A Different Action Plan... United We Strike!

Most of us are far from happy with the way our world is being run, concerned for the future, angry at politicians and frustrated at the tyranny being imposed on us all.
We wonder what we can do, feel helpless, and the idea of marching and openly demonstrating against the powers that be is an enticing thought, after all, we do outnumber the few who have enslaved us.

The Power of the People is great, but perhaps there is a better way to go about reclaiming our world than massive marches far away from our own homes.

Here are some thoughts to consider:

1) Leaving our homes and families to travel leaves them vulnerable.

2) It costs money to travel, especially with rigged gas, diesel and oil prices, we are also subject to road blocks, searches, TSA abuses, weather, unforeseen events, etc. Couldn't that money better serve us if it were put into storable food, water, generators, solar panels, survival and protection gear, and home improvement?

     Things WE really need that will ensure Our families future?!

3) The government is well armed with LRAD, Microwave weapons, tasers, batons, and all
     sorts of equipment specially suited for protests.They're counting on using it, planning on
     using it, and looking for reasons to justify it. Individuals and large groups who are unarmed
     make easy targets........... What if the president declares martial law? What if they block roads
     and confiscate vehicles?  What if you're detained, and you can't get back to your home and family?

4) There is a time and place for marching in the streets and protesting, but that place is Locally!
      In Our towns, at Our City council  meetings, Our courthouses, Our sheriffs offices, etc.
     "WE the People" can coordinate OUR efforts, and take LOCAL action at the SAME TIME!
       Individuals empowering themselves, along with Collective Action and Peaceful Resistance, fueled by
      massive numbers, all over the world. Independent People, marching on their local officials, demanding
     accountablity.  Rooting out local corruption, rebuilding from the inside out. We use Common Sense and
     Common Law, declaring our Individual, state and national sovereignty.

    During this time period we refuse to work, go to school, travel, or contribute in any way to the corporate
   structure because we no longer recognize them as persons, but profit making machines which are dismanteled and restructured, now in the business of cleaning up their messes. The technology they've secreted and used against us is revealed and used for peace and healing.

   We refuse to work until all fraudulent banking debt is cancelled, no more fractional reserve policies, or privately owned banks,  we abolish central banks and central governments.


"We the People" decide within our states what type of currency we will use for commerce.

We stop all foreign military aid and bring our father's, mother's, son's and daughter's home. They help us rebuild and protect our towns while we transition from tyranny to freedom.

  We immediately stop all geo engineering and experimenting on the planet and each other.

  That will truly be the Power of the People, United in Peaceful, Collective Action, Overwhelming
   numbers who make a difference in their homes, neighborhoods, cities, and states.
   This is the 21st Century. It is time to Rise together and rid ourselves of the plague of inequality,
   poverty, and destruction for profit. It is time to stop fighting and start healing.

  Power to the People through Peaceful Unity!

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Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on June 23, 2011 at 12:21pm

Check my latest blog for your response. Thanks for commenting.


Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on June 23, 2011 at 5:56am

Let me play "Devil's Advocate" for a second....


Okay, let's not work and drop out of the corporate juggernaut. How do you propose I pay a mortgage and feed a wife and three dogs while we're doing this? Additionally, any ideas on how I would get my job back when our pleasant little game is over with? Employers are SO unsympathetic with workers who refuse to work...... I'm open to suggestions.....

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