By Kelleigh Nelson
July 29, 2010

The Polio Vaccine Contamination with SV-40

Most Americans do not remember what a horror the polio epidemic was upon America. In the early 50s, over 33,000 Americans fell crippled or died slow, terrible deaths from polio each year. It was a virus spread casually that infected the lining of the intestines, then the blood stream, and finally the nervous system where it destroyed the victim’s brain stem. The search for a polio vaccine became a national scientific effort supported by very powerful political forces. As a virus, it did not respond to antibiotics as bacteria do, so a vaccine was needed to stop the crippling and killing.

American scientist Jonas Salk came forward with a new idea to eliminate all three strains of polio. He would grow the live virus in a lab and then kill the virus and inject the dead virus into children. Being dead, they could not produce, but would create antibodies against the virus. Thus the immune system would be armed against polio.

Bernice Eddy was a bacteriologist at the NIH (National Institute of Health) and was told to safety-test the new vaccine. What she found was that the virus in the vaccine was not dead but still alive and able to breed. When she tried it on her monkeys, they were paralyzed. She sent pictures and warned the NIH.

Several prominent physicians stepped into the fray to state the vaccine was safe. One of these doctors was Dr. Alton Ochsner who was Dr. Mary Sherman’s boss. To demonstrate his faith in the vaccine, Dr. Ochsner inoculated his own grandchildren with it. The mass inoculation proceeded on schedule and within days children fell sick from polio, some crippled, and some died. Ochsner’s grandson died of polio and his granddaughter was crippled with it. The director of the NIH resigned, the Secretary of Health resigned, it was a huge failure by public health.

A second safer vaccine was later developed and deployed by Albert Sabin and it used a weakened live virus. Everyone thought this would be safe. Bernice Eddy was removed from the polio studies, despite the fact that she was the one that warned them prior to the fiasco. She was transferred to the influenza section where she met Sarah Stewart who proved that some cancers were caused by viruses as well as discovery of DNA recombination, which is a powerful tool in medical research today.

In 1957 Stewart and Eddy discovered the polyoma virus, which produced several types of cancer in a variety of small mammals. Polyoma proved that some cancers were caused by viruses. This started the study of cancer virology. This same polyoma virus acted very much like Simian Virus # 40, a monkey virus that caused cancer.

The polio vaccine’s manufacturers had grown their polio viruses on the kidneys of monkeys. When they removed the polio virus from the monkeys’ kidneys, they also got a number of the monkeys’ unknown viruses. Eddy was afraid they’d inoculated an entire generation of Americans with cancer-causing monkey viruses. She was right and in October of 1960 gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society saying they had found the polio vaccine was infected with cancer causing viruses, SV-40. From 1954 to 1963, almost every dose of polio vaccine produced in the world was given to 98 million Americans and was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus from the monkey kidneys used to develop the vaccine.

Instead of sounding the alarm, the NIH took away her lab and destroyed Eddy’s career. Studies were repeatedly dismissed by federal health officials, so no warning was given to consumers. Other researchers found the same thing, albeit the SV-40 did not cause cancer in the host (the monkeys), but what about a primate who had not been exposed to it previously? When clean African monkeys were infected with SV-40, all of them developed cancer. The political insiders already knew this, but had not announced it. The public was not told. In 1961 one of Eddy’s co-workers published a paper that stated the polio vaccine was contaminated with live SV-40. A couple of very back page articles appeared in the New York Times with a mention of a possibility of cancer in the vaccine. None of the Salk or Sabin vaccines that were contaminated with SV-40 were recalled. They sat on shelves and were used until they were gone.

But back to Dr. Mary Sherman who worked for Dr. Ochsner. Mary Sherman was murdered on 21st July 1964. She had been stabbed in the heart, arm, leg and stomach. Her mattress had been set on fire, but her massive burns could not have come from the smoking mattress. The crime has never been solved. Edward Haslam published “Dr. Mary’s Monkey,” in 2007 and argues that Dr. Alton Ochsner organized “one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up.” Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited the brilliant researcher and physician Mary Sherman to run the research operation. The project was set up 23 March 1962 and Dr. Sherman was allegedly involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccines contaminated with SV-40.


Dr. Eddy’s forecasted epidemic has come true. In a 1994 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the front page of USA Today stated, “Baby boomers are much more likely to get cancer than their grandparents were at the same age.” They even stated that men born between 1948 and 1957 have three times as much cancer as those born in the late 1800s.

These affected Americans are the baby boomers who were inoculated with the polio vaccine. The polio epidemic caused 33,000 cases a year at its height. Compare that to the number of cancer cases in 1994, 182,000 new cases of breast cancer, 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and 500,000 new cases of lung cancer. The increase in any one of these diseases in the years since 1985 when baby boomers that were inoculated turned about age 40 was greater than the entire polio epidemic at its peak. Increase in soft tissue cancers is at 50%, this includes skin at 70%, lymphoma at 60%, prostate at 60%, and breast at 34%.

There is abundant evidence of a variety of simian viruses found in the human blood supply. The DNA from SV-40 is repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors. Former virologist, John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., said, “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine.” This vaccine was given to millions of American and European children. SV-40 has been discovered in tumors of children never inoculated with the vaccine leading most scientists to believe it is genetically passed.

Researchers have found SV-40 in 45% of the seminal fluid samples and 23% of the blood samples from healthy donors. That meant that SV-40 could have been spreading through sexual activity, from mother to child, or by other means which could explain how those never inoculated with the contaminate vaccine could pass it on or infect their children and grandchildren.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer. Few human cases were reported before the 1950s, but its incidence has been increasing steadily, reaching several thousand cases a year in the United States by 1988. Studies had linked mesothelioma to asbestos exposure – with tumors usually appearing many decades later. Yet 20% of victims had no asbestos exposure. One of the researchers decided to test 48 human mesotheliomas stored at the NIH. He was stunned to find that 28 of them contained SV-40.

The final and most horrific part of the story reports that Lederle Laboratories, the sole oral vaccine supplier in the U.S. from 1977 onward, continued to use monkey kidneys possibly infected by the SV-40 virus in its manufacturing process until oral polio vaccine was removed from the market as late as January 2000.

So, the damage from the vaccine for polio has had a widespread effect on all of the population and my mind immediately thinks of the elite and powerful who believe in population control. Why didn’t they stop the inoculations? Why wasn’t the public warned? Why didn’t they find a better way to grow the vaccine without the contamination from Rhesus monkeys? Why wasn’t a vaccine against SV-40 found as soon as possible? As the inoculated baby boomer population ages, and their immune systems become compromised, SV-40 is most likely to step in and give them some form of cancer.

The impetus for these series of articles started originally with an e-mail from a friend who reads NewsWithViews by asking me if AIDS was manmade. I believe at the time I answered her by telling her I didn’t know. However, having said that, AIDS like SV-40 comes “allegedly” from monkeys. Many believe, especially in the black community, that AIDS was developed by the CIA to rid the world of undesirables.

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I doubt we’ll ever know the truth of the inception of AIDS, but with the knowledge of what has happened with other epidemics and vaccines, and the governments’ penchant for experiments on the population; we certainly can have our doubts. The next part of the article will cover the Plutonium experiments during the cold war and answer the question as to why the Amish are so much healthier than the “general” population seems to be. For part one click below.

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