Somebody tell me for cripes sake there's only a handful of THESE people out there?

I comment via "Disqus" on a lot of articles pertaining to any of these criminals...I comment ALOT....A Jibba-Jabba JEB article on Breitbart the other day about claims of Jebby's FLA Base was mainly either in Graves or Prison  (Article Here)

Being my sarcastic ass, I made a comment:

"What??, a Bush perpetrating Fraud??? Never, that Family is as honest & fair as the Clintons."

this was a day ago or so, i get mails whenever somebody replies to my comments. Got this a little while ago...can't tell if it's sarcastic or heart-felt...but scares the living shit outta me.....


  • FreeThinker, I think you are 100 per cent. I only wish everyone was as perceptive as yourself when evaluating our leading political "dynasties".
    We are in equally "good hands" with Jeb or Hillary. Equally.


    If this guy is for real, I sincerely hope there aren't many Randy111's out here

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 17, 2015 at 2:48pm

gotta reply:


Free Thinker, Sorry for taking your "joke" seriously. Without realizing it, you hit on one of the most important truths of the 2016 Presidential campaign--the non-choice posed by two "dynasties" as our only choices for Prez.

Sorry I mistook your joke for the serious truth it contains

dunno if I feel better or not....lmao

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 17, 2015 at 12:01am

unrelated reply, this is from dear ol peanut..

And just look what YOUR party has running? A drunken liar.
Show her a bottle of hooch and juat watcher her eyes light up especially after she has had a "hard day at the office".
The Hitlary also would not know the truth if it hit her in the face. But it is ok there tinkerbell I am sure never never land in your think is just over that third star to the right.

Are all people this stupid???

I replied back:

Excuse me, you've obviously mistaken me for somebody who is affiliated w/ that 2 party smoke & mirrors fraud sideshow. Sorry to disappoint. Its 2-party alright,

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 16, 2015 at 11:26pm

i replied to him...

"Jeezusjumpin lizards dude, tell me your totally joking?"

see what, if any answer i get

Comment by space wabbit on June 16, 2015 at 11:22pm

Scary!  Why didn't he add the IRS, NSA and CIA in there as well.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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