#1 Historical Trends
Just as with a circle, there is the beginning and the end or start and stop. #1 we look at this as the “Stop” then “Start. 09/2012)
…“Out with the Bad and in with the Good”
Now you just gotta see that piece on the Hopi and Aztecs and others talk about what their generations chiseled and painted and spoke of, with respect to the future and yes who knows, this ever evolving moment in of history’s time of existence. We all need to make a conscious humanly yet god like choice to live a certain way, for you and me and everyone, as a universal truth of what must be, what “Will” it be, Will be.
So Mote it Be!
#2 JP Morgan
This is 1/3 of a single (i.e. 1%) percent of overall portfolio and yet, become a hype for bailout plans…(In other words, time to bet yet again on, “Can They ensure Economic unrest, sure they can and profit from it, What Them do it right before our eye, on our faces…
Precious] EURO ZONE AGREES NEW RESCUE PLAN Saturday, June 30, 2012 EURO ZONE AGREES NEW RESCUE PLAN Brussels, Under pressure to prevent a catastrophic breakup of their single currency, euro zone leaders yesterday agreed to let their rescue fund inject aid directly into stricken banks from next year and intervene on bond markets to support troubled member states. They also pledged to create a single banking supervisor for euro zone banks based around the European Central Bank (ECB) in a first step towards a European banking union that could help shore up struggling member Spain. "It is a first step to break the vicious circle between banks and sovereigns," European Council president Herman Van Rompuy told a final news conference after talks which stretched right through the night.
Nine major banks are putting the final touches on so-called “living will” plans that they are due to submit to federal regulators this weekend ... Related article .. link ..*The Five Big Banks Draft Plans for Going Out of Business (Big Banks Craft “Living Wills” in Case They Fail) ... Nine major banks are putting the final touches on so-called “living will” plans that they are due to submit to federal regulators this weekend. The nine banks leading the process — Bank of America (US:BAC) , Barclays (US:BCS) , Citibank (US:C) , Credit Suisse (US:CS) , Deutsche Bank (US:DB) , Goldman Sachs , J.P. Morgan Chase (US:JPM) , Morgan Stanley (US:MS) and UBS (US:UBS) — are due to submit their plans, suspected to be thousands of pages long, to the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. by Sunday.
Following Sunday’s first round of submissions, the FDIC and Federal Reserve will first release the public section on Tuesday. The review of the living will documents, will take place over the next 60 days, in which the regulators will determine if the plan complies with outlined rules.
…But Not Well Fargo though….
Bank of England poised for another £50bn QE injection this week as economy stalls Sunday, July 1, 2012 Bank of England poised for another £50bn QE injection as economy stalls Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King and his fellow Monetary Policy Committee members are this week expected to pump a further £50 billion into the ailing British economy in another attempt to kick-start a recovery. There is an outside chance that the MPC could cut interest rates on Thursday, after minutes from its last meeting showed members had discussed the merits of lowering the base rate from its current record low of 0.5 per cent. However, the MPC said it was concerned that cutting rates would hit banks’ profit margins and constrain their ability to lend, and a reduction in borrowing costs would not have any advantages over expanding its asset purchasing program from its current level of £325bn.
The Bank of England and the Treasury have also announced plans to give banks access to around £80bn in additional funds at a discount to market rates, but only if they increase lending to the non-financial sector. Howard Archer, chief UK economist at IHS Global Insight, said: “With latest economic data and surveys largely grim, the outlook uncertain and troubling, the Eurozone crisis continuing and latest inflation developments largely favorable, we believe that a majority of MPC members will decide that more QE is now warranted and justifiable.” Although inflation remains above the Bank’s 2% target, the consumer prices index eased to 2.8% in May, down from 3% the previous month.
“…Figures last week showed that growth in the services economy, which accounts for some 77% of total economic activity, had stalled in April. Archer added: “We suspect that latest developments are likely to prod at least one more MPC member into favoring more QE in July, and expect a £50bn extension to be announced.”
“…lists the names of security chiefs and officers in the Ministry of Defense, which was submitted to Parliament for approval…”
GOI “…Initial agreement between Iraq and Kuwait on the exit from Chapter VII. The Iraqi government confirmed it had agreed in principle with Kuwait factors to achieve the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII confirmed the presence of the Kuwaiti side to understand the need for the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII.
“…We are in the best position ever......”…….the managed float is when the rate of exchange cannot go up or down more than 2.5% ever 90 days…”
Now whom can we think of, that wants to keep the managed float!
BIS? WTO? IMF? GOI? CBI? Iraq? Vietnam? The World Currencies, The World currency holders, you and/or me…???
