Recently a clergyman serving at the Vatican made a discovery. Deep in the archives hidden below the ground levels a strange instrument exists. A device that can look into the past and produce images. Described as the Chronovisor, somehow it has remained hush and spoken of little though it has been in existence for hundreds of years. The Monsignor who viewed it and glanced back into the past claimed to have seen images of Jesus on the way to his crucifixion. He wanted to make the truth known about this device, but was reprimanded and an effort to see that this bizarre instrument remains under wraps resulted.
Can looks be deceiving?
There have been many allegations that there are photos of time travelers in historic pictures or even in routine photographs going back into the 19th Century, odd looking people not fitting into the rest of the crowd wearing futuristic apparel and even possessing what appears to be a cell phone. However, with the use of editing software such as “Photo Shop” almost anything can be faked with little chance of hiding the process. From Miami in 1966 comes the story of a little boy who finds an apparent crystalline device that shows futuristic visions on its small screen. The story is picked up by the local paper with no follow up at all. It may also have been mentioned in local TV news coverage as well. So an amazing discovery quickly fades away, but the question is, did the US government confiscate the device? We’ll never know for sure.
Another secret Nazi invention?
From World War II Germany comes another bizarre story of a device that the operator could use to see visions from the past, but also serve as an anti-gravitational machine as well as being an offensive weapon! Die Glocke, nicknamed, “The Bell” it was actually bell shaped. The machine was said to have two rotating cylinders within supposedly containing a secret fluid perhaps mercury. When heat or electricity is applied to mercury it is known to rotate clockwise in the northern hemisphere with bizarre conductive characteristics. Like so many other secret weapons and aircraft being developed by the Nazis in some desperate way of overcoming the overwhelming odds of the allies winning the war, Die Glocke was yet another mysterious design and question mark over the science the Germans acquired that allowed for such incredible developments.
Control through secrecy
With these secretive devices how far have the people on this planet been denied the truth about the capabilities of mankind and how they could be used for improving the quality of life, solving mysteries of science, and even coming up with ways of creating cheap abundant energy? We know that the US military stays decades ahead of the civilian market for electronics and vehicular mobility, just as medical care may also be far ahead of what’s provided to the patient today that could obviously save lives. The power of knowledge through secrecy seems to be one of the most important aspects of governments who want to hold that trump card over the masses in the event of whatever emergency or crisis might arrive, but most of all to maintain control over the people!
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