Afghanistan War Forever? No, We Can’t!

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Tell the President to bring every soldier and contractor home now.

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Now is the moment to put an end to the “global war on terror,” not to ease our way into its permanent establishment.

President Obama has “surged” about 70,000 troops and a similar number of contractors into Afghanistan, bringing the total U.S. personnel there to approximately 200,000.

For the past year and a half, the President has promised to begin military withdrawal this July.

“I’m confident that the withdrawal will be significant. People will say this is a real process of transition; this is not just a token gesture,” President Obama said on April 15th.

Now the military is leaking word that 5,000 troops and contractors might be withdrawn in July, or 2.5% of the total.

Tell the President that’s not enough.

By 73% to 21% Americans have told ABC / The Washington Post that they want to “withdraw a substantial number of U.S. combat forces from Afghanistan this summer.”

“In July of 2011, you’re going to see a whole lot of people moving out, bet on it,” said Vice President Joe Biden.

Does 2.5% strike you as a whole lot of people?

The plan leaked this week as an apparent trial balloon would take until 2014 to withdraw the full 70,000 troops added by Obama, and leave the other 30,000 troops plus contractors in Afghanistan indefinitely.

Tell the President to bring every soldier and contractor home now.

David, Aimee, Sarah
and the RootsAction team

Views: 101


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Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on May 13, 2011 at 5:01pm
Doubt it did any good....I signed anyway. When warranted, war is necessary. I will not tolerate waste.
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on May 12, 2011 at 7:35pm
No more buckwheat @ the waffle house

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