#3 Derivatives: Bank downgrades trigger billions in collateral calls
...$228 trillion bet is on the table by the …”the Evil and Elite Banksters”…
GEAB N°66 is available! Red alert / Global systemic crisis – September-October 2012: When the trumpets of Jericho ring out seven times for the world before the crisis
- Public announcement GEAB N°66 (June 19, 2012) -
GEAB N°66 is available! Red alert / Global systemic crisis – September-October 2012: When the trumpets of Jericho ring out seven times for the world before the crisis
The progression of world events unfolds in accordance with the anticipations mapped out by LEAP/E2020 during these last few quarters. Euroland has finally come out from its political torpor and short-termism since François Hollande’s election (1) as France’s president and the Greeks have just confirmed their willingness to resolve their problems within Euroland (2) thus contradicting all the Anglo-Saxon media and Euro sceptics’ “forecasts”. From now on, Euroland (in fact the EU minus the United Kingdom) will therefore be able to move forward and create a true project of political integration, economic efficiency and democratization over the 2012-2016 period as LEAP/E2020 anticipated last February (GEAB N°62. It’s positive news but, for the coming six-month periods, this “second Renaissance” of the European project (3) will really be the only good news at world level.
All the other components of the global situation are in fact pointed in a negative, even catastrophic, direction. Here again, the main media are starting to echo a long-standing situation anticipated by our team for summer 2012. Indeed, in one form or another, more often on the inside pages than in big headlines (monopolized for months by Greece and the Euro (4)), one now finds the following 13 topics:
1. Global recession (no engine of growth anywhere / end of the myth of the “US recovery”) (5)
2. Growing insolvency of the Western banking and financial system and henceforth partially recognized as such
3. Growing frailty of key financial assets such as sovereign debts, real estate and CDSs underpinning the world’s major banks’ balance sheets
4. Fall off in international trade (6)
5. Geopolitical tensions (in particular in the Middle East) approaching the point of a regional explosion
6. Lasting global geopolitical blockage at the UN
7. Rapid collapse of the whole of the Western asset-backed retirement system (7)
8. Growing political divisions within the world’s “monolithic” powers (USA, China, Russia)
9. Lack of “miracle” solutions as in 2008 /2009, because of the growing impotence of many of the major Western central banks (Fed, BoE, BoJ) and States’ indebtedness
10. Credibility in freefall for all countries having to assume the double load of public and excessive private debt (8)
11. Inability to control/slow down the advance of mass and long-term unemployment
12. Failure of monetarist and financial stimulus policies such as “pure” austerity policies
13. Quasi-systematic ineffectiveness henceforth of the alternative or recent international closed groups, G20, G8, Rio+20, WTO,… on all the key topics of what is no longer in fact a world agenda absent any consensus: economy, finances, environment, conflict resolution, fight against poverty…
A series of ratings downgrades from Moody’s last week has created an unwelcome but manageable liquidity squeeze on three major banks, by forcing them to post billions of dollars in additional collateral against derivatives exposures.
Moody’s completed its rating review of international banks last Thursday and downgraded three major derivatives dealers below the crucial Single A threshold, which will likely have led to hefty collateral calls from counterparties.
Citigroup’s two-notch long-term rating downgrade from A3 to Baa2 could have led to US$500m in additional liquidity and funding demands due to derivative triggers and exchange margin requirements, according to the bank’s 10Q regulatory filing at the end of the first quarter.
Morgan Stanley – which Moody’s downgraded from A2 to Baa1 – said a two-notch downgrade from both Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s could spur an additional US$6.8bn of collateral requirements in its latest 10Q. The bank did not break down its potential collateral calls under a scenario where only Moody’s downgraded the bank below the Single A threshold.
Royal Bank of Scotland estimated it may have to post £9bn of collateral as a result of the one-notch Moody’s downgrade to Baa1 in a statement on June 21, but did not detail how much of this additional requirement was driven by margin for swaps exposures.
Ratings triggers are commonplace in collateral agreements governing derivatives transactions. These clauses typically force a firm to post more collateral to their counterparty if they are downgraded below a certain level. This is to compensate for the fact that the downgraded firm is seen to have become a riskier trading partner. Moving from being an A rated to a B rated institution tends to be a crucial line in the sand.
Many industry professionals have warned of the systemic risk of ratings triggers. For one, they represent significant cliff risk – in other words, a firm may wake up one day to demands of posting billions of dollars more collateral. In history’s most extreme example, AIG’s downgrade in 2008 led to such a liquidity squeeze on the firm that the US government ended up bailing out the faltering insurer.
More calls to come?
