All it took was quite easy for the propagandists who wanted to rule America under collectivist policy, and that was the mere exclusion of the truth. In order to do so they needed to change the narrative without the public’s knowledge and in a matter of time, the low information voter would lead the charge to the bottom of the gorge. Like Lemmings on a full tilt sprint to the edge of the cliff, Americans embraced the lies of our major news corporations and then of the social media platforms of the internet and the downfall of America was ensured.
Norman Dodd uncovers that It all began early
Even before America’s entry into the first world war in 1917 already the major, trusted, educational charitable trusts were involved in a push to use the classroom as a tool for programming a child’s mind, consistent with the work of John Dewey hailed by modern day educators. Once again, within our corrupt institutions, those with sinister intentions are the ones we find hero worshipped. Dewey was the first advocate for allowing the state to come into the classroom and brainwash the children into ideological orientation that was in direct opposition to American exceptionalism.
A non-war time panic
As the decades progressed only later did we find that certain pivotal moments in history were really social experiments. Take for instance the Orson Welles Fireside Theater radio play, H.G. Wells “War of the Worlds”. Martians land in New Jersey and their cylindrical shaped crafts begin entering earth’s atmosphere all over the world as an extraterrestrial invader threatens the existence of mankind. Even though the realistic and dramatic broadcast was announced as a fictional play several times throughout, it sounded so much like a real time report that thousands of people went into a nationwide panic. It wasn’t until decades later that the true agenda behind that 1938 Halloween evening radio program had been to sample just what it would take to stir mass hysteria, and just how easily it actually did happen.
Creating a psychological disorder
Following the release of the same named book, “The Three faces of Eve” Joanne Woodward stars in a mystery, drama, that is a supposedly a true story about a woman with a multiple personality disorder. Yet, according to Alistair Cooke who narrates the film, it was a reasonable facsimile, which could lead the writers to do just about anything to the actual story. Never was there such a disorder known to psychologists prior to the book or the movie, but soon afterward patients began to pour into doctor’s offices complaining of these bizarre symptoms. Once again, the power of suggestion easily overwhelms rational thought. Once again, this movie and book release were intentional social experiments!
Abduction mania!
There are only two known cases of supposed “Alien Abduction” officially reported prior to Whitley Strieber’s fictional book “Communion” as well as “The Majestic” both dealing with secret UFO influence within the government, the military, and that massive abductions occur. The case of Betty and Barney Hill, the couple who while driving in White Mountains of New Hampshire on a seemingly normal evening encountered lost time, nightmares, and then a hypnotic regression with Dr. Benjamin Simon revealed that an alleged alien abduction had taken place. The book by John Fuller was released “Interrupted Journey” later a made for TV movie starring James Earl Jones as Barney Hill that was broadcast to national TV audiences.
Nonfiction really?
The only other such known incident occurred in 1957 with Antonio Villas Boas in Brazil, predating the 1961 Betty and Barney Hill abduction. Neither of these events seemed to have had much to do with creating an alien abduction syndrome that simply had not become a craze until author, Whitley Strieber’s books, and the follow up movie starring Christopher Walken came to the theaters and began a sensation. Strieber would later admit that indeed the whole alien abduction theme was a social experiment even though he claimed his book “Communion” was a non-fiction account.
When lies substitute for truth
These events have had a lasting effect on American society, and if anything, from a military intelligence aspect, prove how easily the human mind can be manipulated and how an alternative truth can be implanted that influences the masses. The same has been achieved in the present politically in the siege of the American Constitutional Republic, as repeated lies and propaganda have resulted in Americans actually contributing willingly to their own demise by allowing a lawless government to openly violate their rights! Through classroom omission of history and the sanction of opposing ideology to American exceptionalism, to the US mainstream media doing the bidding of our Communist enemies abroad, through outright lies or to simply refusing to cover news events that contradict their agenda of deception, the damage was has been achieved!
Happening right now!
America has been largely overwhelmed by an alternative reality much like the “Matrix” movies where a government controls the population through an electronic alternate reality that is nothing like the truth, but is incredibly effective in hiding government corruption and intimidating the masses into blind compliance. Only those who dare to oppose this insidious violation of the truth with their electronically screened version of propaganda become the enemy, the terrorists, the villains, who must be crushed! Aren’t we in a genuine such scenario right now with the constant lies of the Biden Administration as they brazenly seek to destroy this nation even with the populace largely against their agenda and the conservative movement in an existential war for our country’s future?
"Destroying the New World Order"
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