America Experiences A Second Chance After November 2nd

With more than 600 state legislative seats that were lost by Democrats, 11 Republican governors elected, and Democrats losing more than 60 seats in Congress, you would think that would be enough. Yet, our single dimensional, forever liberal, state media refuses to acknowledge the implications of such a huge Democrat defeat. They continue to praise the fact that such crooks as Harry Reid, Barney Franks, and Barbara Boxer remained undefeated.

The US news media is bought off, silenced, and serves as a lap dog for the Obama administration. The illusion of freedom of the press as guaranteed by our forefathers, who signed the Constitution is all that exists, a shadow of its once former self. The Soviets had Pravda and Tass state news agencies, we have MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, and CNN-only a facsimile of real time, honest, news reported with integrity. The powers that be, the multinational corporations, the corrupt politicians who have sold us out, and the liberals who further the cause of socialism within our American society are all hammering away at our freedoms, or should I say, what's left of them. They can't leave the lives of millions of free, peace loving, and independent citizens alone. They have to micro manage our lives. They have to have a perverse control over us because they know better than we do what's good for us, or so they think.

As you go about your business worried about groceries, rent, and car payments, watching your ballgames, gulping down your beer, and expressing your disdain for anything or anyone political, your liberties are being ripped to shreds by billionaires like George Soros who hate you and the American way of life. These moguls, who see themselves as masters of the human race absolutely count on you to go on ignoring what's happening in the world, and ignoring your patriotic duty to get involved in the system and at least cast your ballot. You know why? They want you to sit back uncommitted to the future of your country and civilization as a whole, and allow them to keep disintegrating the very freedoms you once took for granted as you sit on your butt, stare at the TV, and merely complain about the way things are going as power mad brokers slice this world into ever thinner pieces for you and everyone else to survive on, and they do it with your blessings as long as you refuse to see it, refuse to act on it, and refuse to educate yourself about what is really going on.

The liberals would have you believe that you should apologize for America, that the price paid for freedom by our military is unimportant and that they deserve no respect. Liberals would have you believe that there is no need for God in our society, they encourage abortion, they want children educated on how to use condoms, they don't care if our borders are defended against terrorists or trespassers who commit crimes and sell drugs, and they want illegal aliens to have rights, education, and welfare that even you and I can't get from the federal government, and we're citizens. This is the liberal agenda. Tear down everything that stands for truth, justice, and honor in our formerly great nation, and let the radicals, welfare recipients, illegal aliens, and convicted criminals have amnesty and their way while the honest, hard working people of America support them and go unprotected from these types. This is the policy of your federal government!

You have been tricked into laughing at and criticizing conservatives who have worked themselves to death trying to keep your country from falling into the hands of socialists like Jim Demint, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck. You have been told by the liberal media that these people are crazy. Yet, where has our country gone in the hands of the liberals in the last 24 months? To hell! When will you wake up? When will you decide that you have had enough?

Charlie Rangel, the convicted tax cheat, who has controlled fiscal policy for the Democrats for decades has now proposed a bill for a civilian military force that will be just as big as our armed forces. This will not be a citizens militia of minute men. This will be a political organization with teeth. They will indoctrinate the young. They will mobilize the leftist factions who hate the American heritage and use them to fight citizens who do not agree with them. People like you and I that want freedom, who don't need big government, who don't want more taxes, who see the conspiracies that are going on and robbing us of our liberties.

Anyone remember history? Do you remember the Red Guard in China under Mao? Do you remember the Hitler youth who turned in their parents and sent them to jail? DO you remember the German SS? They were the largest civilian armed force in history and committed the worst atrocities ever recorded for political purposes. The Communists used them, the fascists used them, and now Obama's youth is training, mesmerized by propaganda to attack the decent and God fearing among us, those who are patriots. They want you out of the way!

There is only one thing that stands between the take over of America and our freedom. That's you, and your apathetic attitude. No one will do it for you just as no one did it for the colonists in 1773 who took on the the most fearsome army in the world, the British. They knew if they failed, they would be hanged as traitors by the Royal Crown. All you have to do is get off your lazy butt, vote, go to a few Tea Party rallies, get educated about your Constitution, and how it protects your rights from being stolen by your very own government, and take up the cause of freedom right here in your own back yard.
Is that really so hard?

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