The banks will hardly welcome the extra liquidity constraints given the increased cost of bank funding over the past few years. Still, all three firms may count themselves lucky that other major ratings agencies still view them as A rated institutions, as wider downgrades would likely have led to even greater collateral calls.
For instance, Citigroup estimated a two-notch downgrade from all three major ratings agencies would lead to a total of US$2.1bn in collateral flying out the door. A similar downgrade for its banking subsidiary Citibank would have resulted in a further margin call of US$2.6bn.
While RBS continues to have a “stable” ratings outlook, its US peers may have to plan for further ratings action. S&P rates both Citigroup and Morgan Stanley as A- with a negative outlook, which means there is more than a one in three chance of being downgraded in the next 18 to 24 months.
Citigroup declined to comment for this article, although an official noted the bank held a liquidity buffer of US$420bn in government bonds and cash. RBS declined to comment, but wrote in its June 21 statement that it continues to maintain a solid liquidity and funding position.
Morgan Stanley also declined to comment, but an official highlighted the collateral postings mentioned in its latest 10Q were contingent on a number of scenarios and may be subject to mitigating factors.
Ruth Porat, Morgan Stanley’s CFO, said in the banks first quarter earnings’ call the move to central clearing will mitigate the impact of downgrades and ratings triggers. Porat also noted Morgan Stanley had been transferring its derivatives trades to its higher-rated bank entity, which “sizes and brings down the scope of [the impact]”.
According to figures from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Morgan Stanley holds a notional of only US$2.57trn at the end of the first quarter in its banking subsidiary (which is rated A3 by Moody’s) compared to US$50.34trn in its parent company.
It is not yet clear whether regulators will be happy to rubber stamp dealers moving derivatives trades between different entities. It is also likely that a bank’s counterparty would have to consent to re-assigning a trade to the banking subsidiary.
#5 Increasing Pessimism
Poker faces are set Time to pick a President (i.e. a CEO of the Corporate USA) to carry forth and profit from their debit-slaves the ups and the downs…valleys and mountaintops…Where are mind sets and mentality of the general public? ANSWER: #5 Increasing Pessimism (- See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil). “The only way for Evil to Triumph, is for Good People to do Nothing”….. Awakened to the world we all achieved and aim continually to reach.
#6 Spain
The Spanish financial system …The anti goes up by 28x (i.e. 28 fold of the bets placed in #3 Derivatives)
#7 Italy
#8 Greece
#9 Cyprus
#10 Germany
#11 Bank Runs
The bankers have all the players at the table and the game is “set” almost match…..
Every single day, hundreds of billions of dollars is being pulled out of banks in southern Europe. Much of that money is being transferred to banks in northern Europe.
In a previous article I included an extremely alarming quote from a CNBC article about the unfolding banking crisis in Europe....
Financial advisers and private bankers whose clients have accounts too large to be covered by a Europe-wide guarantee on deposits up to 100,000 Euros ($125,000), are reporting a "bank run by wire transfer" that has picked up during May.
Much of this money has headed north to banks in London, Frankfurt and Geneva, financial advisers say.
'It's been an ongoing process but it certainly picked up pace a couple of weeks ago We believe there is a continuous 2-3 year bank run by wire transfer,' said Lorne Baring, managing director at B Capital, a Geneva-based pan European wealth management firm.
How long can these
bank runs continue before banking systems start to collapse?
#12 Preparations For The Collapse Of The Eurozone
As I have written about previously, the smart money has already written off southern Europe. All over the continent major financial institutions are preparing for the worst. For example, just check out what Visa Europe is doing....
Visa Europe is holding weekly meetings to discuss scenarios in the event the euro zone collapses, joining other companies that are preparing for a potential breakup of the currency bloc.
Chief Commercial Officer Steve Perry said Tuesday that management at the U.K.-based credit-card company meets weekly to explore various possible outcomes, including a total collapse of the euro zone.
#13 Global Lending Is Slowing Down
Southern Europeans Wire Cash to Safer North
Published: Monday, 28 May 2012 | 4:49 AM ET
Text Size
By: Reuters
After Greece's inconclusive elections on May 6 led to political deadlock and heightened doubts about the country's future in the euro zone, Nikos, a successful businessman in the pharmaceutical supply industry, sent 7 million euros ($8.8 million) to a bank in Luxembourg.
European Union Flag
Jonathan Kitchen | Image Bank | Getty Images
"I have worked hard all my life and took risks in business. I am 62 years old now and cannot risk my money becoming drachmas. Most Greeks want to stay in the euro [EUR=X Loading... () ], that's what polls show, but it's better to be safe than sorry," he said.
