Political opportunists seize upon tragedy to attack second amendment
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 20, 2012
Within hours of the tragic ‘Batman’ shooting in Aurora, Colorado, political opportunists have seized upon the incident to push for gun control, with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg demanding that both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” mass shootings.
Exactly as we predicted in our earlier article, leftists have wasted no time in exploiting the actions of a lone lunatic for political grist, with Bloomberg calling on the two presidential candidates to crack down on gun rights.
We knew ghouls like Bloomberg would rush to exploit this tragedy to try and crush the right to self defense.
Quite how either Romney or Obama have the power to reverse a Hollywood-inspired culture that serves up lashings of violence to young people like turkey at Thanksgiving is anyone’s guess.
In addition, the notion that either of the presidential candidates can put a halt to a juggernaut pharmaceutical industry that doles out violence-causing SSRI drugs to youngsters like penny candy is clearly asinine.
“I mean, there’s so many murders with guns every day,” said Bloomberg. “It’s just gotta stop. And instead of these two people, President [Barack] Obama and Governor [Mitt] Romney talking in broad things about, they want to make the world a better place. OK. Tell us how. And this is a problem. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?” Bloomberg told WOR News Talk Radio 710.
Bloomberg was followed in his idiocy by CNN host and all-round smarm-merchant Piers Morgan, who in a series of tweets hastily seized upon the tragedy to promote his lust for disarming the general public.
“America has got to do something about its gun laws. Now is the time,” said Morgan.
“Lunatics like this will always try and get guns. It should be 100,000 times harder than it is for them to do so. That’s my point,” he added.
Perhaps the more fundamental question that needs to be asked as to why America keeps experiencing mass shootings, when as recently as twenty years ago they were few and far between, is to what extent our sick culture and entertainment industry is contributing to the general malaise and unfeeling psychosis that seems to have gripped the younger generations?
Why were there so few mass shootings just two decades ago compared to now? Has the number and availability of guns increased substantially? No. Is the sewer pipe we call Hollywood and the entertainment industry pumping out sicker, more nihilistic and more violence-strewn films than ever before? Yes.
As numerous observers have noted, the recent Batman films have contained unnerving amounts of violence that seem to serve little purpose other than to appease a bloodthirsty craving for gore and brutality amongst young people, who have had such sickness foisted upon them through movies, entertainment, video games and popular music.
As Jenny McCartney notes in the Telegraph, we have been turned into a society seduced by sadism.
This sadism is also more accessible to children and young people than ever before. Many people today are asking what a 6-year-old child was doing at a midnight screening of a movie?
In addition, the fact that these kind of movies are able to generate such a level of suspended disbelief that victims thought the shooting was initially part of the movie, is a shocking example of how much power the big screen has to warp minds.
It’s also now come to light that Warner Bros paired the Batman movie with a trailer for a film which shows “a gangster with a machine gun shooting up people in a movie theater from behind the big screen.”
Once again, before we even know anything about the 24-year-old shooter James Holmes, the establishment media and leftist political operatives are rushing to denounce gun rights as the culprit behind the tragedy, once again failing to address the underlying root cause – a sadistic, death obsessed culture that allows young men to be drawn into bizarre fantasy worlds where violence is seen as an alluring adventure.
Kurt Nimmo
July 20, 2012
New York mayor and notorious gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg has exploited the shooting at a Colorado theater to demand that Obama and Romney “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” the criminal behavior of psychopaths.
According to Bloomberg, the world would be a better place if the government confiscated legally owned firearms and had a monopoly on violence.
“Soothing words are nice,” Bloomberg told WOR News Talk Radio 710 in New York City. “But maybe it’s time the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about it, because this is obviously a problem across the country. And everybody always says, ‘Isn’t it tragic?’”
“I mean, there’s so many murders with guns every day,” he continued. “It’s just gotta stop. And instead of these two people, President [Barack] Obama and Governor [Mitt] Romney talking in broad things about, they want to make the world a better place. OK. Tell us how. And this is a problem. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?”
It didn’t take long for the establishment media to connect the alleged shooter to the Tea Party and supporters of the Constitution, specifically the Second Amendment. Brian Ross of ABC News said this morning that “a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site… talking about him joining the Tea Party last year.”
“How interesting that Ross and ABC News should think to look to the Tea Party website first – and to broadcast politically volatile information without verifying if that ‘Jim Holmes’ is the same as the suspect,” writes Joel Pollack for Breitbart. “Look for more scapegoating from the mainstream media and the Democrats in the hours and days to follow.”
