laws' and regulations -- in the U.S. since 2008 -- aimed at stripping citizens of the U.S. of lawful Constitutional rights to refuse an injection.
These same people have made it a crime to refuse to take injections against pandemic viruses and imposed other excessive and cruel penalties such as imprisonment and/or quarantine in FEMA camps while barring victims of the injections in the U.S. from claiming compensation from deaths or injuries that result from being forcefully injected -- just more proof that it's long past time to repeal all of the illegal, unconstitutional 'legislation' that our corrupted Republicans and Democrats in Congress have egregiously passed these past eight and a half years and it's time to lock up those in Congress who have enabled these treasonous actions. Everything that has happened since the Bush cabal allowed the attacks of 9/11 has been intentionally designed to destroy rights, liberties, and to control populations.
In keeping with the tradition of the past eight and a half years, the Federal government has violated federal corruption laws and the abuse of office as well as the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and laid the groundwork for mass genocide.
As with Iraq, mass murder was preplanned. Revelations of the FEMA concentration camps and the mass coffins/coffin liners that were revealed suddenly seem to have a little more meaning. Some claim that the DHS wasn't created to make Americans safe. It was created to make it easier to create mass murder. Many in our Federal government, from Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive branch have repeatedly committed treason against the American people, which also helps explain why the government aided in the attacks of 9/11 -- recently it was revealed that the NSA has a special unit set up to help squash leaks regarding government involvement in the attacks of 9/11. It also helps explain why nothing has been done to the Bush administration for all the crimes they committed with the help of their enablers in Congress and the Judiciary.
Burgermeister further charges that Pharmaceutical companies consisting of Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi Aventis are part of the dual purpose bioweapons program financed by the crime syndicate with the intentions of reducing the world's population by more than 5 billion people in the next ten years by committing mass murder and planning to spread terror to justify forcing people to give up their rights. Sound familiar? It should. The Bush administration did it for several years.
It appears that the North American Union, as well as the intentional destruction of the U.S. Constitution, were aimed at giving control over natural resources such as water and undeveloped oil lands to a group of international elites, as well as total control over North America....
Related - https://www.globalresearch.ca/journalist-files-charges-against-who-...
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