His precaution reflects a trend among southern Europe's wealthy. Greeks fear devaluation while Spaniards and Portuguese fret about the health of their banks so they are sending money to banks in the stronger economies of northern Europe.
Nikos sent his cash to a Swiss bank offering much lower interest rates than his Greek bank paid but he said the sacrifice is worth it for peace of mind.
Financial advisers and private bankers whose clients have accounts too large to be covered by a Europe-wide guarantee on deposits up to 100,000 euros ($125,000), are reporting a "bank run by wire transfer" that has picked up during May.
Much of this money has headed north to banks in London, Frankfurt and Geneva, financial advisers say.
"It's been an ongoing process but it certainly picked up pace a couple of weeks ago We believe there is a continuous 2-3 year bank run by wire transfer," said Lorne Baring, managing director at B Capital, a Geneva-based pan European wealth management firm.
"Where there is liquidity it is moving to the safest part of Europe and the perceived safest part of Europe is in the North... It's a no brainer," he said.
Another private banker specializing in Spanish clients at a global banking group said Spain's wealthy remembered Argentina's 'corralito' a decade ago when authorities restricted withdrawals to prevent bank runs.
"We are taking calls from new clients who want part of their money outside of Spain because of the potential risk of a corralito though we don't think that will happen and we don't incentivize our clients to do that," the banker said.
As deposits in European banks are guaranteed up to 100,000 euros ($125,000), all but the wealthiest savers would get their money back in the event of a bank failure.
Newedge to Leave Greek Stock Market
With Greece Nearing Euro Exit, Is Cash King?
But if a country left the euro, as economists think could happen to Greece, bank accounts would be redenominated into a new currency that could then devalue, eroding the value of deposits.
Depositors could also face controls to prevent capital flight and further devaluation, or a freeze on withdrawals to defend the banks.
One senior private banker based in London said colleagues had taken calls from Greeks "very keen" to open accounts in the UK to protect their wealth if Greece leaves the euro and returns to its old currency, the drachma.
However, there is much legal uncertainty surrounding a potential exit from the euro zone and lawyers say moving money abroad may not necessarily protect it from conversion into the new currency.
"It is clear that Greek investors are looking to find ways to hold euros that will not get converted into drachmas," said Damian Bloom, partner at law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner.
"There is a concern whether euro deposits held by a Greek person in a non-Greek account would also get converted, or indeed whether Greek issued euro notes held by non-Greek persons would be converted. I don't know if these practical issues have yet been resolved."
Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters.
#12 Preparations For The Collapse Of The Eurozone
China is Up To Bat….CANNOT have the Euro fail…they bring their peace offering to the TABLE (I.e. I how we all k now that is the Round Table; The Think Tank on keeping us “DEBIT SLAVES”
As I have written about previously, the smart money has already written off southern Europe. All over the continent major financial institutions are preparing for the worst. For example, just check out what Visa Europe is doing....
Visa Europe is holding weekly meetings to discuss scenarios in the event the euro zone collapses, joining other companies that are preparing for a potential breakup of the currency bloc.
Chief Commercial Officer Steve Perry said Tuesday that management at the U.K.-based credit-card company meets weekly to explore various possible outcomes, including a total collapse of the euro zone.
#13 Global Lending Is Slowing Down
The Banksters are saying, “No more loans with interest are being offered to pay off your current loans with interest. We need to calculate how much we stand to make (i.e. of course we all know, all this financial gain are designed for the Bankters to win Good, Bad or Indifferent for us the “DEBIT SLAVES”, either way, they win.
All over the globe the flow of credit is beginning to freeze up. In fact, the Bank for International Settlements says that worldwide lending is contracting at the fastest pace since the financial crisis of 2008.
#14 Sophisticated Cyber Attacks On Banks
Some Evil Chatter: “So why would you players have need for guaranteed loans, what happened to the money I loan you all, is it missing or in some sort of jeopardy. Is it stolen or lost? You are going to owe me for another 101 years or so for this.
It is being reported that "very sophisticated" hackers have successfully raided dozens of banks in Europe. So far, it is being estimated that they have stolen 60 million euros....
Sixty million euro has been stolen from bank accounts in a massive cyber bank raid after fraudsters raided dozens of financial institutions around the world.
According to a joint report by software security firm McAfee and Guardian Analytics, more than 60 firms have suffered from what it has called an "insider level of understanding.
What happens someday if we wake up and all the money in the banks is gone?
#15 U.S. Municipal Bankruptcies
All over the United States there are cities and towns
on the verge of financial disaster. This week Stockton, California became the largest U.S. city to ever declare bankruptcy, but the reality is that this is only just the beginning of the municipal debt crisis....