Calls for the Senate to ratify the United Nations’ Arms Transfer Treaty will likely be forthcoming as hysteria builds in the corporate media to ban guns in response to the tragedy. It is rather suspicious that the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, occurred as the globalist body is winding down its work on the treaty that is expected to be ratified by the Senate. The gun-grabber conference wraps up on July 27.
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) – New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the gunman suspected of attacking a crowded movie theater in Aurora, Colorado resembled Batman’s arch-villain “The Joker” at the time of the shocking attack.
“We have some information, most of it is public. It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He had his hair painted red, he said he was ‘The Joker,’ obviously the ‘enemy’ of Batman,” Kelly said at a news conference after noon.
Kelly said the NYPD is stepping up security at movie theaters around the city after suspect James Holmes walked into a Colorado movie theater during a midnight showing of the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” and opened fire, killing 12 people and injuring dozens more.
Kurt Nimmo
July 20, 2012
In the hours, days and weeks ahead, we can expect a concerted attack on the right to own firearms and the Second Amendment in response to the shooting in Colorado last night. Proponents of disarming the public will argue that restricting the right to own firearms will prevent mass murders and violence.
But here’s something they will not tell you: the chance you will be a victim of a mass shooting is at best miniscule.
Ronald Bailey, writing for Reason.com, cites some interesting statistics on gun violence. He takes his statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics:
The proportion of homicide incidents involving two victims has increased slightly from 2.7% in 1980 to 3.7% in 2008.
Homicide incidents involving three or more victims have also increased during this same period, but have remained less than 1% of all homicides each year.
Multiple victim homicides are so small as to be almost insignificant:
- 3.7% involved two victims
- 0.5% involved three victims
- 0.2% involved four victims
- 0.1% involved five or more victims.
Moreover, the homicide rate in the United States has declined sharply in recent years – from 9.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1992 to 4.8 homicides per 100,000 in 2010.
Of course, these figures mean nothing to the gun-grabbers in and out of government who exploit emotional issues for political gain. They will not rest until the Second Amendment is in shambles and you have no way of protecting yourself not only from criminals (who will have illegal guns) but from the very tryanny of government itself.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Given the fact that it appears the shooter in the ‘Batman’ massacre had modeled himself on the Bane character in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ – these quotes from Alex Jones’ recent review of the movie are particularly pertinent.
“Who is Bane? He’s a symbolic demon, a destroyer, a symbol of the Hegelian dialectic. Order out of chaos.”
“To the conscious mind, these symbols don’t register, but to the subconscious they are clear commands – just like you’re a computer.”
“The power of Hollywood, the power of images to program the mind is not debated and the Pentagon and Madison Avenue know that.”
“When you go into one of these movies and just turn yourself over to it in suspended disbelief, you become a willing victim to have your mind literally programmed in that key fear state.” (Note that many of the victims thought the shooting was actually part of the film, they were still in a state of suspended disbelief).
Published July 20, 2012
URGENT: Police and FBI are questioning the suspected gunman in a shooting early Friday at a crowded midnight screening of the new Batman movie, “The Dark Knight Rises,” in Aurora, Colo., that left 12 people dead and at least 50 wounded — the deadliest U.S. shooting since the Fort Hood massacre in 2009.
The suspect, identified by federal law enforcement officials as James Holmes, 24, is in police custody. Police said Holmes’ apartment is booby trapped, leading authorities to evacuate five surrounding buildings. Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said bomb technicians are determining how to disarm flammable or explosive material in the third-floor apartment. He says police could be there some time.
Oates says pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated. FBI agents and police used a hook and ladder fire truck and put a camera at the end of 12-foot pole inside Holmes’ apartment, which is about four miles from the theater.
KUSA-TV reports that Holmes kicked down an emergency door at the theater, threw in some type of a smoke bomb and began shooting when moviegoers started to run. The bodies of the 10 people who died at the theater remain at the scene early Friday while police continue to investigate, the Denver Post reports. Sources told Fox News that at least 3 military service members from Buckley Air Force Base were among those injured.
Witnesses say they heard a series of explosions and up to 20 gunshots after the scene grew chaotic. About 100 witnesses were taken to a local high school to be questioned by police.
Police, ambulances and emergency crews swarmed on the theater after frantic 911 calls around 12:30 a.m. local time, officials said.
Holmes reportedly fired shots inside the theater and fled to the parking lot and was confronted by police already at the theater for crowd control. Holmes wore a bulletproof vest, police said, and was carrying a rifle and two handguns. The handguns may have been placed in the theater before the shooting.
FBI spokesman Jason Pack said there's no indication in the investigation so far of any connection to terrorism.
