a topic that is kind of ignored on 12160.

there is a reason we need to pay attention to possible agents and provocateurs. if you don't spot them and point them out, you will allow them to achieve their mission. a. a false flag operation. b. discredit, make a fool of or even slander. i'm sure there are c. d. and f. but i don't want to get anyone paranoid.

another good bit of info on the topic. this would fall into the c.d.f. category.

alex jones does a good job of explaining the tactics.

not much a surprise since he does a pretty good job of b. discredit, make a fool of or even slander. in this video that was recently posted here on 12160.

then there is the tea party, here's a good example.


i have been told to leave such topics alone but i will not.

anyway, this guy.

hmmm, does he look familiar.


stay awake.
here is a good post by a smart individual who has an understanding of human behavior on many levels.



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Comment by bryan l on November 28, 2010 at 2:10pm
i guess my overall point is that this blog didn't turn out that well considering key videos that i posted with it didn't show up. other than that, i guess the fact of of possible cointelpro that may have infiltrated this site and many other sites mostly based on truth.
Comment by bryan l on November 28, 2010 at 3:06am
anyway, i would have to say that most of the videos i posted didn't come up in this blog. no big deal, that's the way it goes.
Comment by bryan l on November 27, 2010 at 5:16pm
Comment by bryan l on November 27, 2010 at 5:05pm
Comment by bryan l on November 27, 2010 at 4:48pm
Comment by bryan l on November 27, 2010 at 1:50pm
no, i don't think the nwo soldier is an agent. i just thought his antics where worth noting. yeah, some of that is pretty damn funny.
thanks for the tip marklar, guess i don't know how to navigate threw this site that well.
as for christopher, he may be a bit obsessive. and yes he is quick to call someone a disinfo. agent. if you take the time to look at his work you would see pretty quick where that all stems from. as far as his info on 9/11 truth. i have to say it's pretty impressive. who knows, maybe he is an agent. when he slips up, i will see it. but from what i have gathered, he is pretty down to earth and does care about our rights.
thank you for any info on the topic.
Comment by Marklar on November 27, 2010 at 4:08am
BTW: the search term 'disinfo' brings up 8 pages worth of article headlines here on 12160, 'disinformation' brings up 17 pages of headlines, and 'provocateur' brings up 4 pages of headlines. The subject is hardly missing from 12160.
Comment by Marklar on November 27, 2010 at 3:59am
Actually Christopher is an apparent obsessive compulsive that calls anybody who disagrees with him a disinfo. agent. This is far from being smart or having a good understanding of anything. It is, in fact, a good indication that he could be a disinfo. agent himself.

Don't drink the Kool-aide.
Comment by bryan l on November 27, 2010 at 12:35am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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