Recently, there was an insane rumor going around that the Biden Administration was considering paying illegal immigrants to come into the US. At first, Joe Biden told reporters that this would never be allowed to happen, but after a day or two, Jen Psaki during a press conference said that Joe was obviously not aware of what policy makers had decided, and could not be aware of everything going on in the federal government. I’ll take that as an admission of not only incompetence, but dementia. I mean, after being a parasitic insider of the federal government for 50 years, why wouldn’t Joe Biden know about such a controversial policy?
Opening the flood gates
The truth is now after King Joe was given a prepared speech is that 450 thousand per person separated from their family during their illegal soiree that we know as illegally crossing our borders is now under consideration by our federal government. Even more up to 900 thousand is being considered for entire families who were broken up and lost contact as a result of being rounded up by our border patrol and detained. This while during the Trump Administration it was discovered that not only was it that the Obama White House had been holding children in box-like cells but that fake families of children being held by sex and human traffickers were disguising themselves as real families while they were anything but. So, if this insanity is to be believed, there would be people getting paid who were never even separated from their family at all.
Why the US?
Still, the bigger question looms. What obligates the United States to take in illegal immigrants to begin with. We are already facing a literal war at our borders with the drug cartels constantly smuggling in drugs and people and virtually controlling our borders because the federal government refuses to act in the capacity of the US Constitution and guard our borders as they are supposed to. So, we come to the conclusion of, why would our government allow this as Americans are being killed and robbed by illegal alien criminals and drug gangs as local infrastructure is overrun and Border Patrol Agents are overwhelmed and even verbally attacked by our Washington DC comedians who call themselves Democrats Congressional leaders, who, in reality are merely co-conspirators in the operation to overthrow the nation into a massive chaotic break down.
Who should this money really be channeled to?
Why can’t this kind of money go to needy Americans for work education, war veterans living in poverty without sufficient treatment of their wounds, or for the supposedly crucial infrastructure of the roads, the utilities needed to handle weather extremes, or for increased border security? Why aren’t these initiatives taking priority? Why? Because we have an out of control government only interested in perpetuating itself by no matter what means it takes to have the voter base that will elect it time after time since we’ve finally wised up to the fact that our elections have probably been stolen for some time with the wireless voting machines that have been proven to be susceptible to hacking. So, why not just sell out the American people and pay foreigners to come to America and give them the money, the resources the government won’t give its own citizens and build your voting base even if you are doing it illegally? Why not? To hell with what our citizens want and deserve!
History of patriotic policy
One might recall that from 1924 to 1965 there was no legal immigration being allowed by the US government. Why? Because the millions who had come to America in previous decades need to acclimate and prove that their loyalty and political position was consistent with our nation and its Constitution! Does that matter anymore? It would seem not! Nowadays, even since the Bush Administration, it seems there has been a race to get as many people from foreign countries here illegally or otherwise for the last 20 years. It seems that forcing a change in political policy and demographics is at the heart of it all from those sources in the shadows we know as George Soros and others committed to overthrowing the America we once knew.
Intentional sabotage
Via, Cloward and PIven strategy, our federal government is acting in ways that will overload the system, created open borders, and do the bidding of the globalists who want a world government where there is no individual sovereignty of nations who adhere to their heritage and values, instead we will have a government sanctioned chaos of disruption followed by a martial law crack down and a new economy that will make President Trump’s allusion to a “Rigged System” 1000 X compared to any conceivable obstruction we can think of today. The solution? All people must unite against this power grab. Waiting for Trump to get re-elected won’t work if there’s no country left to save! Steve Bannon with his incredible optimism has pointed incredible accomplishments by mothers and fathers who have faced down the school boards for their indoctrination tactics, but we have so far to go and now Bannon is under Soviet style persecution by the Democrats! Get it through your thick skulls people! Your government doesn’t give a damn about you!
That was during the Bush administration.
I totally saw ten thousand shelled out to a non English speaking individual from south of the border. Of course Brandon denies these offerings, further illustrating the compartmentalization of the administration right now.
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