President Obama said he is "shocked and saddened" by the mass shooting and urged the nation to "come together as one American family." He said his administration will do everything it can to support the people of Aurora, Colo. The White House says Obama, who was in Florida at the time of the shooting, was informed of the shooting by Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan.
"As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family," Obama said in a statement. "All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors."
Obama later spoke to supporters in Fort Myers, Fla., where he asked for a moment of silence.
“Everybody just take a moment," Obama said. "I hope all of you will keep the people of Aurora in your hearts and minds today. I am grateful to all of you."
Holmes attended Westfield High School in San Diego, Calif., and graduated in 2006, the Poway Unified School District confirmed to Fox News. He is scheduled to appear in court at 8:30 a.m. local time in Centennial.
Police released a written statement from Holmes' family: "Our hearts go out to those who were involved in this tragedy and to the families and friends of those involved."
James Wilburn was sitting in the second row of theater 9 after midnight when an emergency door opened and a man entered, the Denver Post reports.
"He was dressed in black," Wilburn told the newspaper. "Wearing a flack jacket and a gas mask."
On this Friday, July 20, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the shooting in Colorado and breaks down how it will be used to push through ratification of the United Nations' gun-grabber treaty in the Senate and also manufacture anti-Second Amendment hysteria in the corporate media. Alex also welcomes back to the show country and southern rock music legend Charlie Daniels. Earlier this month, Daniels went on record stating that the UN's Arms Trade Treaty will be used to register and ultimately confiscate all privately owned firearms. “If the Senate ratifies this treaty you can say goodbye to private ownership of firearms because an international treaty supersedes sovereignty and America will be bound by it's provisions and disarming America will strike a major blow for global government,” Charlie wrote on July 18.
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Tune in and listen to Alex Jones' expert analysis of the shooting.
CBS Chicago
July 20, 2012
A local security expert says expect to see changes at movie theaters in the wake of the shooting in Colorado.
As WBBM Newsradio’s Mike Krauser reports, security expert Jeffrey Cramer says the incident should serve as a reminder that random acts of violence can, and do, happen anywhere.
“If you step back, our society is one that movie theaters, or restaurants, or any other public place that doesn’t have any sort of metal detector or security, per se, this could have happened anytime,” Cramer said.
British actor /comedian Stephen Fry once described 'countryside', as the act of killing Piers Morgan.
Nobody in Eire or the UK wants the ******, let alone anyone in the US.
Is no-one able to put him out of our misery?
I get so tired of seeing 95% of the programs on TV are violence. Where are the comedies we use to have, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, Lucille Ball, all I find are so violent I watch the Science Channel, or those video's. But I'd like a bit of laughter in my life. I'd never waste money on watching Batman.
I wonder what the outcome would have been if many of those in the theater had been armed? How many weirdo's would think twice if they knew most of the citizens were armed. Now we are sitting ducks, all in a row. Defenseless. I'll stand up for our Second Amendment 100%. We can't depend on our government to protect us, we end up dead.
Gun's don't shoot by their selves. It's mostly the finger on the trigger and the twisted mind behind the finger. We have rogue shooter's all over the world. No one or group will destroy all gun's. The wicked and evil will always have access to weapon's. I believe it is part of satan's plan and seem's to be working in the favor of illumanati,NWO. there has been a push to take our gun's for a long time now,but now it's really getting hot in the kitchen.
Folks, if you are investing in respirators (gasmasks)/ CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) defense gear, please be careful what you purchase.
There is a lot of surplus gear on the market that is nothing more than military collectables, and WILL NOT give you protection.
I understand that not everyone can afford the latest MOPP/NBC or civilian hazmat or Demron RST suits or an unissued current miitary issue CBRN respirator, but if you are going to buy this equipment, there is no point in waisting your money on obsolete or useless junk that has been dumped on the international surplus market.
Coldwar Soviet and Israeli respirators, spring to mind...
i have a list .. i guess your right i need more .. i hate the things .. if i ever have to wear one i'll know its time to hide until i get a chance to send as many as i can to hell!!
@Suzie, just 2? I use a gas mask for my work sometimes and I'll tell you the rubber valves wear out so you need to have spares. Also if you run through serious agent other than CS/CN your going to toss the mask and filter so I recommend having a few for each person stashed away along with a few suits for each. You can still do this cheaply right now.
@mike yea I was just reading that he did have tear gas so I guess the gas mask was needed, wonder if he used the MilSpec stuff you get at $60 a can or the clear out stuff... both are available online. I can see new legislation coming now to ban the stuff.
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