The trailer to the Obama Deception and the write up keep going on about Obama being a Nazi! He is a Communist. Why does Aex Jones always attack Germany and the National Socialist regime, but never gives the same treatment to the Communist regimes, such as the murderers who controlled and worked with Stalin? Could it be because that would be to attack his relatives? AJ is a Zio-nist sh-ill and agent of Organised J-ewry

Proof? AJ claims the Illuminati were a Germanic death Cult, because they organised on German soil. The fact is the leadership were R-abbis. They were J-ews, not Germans. wake up folks, 9/11 was not an inside job, it was a Z-ionist job. Jonesy focuses attention on the politicians to keep people from seeing the truth - the enemy is Z-ionism.

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Comment by ash74339 on April 23, 2009 at 12:05pm
So then, if Alex Jones is a "Zionist," why is he ALWAYS bad mouthing the Zionists and throwing them in with the other NWO scum? I guess you haven't listened to him that much. I have heard him mention Stalin AND Marx. Obama's ideas are not all nazi, they are quite Marxist as well. He makes the connection of Hitler and Obama because they are VERY much the same in that they were/are charismatic and people trusted/trust them. The difference is that Bush was just a shadow of the leader of what is becoming the 4th rike. They needed/need the polarity to gain the trust of the democrats and liberals now. But rufus, your comment has NO BASE! Try a little harder next time maybe dig up some dirt before you make wild accusations; that how we come to be known as conspiracy nuts with "foil hats." (Does anyone even wear those?)
Comment by Rufus on April 23, 2009 at 4:40am
I accept that I can be tunnel-visioned on the Zuionist issue. This is because I perceive it as being very important. In much the same way as environmentalists get bogged down in their area of obsession, or vegans/animal righters etc, I admit to this in myself. My obsession is rooted in a need to understand the fabric of reality as expressed through ancient mythology. It is by trying to keep to tangible issues that I keep getting pulled back into the Zionist question.

I have no agenda other than getting to the truth of what is going on in the world around us. I would imagine that if you looked into yourself you will find that you have areas of obsession yourself, although it may be more flattering to refer to them as areas of expertise.

Bottom line for me is that we really are on the same side, and we need to concentrate our energies on finding weaknesses in the enemy so we can prevent our otherwise imminent enslavement and demise..
Comment by TheLasersShadow on April 22, 2009 at 9:28am
Bottom line is you place WAY WAY too much perceived power in Israeli / zionist hands. Why? Do you understand the entirety of the battle field or are you focusing on one flank because it suits your needs?
Comment by Rufus on April 22, 2009 at 6:57am
TLS. Racism? You call me racist for confronting Zionism? You are a practionaer in Orwelliam double speak. Attacking me for opposing the real enemy is a tired strategy. If you want to look at racism, the look at Zionism.

What is Zionism? It is the political expression of the Judaic religion. This religion states that the Jews are a special people chisen by God to rule over the entire world, with non-Jews serving their every whim. The term Goyim referes to non-Jews and literally menas cattle. Zionism is an extension of Judaism and has many non-Jewish adherents, who wish to share in the spoils of the Global Government and World-wide Soviet state.

Those who fight the NWO but beileve the Jews are special lie, are fifth columnists in our ranks. They serve only to shift our focus onto side issues whilst the rteal enemy consolidates power.

Non-religious Jews who reject the entire 'Chosen people' crap are not a problem. Any Jews who believe in Judaism accept that Jehova favours them above all others - this is racism and supremacism at its very worst. Zionism is political, Judaism is religious - that is the difference.

Alex Jones is a key figure in the Truth Movement. For that reason it is our duty to scrutinise him. His screeching 'anti-semite' whenever the Zionist issue is mentioned point to a serious problem. Likewise claiming Prescott Bush financed Hitler, whereas in truth he was a middle man for Zionist Jewish bankers, also rings alarm bells. Alex Jones just makes too many of these little errors, but they all consistently divert attention away the Jewish-Zionist financial elite.

Please can we stay on topic? There is a tendency to make personal attacks on the messenger here. If you want to do a 'we hate Rufus' blog, then by all means do so, but this one is to discuss Shabbat Goy Zionist Shill, Alex Jones. This issue matters. If AJ is a tooll of our oppressors he must be exposed and demolished.

Either stick to the topic or post your insults elsewhere. That isn't too much to ask.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on April 21, 2009 at 9:22pm
For those who believe this shit Runyfuss puts out i'll put it to you like this. You walk into a Chinese food place and everyone taking orders, serving, cleaning and cooking are Chinese. So with little in depth research you ahhh the Chinese must run this place... And to convince people you say look everyone here is chinese including the "manager"!! This place is run by all Chinese! So time goes but you keep spreading the horse shit thinking your so smart until one day your there and an African Couple are back in the kitchen, taking inventory and checking up on things. You get your food and your thinking they must have hired 2 new managers. Right before you finish your meal the African couple comes out and asks you how your food was. You answer them but then ask them if they are the new managers.... They say no we are the owners, you being so attached to the concept and spreading the "fact" that this place was run by Chinese you through a fit and get kicked out. Being angry and not wanting to admit you were wrong, you continue to keep spreading the lies no matter how many lies it takes. While your at it you figure why not involve more people in this and say all Chinese restaurants are run by Chinese people. Then to make the lies more convincing more lies are needed to be told to baffle people with BS until they don't even want to think about it. Thus in the end no one ever thinks about who really runs each Chinese restaurant and keeps to themselves and thinking the "managers" represent who actually runs things. Think back to the analogy KRS1 gave about McDonald's same shit.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on April 21, 2009 at 8:57pm
I wouldn't be suppressed at all if his IP traced back to an ADL or SPLC building.

