H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act (really the Establishment Protection Act)
is scheduled to hit the House floor this Thursday, June 24.
Your immediate
action is needed to stop this bill that would infringe on your privacy,
limit your right to free speech, and silence C4L and like-minded
that hold the statists accountable.
Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 to
speak to your representative and tell him to reject this First Amendment-shredding legislation.
The DISCLOSE Act was dead in the water until the NRA cut a deal for an
exemption for itself and a few other big liberal groups. That was
all Pelosi needed to push the Establishment Protection Act forward...
where it ran into a buzz-saw of opposition from principled
groups, led by Campaign for Liberty.
You see, if there is one thing the establishment hates, it
is watching its hand-picked candidates be held accountable for their records on liberty issues.
The only thing they'd love more than shutting down efforts like C4L's
issue advocacy program is finding out exactly who gave to the program
and how
much they contributed.
Make no mistake, despite their rhetoric, this bill is aimed straight at
the average, every day Americans who have banded together to form groups like Campaign for Liberty.
Faceless bureaucrats could demand C4L turn over the names of those who have donated as little as $600.
They want all the details they can get on those who oppose them and precisely how much they're spending to do so.
Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 and let Congress know what you think of this latest
unconstitutional interference.
Campaign for Liberty takes the privacy of each and every
one of our supporters extremely seriously, and we know that there's no
need for yet another government list of freedom-loving patriots.
But the statists and their insider buddies are doing everything they
can to spin the Establishment Protection
Act as a bill to help the little guy.
If they really wanted sunshine, Audit the Fed would have
been the law of the land immediately after its introduction.
And they wouldn't be exempting their
favorites, like the unions (who spend millions each election cycle), from most of the bill's provisions.
The federal government continues to operate with as little transparency
as possible, but when it comes to identifying those who stand up to it,
our elected officials trip all over themselves to get in front of the
camera and call for action.
We've stood together in some tough battles for nearly two years now,
and you and I know that if anyone can stop the Establishment Protection
Act, it's
the liberty movement.
Please, call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121, today
and Thursday to speak to your representative and urge a "NO!" vote on H.R. 5175.
In Liberty,
John Tate President
With the Establishment Protection Act set to gravely infringe on our
right to free speech, and federal efforts underway to take over the
Internet, C4L
will need your continued support to fight back against these power
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