Stockton, California, said it will file for bankruptcy after talks with bondholders and labor unions failed, making the agricultural center the biggest U.S. city to seek court protection from creditors.
'The city is fiscally insolvent and must seek Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection,' Stockton said in a statement released yesterday after its council voted 6-1 to adopt a spending plan for operating under bankruptcy protection.
#16 The Obamacare Decision
The U.S. economy is already a complete and total mess, and now the Obamacare (i.e. leagally is a tax on all citizens of the USA, from employer, to employees to their employees children, born and unborn ).decision is going to throw a huge wet blanket on it. All over America, small business owners are saying that they are going to have to let some workers go because they cannot afford to keep them all under Obamacare. It would be hard to imagine a more job killing law than Obamacare, and now that the Supreme Court decision has finally been announced we are going to see many businesses making some really hard decisions.
#17 The U.S. Election
…And Now 2012, let it be that the newly elected and hand pick (i.e. contract extended, performance review, CEO performance compared to his predecessors on how well are they running this Company (i.e. the Good Ole US of America…The work horse of this Global Financial conglomerate review with the Owners (i.e. “…the Evil and Elite Banksters…”) have been successful”…., to say both in a figurative and literal speaking (i.e. I am actually typing this.. ;o))
It is being reported that Barack Obama is putting together an army of "thousands of lawyers" to deal with any disputes that arise over voting procedures or results. It certainly looks like this upcoming election is going to be extremely close, and there is the potential that we could end up facing another Bush v. Gore scenario where the fate of the presidency is determined in court.
“We definitely live in interesting times.”
We are living in an extremely interesting time…
“…concerned about the September, October, November timeframe...”?
“…The other day, Joe Biden delivered a speech in which he made the following statement: ....”It's A Depression for Millions and Millions Of Americans...”
Now was it today or yesterday or last Friday, ...“the Evil and Elite Banksters”… are ensuring, “signing in blood”, “writing in stone”, making this deal …”as Good as Gold”, if there is to be a next time it will be ALL the Millions and Millions of American citizens to face a Depression but, “i.e. the Evil and Elite Banksters” wins big, bigger, biggest with the fact that Obamacare decision by the Supreme Court is in fact a Tax on each and every citizen of the United States of America (…ALL the Millions and Millions of Americans….)
Do we all feel that we did or didn’t satisfy …”the Evil and Elite Banksters’... thrusts for more money, more slaves going into debit to owe and pay more money to the …”Evil and Elite Banksters and their global (i.e. –The Inner City London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia; the Ring of Power ”…) conglomerate. Do we need to mention this close nit community of like minded individuals, vessels (i.e. as us, perfectly created to make the Right decision at the right time, exercising their right to righteousness, by simply something as oppose to nothing, to ensure, heck guarantee that Evil never will Triumph today, tomorrow or ever again.
…”We truly do live in frightening times”... Lettuce (i.e. Keep) …”hope for the best”… (i.e. we have hope that the Good People in high places in this structure and fabric of our society….you all know it…it is like, no it is our grandmothers and grandfathers, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, cousins, mothers fathers, sons and daughters, “God” Family and even friends. Boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives)…, “…but let us also prepare for the worst…” (i.e. Armed with the knowledge as the power, and our minds or simply our mentalities allows the body to know the “Will” to take! It is all about knowing what is coming towards you, to be alive and able to see it, and see it go past you).
The only way for Evil to triumph, is for Good People, like you and myself to do nothing (i.e. choose not to get or be awakened, exist as un-awakened –…“ See No Evil, Hear No Evil Speak No Evil”….
From you resident Rasta Man (i.e. one Rastafari man, as there are many Rastafari men, Rastafarians..a non religious group, I mean we do things religiously, but we do not follow any Religion, just the most monotheistic and humanly orthodox ways imaginable, all in the name of arriving and achieving the total and unequivocally mastery of one’s (i.e. the perfect vessel as we are all created, carrying, holding or having a content which is most precious and priceless (that right folks, worth more than all the gold and silver put together) own life…)
(I must give credit where credit is due, butt, I AM petty sure by the way, that someone else more famous and influential coined that phase above, (You know, the one that I use so frequently these days in the 21st Century…also
You know our motto
Our MO (Modus Operand)….
With Wishes for health and Peace Profound,
Ras Jimmy
A parent of three (3)
USA Citizen
With Wishes for health and Peace Profound
The same to you and your family, Jimmy. Thnx for posting.
“Society exists for the benefit of its members, not the members for the benefit of society.” Herbert Spencer
Troy, you inspired it all, this afternoon. Kudos credits go to you my brother...
"Destroying the New World Order"
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