Tweek I was one of the fist ones to say BAN him... Its a narrow road this type of thing you ether have to ban someone like this or confront them. Some people are not experienced enough to see what hes doing here and others don't know any better. Thats why its necessary to call a LIER a LIER and expose their shit for what it is. This type of lieing is effective to newbies because they are paranoid after learning the truth about 911 or the eugenicists and don't know who to trust. They also don't have the discernment to see that the whole zionist run it all is a red herring and is a perfect distraction.

Racism exists practically in all countries, but in certain places and situations it is especially common. Some of the very common reasons for racism to arise are fear or the need for a "scapegoat". If things are going badly many people’s natural reaction is to blame somebody else. This is exactly what often causes racism, if the unemployment is rising or the national economy is very weak, many people will look for a scapegoat to blame, and in most cases they will choose the people that they do not know, such as those with a different ethnical or cultural background.

Racism is caused by fear

In some cases racism can generate such an enormous amount of anger that it can cause a war. The thing that causes this anger is mainly fear. Fear that the stranger will take your house, your job, your wife. You don’t know who this stranger is, and he doesn’t know you. FEAR is exactly what this guy has and isn't smart enough to point the finger in the right place so he allows his not knowing to baffle himself shitless.
Comment by Rufus on April 21, 2009 at 6:37am
Alex Jones discussing Zionism!!

Alex Jones admits the Zionists are behind everything. So, TLS, does that make Alex a brain damaged racist fuck as well then?
Comment by TheLasersShadow on April 21, 2009 at 5:36am
Rufus has anyone told you in your life yet to EAT SHIT AND DIE!!

Hope i was the first... your just the type of asshole on this planet that enables the globalists to succeed. Do you have any clue how close we are to the fruition of their plans? And you keep spreading your horse shit around like this situation is going to go on forever. You truly are a brain damaged racist fuck.
Comment by Rufus on April 21, 2009 at 4:50am

Quotes frm you-tubers:

Alex Jones rants hysterically to protect his bosses. Try posting any comment on the main infowars site using the word 'wife'. You can't. Why not? Because...

Alex Jones' wife Violet Nichols is Jewish.

First of all, her real name is Kelly Rebecca Nichols. "Violet" is just her nickname.

Now here's the good part:

Her father's name is Edmund Lowe Nichols, and her mother's name is Sandra Heiligman Nichols.

"Lowe" and "Heiligman" are exclusively Jewish names. This means that both of Violet Nichols parents are Jewish, which means that she herself is Jewish.

Why is this relevent? Because as a tool of the NWO, Alex Jones' purpose is:

To disinform, to tell you what is the NWO and what is not.
To divert the blame to puppets and not puppeteers.
To keep the Jewish problem just an "anti-Semitic" issue.
To make you afraid, because 9 out of 10 of Alex Jones' shows are about how fucked up we are and how bad things are. The drama and the emotions catch a lot of people on it.
Comment by Rufus on March 19, 2009 at 9:07am
TLS. Have you never heard of sarcasm? As for the political sites I'm linked to, well, this struggle against Globalism is necessarily a struggle for National Freedom for all nations. I speak to Nationalists of every hue, some of whom ideologically I am whole-heartedly opposed to. There are very many nationalists who worship the Roytal family and can't see that they are a big part of the enemy. Any group of organised individuals has potential for steering in the right direction and helping to undermine the drive to Globalism. Differing on matters of ideology, religion, economics etc isn't reason enough to not speak to people who may be able to assist our common objective - Freedom.

Am I racially motivated? Only insofar as I can see that the massive propaganda from Hollywood is designed to mix all the races in order to destroy all cultures and national identities. I want to see a world where there are strong ethnically sound communities, with deep-rooted cultures and unique identities - not the One World Coca-Cola anti-culture where everyone looks, thinks, acts, consumes etc in an indistinguishable manner. It is a sign of the success of the Globalist One world propaganda that to belive in ANYTHING is an 'ism'!

Tweak. Good to talk with you again. I miss our banter, although getting called a Nazi all the time was a bit annoying. I know how you feel about being labelled. Sections of the nationalist crowd have labelled me a Communist because I oppose Capitalism, a Jewish plant because I oppose Zionism, but respect Torah and atheist Jews, a Papist because I believe the Church of England to be a Satanic cult, an Internationalist because I want to see the end of all empires so all peoples can live in freedom, a Socialist because I favour redistribution of property, a closet Muslim because I oppose the occupation of Palestine, an animal rights freak because I campaign against vivisection/halal/kosher cruelty, a traitor to my country because I oppose the wars of conquest and aggression being fought using the British military. Funny how people insist on trying to stick labels on everyone isn't it?

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